How to end qabilism

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I have an extreme solution to end qabilism for good...

Everyone must abandon their clan lineages. No one will ever claim that they're Isaaq, Daarod, Hawiye etc...

There has to be population transfers in order to make a homogeneous mixture of the former clans. This would not work if we still had areas under tribal control.

Create a new qabiil called Somali with it's own origin mythology and mythical heroic ancestors. No Arab origin nonsense (I think @Bahal can come up with some good ones)

Teach them to our children so they are raised knowing that they belong to the new Somali qabiil, and they will teach it to their children and so on.

After one or two generations no one will know about the old qabiils and will be united under the new qabiil.

This will usher in a new age of peace and prosperity for the Somali people. :rejoice:

What do you guys think?


Feel my D in her abs call me Abdi
The moment they drop Darood/Hawoye civilians in Gabiley region to take my land Jibril Abikor will kill them bila naxaris

Our ancestor didn't conquer and defend those fertile plains for no reason.:birdman:


Qabil is not really an issue, If u give ppl jobs, education and a life and teach them islam. It will slowly take a back seat.
Simply stop electing traitors and puppets because they are from your tribe, stop welcoming traitors like sharif sheikh in Mogadishu and defending them because he is your uncle
I think qabiil needs to be made obsolete or take a back seat. Through anti-discrimation laws, education and integration of different qabiils. It's won't be an easy task but not impossible either


Feel my D in her abs call me Abdi
Qaabil will remain till yawmul qiyamah inshallah.I just hope in Somaliland that the political parties move away from tribal alliances to actual ideological based parties


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
I am sick and tired of belonging to a group of people that are the laughing stock of the world.

What has qabiil ever brought the Somali people honestly? Are we powerful? Are we rich? Are we influential? Are we the envy of the Horn let alone the world?

The small ass average Midwestern tuulo I live in has a GDP 20x all of Somalia


43% of Somalis live on less than a dollar a day, 73% on less than $2


We have white people tryna stop of us butchering each other on the regular


Only 30% of Somalis have access to clean water


We have the third highest infant mortality rate in the world


A 60% unemployment rate


40% of Somalis are a drought away from starvation


77% of children do not attend even primary school


And we're refugees living in some foreign land where we are a fascist away from getting pogromed


I'm done being Somali

I am sick and tired of belonging to a group of people that are the laughing stock of the world.

What has qabiil ever brought the Somali people honestly? Are we powerful? Are we rich? Are we influential? Are we the envy of the Horn let alone the world?

The small ass average Midwestern tuulo I live in has a GDP 20x all of Somalia


43% of Somalis live on less than a dollar a day, 73% on less than $2


We have white people tryna stop of us butchering each other on the regular


Only 30% of Somalis have access to clean water


We have the third highest infant mortality rate in the world


A 60% unemployment rate


40% of Somalis are a drought away from starvation


77% of children do not attend even primary school


And we're refugees living in some foreign land where we are a fascist away from getting pogromed


I'm done being Somali

We've been fighting each other for centuries. As long as we keep these tribes we'll always be at risk for another civil war.
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