Both parents were extremely stricted to me and my sister but treated my younger brother like he was nonexistent. They've relaxed on their rules after learning that my younger sister was a huge sports nerd. She would stay out late at night playing whatever sports with her friends. I just ended up laying on my bed for the past 21 years... It's what they wanted though.
Maybe your father sensed the 'prostitutenimo' running through your veins?My dad was strict in a weird sense. Like I was allowed to go on a week long school trip to Prague at 14 even though he knew Czech Republic is full of prostitutes and all kind of sex orgies. But then he was very anal about what time I could come home on week days.
Maybe your father sensed the 'prostitutenimo' running through your veins?
Both parents were extremely stricted to me and my sister but treated my younger brother like he was nonexistent. They've relaxed on their rules after learning that my younger sister was a huge sports nerd. She would stay out late at night playing whatever sports with her friends. I just ended up laying on my bed for the past 21 years... It's what they wanted though.
tbh my dad is a lot more strict than my mom. one day he showed up to school being overdramtic bc one of the neighbors said their kids and i were at school for an afternoon movie thingy and he got pissed. hes done it before at an actual amc but we found out early enough and waited for him at the parking lot to avoid the embarrassment. all this and he boasts about how he used to love going to the movies with his friends in somali. he wont let us get piercings and even tho my sis owns a cat while living in her own place, he chides her for it (and if they come over he kicks the cat around muttering something about shes a jinn) you would think someone who read tolkien when he was 13 years old wouldnt be superstitious...
my mom is honestly super cool about a lot of things but for some things shes strangely harsh and strict.
Wallahi?My parents were laid back and never differentiated between my brothers and I. I don't remember ever having a curfew.
I had to argue with my parents for hours as a kid just to get a 15 min longer curfew