HSM sends message to Muse Bihi, Deni


HSM is a clown only sees irirism interest and neglecting his constitutional duty that he is recognized with. He only sees 1 dimension harti vs isaaq, not political dimension somalia iyo anti somalia.

Their not fighting over water wells waryaa where he can play middle ground, his own govt can lose recognition if he doesnt stand up with SSC who is defending the constitution of Somalia as PL/SSC can say u have failed in your constitutional task of protecting somalia border and also advice the international community that ur no longer veste with federal govt status.

HSM can play his irir interest but not outside the constitution and it's border preservation.
This neutrality he’s playing at between dowlad gobaleed is unwelcome. He’s slapping both children when only one is making a fuss in the north under the guise of extensions being met with resistance.


This neutrality he’s playing at between dowlad gobaleed is unwelcome. He’s slapping both children when only one is making a fuss in the north under the guise of extensions being met with resistance.
He mentions both an extension but also no agreement on elections 5 months before and trying to force it late.

The first is Muse Bihi’s predicament and the second is Deni.

HSM says he’ll agree the elections process years before unlike them and not stay a day longer


@bidenkulaha During the rebel era, their was only political dimension to replace the govt, even siyad targetting of rebel groups had political dimension but in 91 you guys introduced a clan dimension where ppl were no longer fighting for govt, till today that legacy remains you haven't changed or tried to fix your mess but only adding to it.

HSM is continuing such legacies not seeing political dimension in SSC and SL which PL has wisely.


He’s more democratic than I’d like to admit. The xildhiban refused his extension. So it’s reassuring that he plans to uphold the democracy.
He could get it by paying them off. Parliament is never a problem in Somalia. The issue is like he said there’d be armed mucaarad and fighting over it. So wouldn’t even be in his interest like Muse Bihi has shown


@bidenkulaha Weji Siyasadeed buu laha waqtiga jabhada up untill siyad was overthrown and then in 91 chaos wuxu isku badelay weji beeleed, looting, civilian massacre, land expansion, squatting illa manta tarikhdasi ayaa dalka yaal. War qaybta aad ka lee dahay dalka burburkeeda waa inaad qaadatan. PL waa aqbalay qaybteeda inay abuureen jabhad era against siyad even tho weji siyasadeed uu laha keliya and they wanted to govern only.
He could get it by paying them off. Parliament is never a problem in Somalia. The issue is like he said there’d be armed mucaarad and fighting over it. So wouldn’t even be in his interest like Muse Bihi has shown
Bro parliament u have now is not parliament u wait and see one man vite than real parliament will come. Lets not be in bury. Remeber if election hold pple will do alot acountability with their mp now pple cant do it that is why mps arenot active that is perspective u a are missing one man one vote will be game changer man


Bro parliament u have now is not parliament u wait and see one man vite than real parliament will come. Lets not be in bury. Remeber if election hold pple will do alot acountability with their mp now pple cant do it that is why mps arenot active that is perspective u a are missing one man one vote will be game changer man
I agree that when ppl vote for their MPs there’ll be a bit more accountable.

But many countries with elected MPs still suffer from corrupt and weak parliamenta


Bro parliament u have now is not parliament u wait and see one man vite than real parliament will come. Lets not be in bury. Remeber if election hold pple will do alot acountability with their mp now pple cant do it that is why mps arenot active that is perspective u a are missing one man one vote will be game changer man

I know hags say your tiny in comparison to them but u r their curad. Kheyre proved to be the best thing to come out of hawiye post 91. U guys don't seem to be extreme 'xaan cuna madness of abgaal' and HG 'phobia of darod' doing sixir to them even if they say war qaata bahasha.

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I agree that when ppl vote for their MPs there’ll be a bit more accountable.

But many countries with elected MPs still suffer from corrupt and weak parliamenta
. Bro
I know hags say your tiny in comparison to them but u r their curad. Kheyre proved to be the best thing to come out of hawiye post 91. U guys don't seem to be extreme 'xaan cuna madness of abgaal' and HG 'phobia of darod' doing sixir to them even if they say war qaata bahasha.

Explore Where Are They GIF by Bachelor in Paradise
I think u are too much generalising kkk. I like AAW IF IT WAS ONE MAN ONE VOTE I COULD EVEN VOTE FOR HIM AND HE IS HG.
KKK ironical @bidenkulaha doesnot like AAW.
@bidenkulaha . U think i will hate any one if he is hg nope. Bro kkkk.
Walahi i think aaw is a good guy walahi i know lots of murisade who like him i am not kiding u see murusade arent hateful pple like u hg. Atleast we are open minded
I mean as a general clan rule 99%, clans have general rules like maxamud saleban trinity madness.
Bro abgaal are the largest clan of hawiye if maxmimum 9% of entire somali population so technical its meaningles kkk this ladhere thing no clan has even one man one vote u need support from many clans.


@calasowcalasowcalasow@gma wax yaalo waa laga siman yahay as Somali leadership wise

1. Personal interest of leaders to Develop CV, Personal Hanti. Since 4.5 eliminated giving all jobs to a family, clan they don't tend to do this.
2. Leave behind a project for their region

All clans operate with such philosophy when in Power except Abgaal who just 100% personal xaa cuna usually leaves nothing la taban karo(tangible) for abgaal. HG 99% are in darod phobia. Plus marehan wont either do anything 4 its tol or even leaders the least corrupt clan in Somalia by far.
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@calasowcalasowcalasow@gma wax yaalo waa laga siman yahay as Somali leadership wise

1. Personal interest of leaders to Develop CV, Personal Hanti. Since 4.5 eliminated giving all jobs to a family, clan they don't tend to do this.
2. Leave behind a project for their region

All clans operate with such philosophy when in Power except Abgaal who just 100% personal xaa cuna usually leaves nothing la taban karo(tangible) for abgaal. HG 99% are in darod phobia. Plus marehan wont either do anything 4 its tol or even leaders.
I got u point bro..
But stil even though that is the track record for abgaal and hiraab. But stil i open minded person i wont rush into conclusion remember indivuals differ to much generalisation not good we need to analys person to his own uniqueness not clan biase


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