How to get a Somali girl

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No. You're narrative is even more problematic. Its pretty much like a chimp smearing it's feces on a canvas and calling it art.

I acknowlege the multiplicity of experiences and diversity of Xalimos. You only focus on one story. I see no range in the types of stories you're presenting. And it appears you only have eyes for a 'certain type'. :confused:
And u put it all down to me being qashin as if that's the only way f
To get info about a group of people, because u think u attract what u are.
My narrative is real and you know it. I know you know it but you wanna minimize the damage as much as you can.

You only focus on how 99% of u marry faaarax, so i can also say your focus is on selected group as well.


Freedom of Speech
No it is because i spit fire like dragon and it goes against your xalimos are qwayns narrative. lol so u dont like it. U called me a rat that hangs in xaar.:mjlol:
Sxb life is too short to hate who cares how cheap a girl is thats trivial matters. Whether a random girl you don't know fucks a guy or not doesn't matter. That wont pay rent it wont feed me and it wont better me. Theres this one guy i knlw that went to jail that taught me a great lesson I would always worry about what other people thpught of me and one day he xame to me and said hey man we all breath the same walk the same and talk the same.

Put your hand on your heart. You feel your pulse? That pulse can stop any second man. Life is too short imagine your last minutes is calling some girl a on the internet?
Sxb life is too short to hate who cares how cheap a girl is thats trivial matters. Whether a random girl you don't know fucks a guy or not doesn't matter. That wont pay rent it wont feed me and it wont better me. Theres this one guy i knlw that went to jail that taught me a great lesson I would always worry about what other people thpught of me and one day he xame to me and said hey man we all breath the same walk the same and talk the same.

Put your hand on your heart. You feel your pulse? That pulse can stop any second man. Life is too short imagine your last minutes is calling some girl a on the internet?
Then i would die speaking facts. Good way to go if u ask me.


Freedom of Speech
Only wasted somali girls from ldn. I have realised somali girls from ldn are just horrible ceeb wallahi the rest of the world somali girls are not disgusting
I learnt in Jail that worrying about a whole race is putting a lot of excess weight on your back. If you succeed as a person then it wont matter how waste your people are


Freedom of Speech
True say. But we can't let these somali girls run wild.
And i completely agree. We as a people failed we need to lay in a foundation for the next generation. In most cases the generation before us left nothing for us and thats the sad truth. All we can do is get our education and try and make a change with the next generation. Get them into sports let them have a job get them off the streets.

Our success is crucial in the next generation of Somalis success


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
And u put it all down to me being qashin as if that's the only way f
To get info about a group of people, because u think u attract what u are.
My narrative is real and you know it. I know you know it but you wanna minimize the damage as much as you can.

You only focus on how 99% of u marry faaarax, so i can also say your focus is on selected group as well.

Ninyahow, I didn't call you qashin even though you downvoted my post. I like to focus on Xalimos that are relatable. Trust me, I see things in public that are unpleasant to the eye but I change my line of sight and don't dwell on it. If I heavily disapprove of something I won't circulate it nor talk about it much.
:siilaanyolaugh: Anywho, you would rather focus on a chick with too much water retention in her hips that videos herself doing the splits.
Yep should have said not all of them but a lot are like this no lie and can't forget them self hating claiming half Yemeni shit pisses me off
How dare you say that?
They are clearly half Yemeni.
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