How to end qabilism

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There is no solution to erasing qabiil or qabyaalad. Unfortunately we are doomed to our own stupidity. I'd be shocked if things don't get worse.
la xalwo where's the optimism?

come on bruzurs
lol there isn't any bro. We'll have to accept what is going and at the very least NOT expect for things to get worse. Before you look at somalia, look at this website. See how people here rejoice and celebrate the deaths of other somalis because of clan.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
We've been fighting each other for centuries. As long as we keep these tribes we'll always be at risk for another civil war.

If we actually had something to show for it, id sort of understand it.

But this madness of doing the same thing over and over


I understand the people back home because they honestly don't know better, but I don't get people living comfy lives in the West going full clan warrior after escaping the shithole knowing their kids aren't gonna go hungry or die from easily preventable diseases.


Do you like being despised refugees? Do you like supporting your khat addicted relatives and sending them a few hundred bucks a month to survive? Do you like watching Somalis humiliated throughout the world?



not so sad after all
qabil is not the problem it's been around for centuries. the problem is that people allow injustice to happen and encourage it (well because everyone does it) if it wasn't qabiil I'm sure it would be something else like family ties. if other places didn't have rules to prevent things like nepotism and favoritism this corruption would be prevalent across the globe
whats that?

Somali's worst nightmare (the reason that made angry on Somali race for last 24 hours)
Project study integrating East African countries to begin in 9 months time
We are doomed and our stupid president is delaying the election


not so sad after all
Somali's worst nightmare (the reason that made angry on Somali race for last 24 hours)
Project study integrating East African countries to begin in 9 months time
We are doomed and our stupid president is delaying the election
I read it, I just don't get what exactly they're trying to do? like a single passport?
I read it, I just don't get what exactly they're trying to do? like a single passport?

"According to Ethiopian Ambassador to USA, Girma Biru, the project will be submitted for review within nine months.

He stated that the leaders have stressed the need for the support of the US government in implementing the project quickly.

During the discussion, Prime Minister Hailemariam Dessalegn said the complexity of the project should not delay the study as it is of vital importance to connect the countries in the region."


not so sad after all
"According to Ethiopian Ambassador to USA, Girma Biru, the project will be submitted for review within nine months.

He stated that the leaders have stressed the need for the support of the US government in implementing the project quickly.

During the discussion, Prime Minister Hailemariam Dessalegn said the complexity of the project should not delay the study as it is of vital importance to connect the countries in the region."

in other words ethiopia and kenya get a new coastline lol


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Ending poverty will end qabiil. Nobody has time for qabiil when you work a 9-5, send your kids off to school, and chill on the weekends.

Somali people back home do nothing all day but chew khat, talk qabiil, and occasionally kill each other over wells.
I read it, I just don't get what exactly they're trying to do? like a single passport?

No it is like EU in east Africa freedom of movement, but in reality it is bad for us as Somalis!! The Ethiopians are 90 millions and more, the rest of countries are Bantu people who share same race, religion. But us Somalis will get annexed by them or at least our demographic will change to Oromo and habashi
in other words ethiopia and kenya get a new coastline lol


Feel my D in her abs call me Abdi
Y'all a bunch of morons if you think there is anything you can do to completely dismantle this ancient tradition.But hey continue on with your hippy kumbaya delusions


not so sad after all
No it is like EU in east Africa freedom of movement, but in reality it is bad for us as Somalis!! The Ethiopians are 90 millions and more, the rest of countries are Bantu people who share same race, religion. But us Somalis will get annexed by them or at least our demographic will change to Oromo and habashi

that doesn't sound bad. there's no way they can unofficially annex it like that. I was more worried about and actual integration, because no country likes to be landlocked so we know how that turns out
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