HSM sends message to Muse Bihi, Deni


@LEThimCOOK Taiwan or un-recognized, self declared states can only recognize SL becuz their not nation states in UN or any legal body which we can take to court, waa labo qaawan is-aqoonsaday.

But as for the UN/AU member states, sharci ayaa uu yaal plus the international courts to preserve their internal sovereignty and borders and other member state right. Don't worry about such shit, have they stopped the 'waana la aqoonsaday' crusade on social media or news or their still carrying on like monkeys? waa dad waalan aduunkani kama tirsana, wax kasto waa loo aqrin kara and they come running with it to meelaha ragga wa-wayn fadhiya, waxa nasib daro ah dadka uu dhimanayo SL over something that will never happen legally for SL, maba ahan wax surtogal ah wayna uu dhimanyan when they should be uprising to their leaders to stop lying to them and sending them to their death in goojacade, wa masuliyad xumo runti
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@LEThimCOOK Taiwan or un-recognized, self declared states can only recognize SL becuz their not nation states in UN or any legal body which we can take to court, waa labo qaawan is-aqoonsaday.

But as for the UN/AU member states, sharci ayaa uu yaal plus the international courts to preserve their internal sovereignty and borders and other member state right. Don't worry about such shit, have they stopped the 'waana la aqoonsaday' crusade on social media or news or their still carrying on like monkeys? waa dad waalan aduunkani kama tirsana, wax kasto waa loo aqrin kara and they come running with it to meelaha ragga wa-wayn fadhiya, waxa nasib daro ah dadka uu dhimanayo SL over something that will never happen legally for SL, maba ahan wax surtogal ah wayna uu dhimanyan when they should be uprising to their leaders to stop lying to them and sending them to their death in goojacade, wa masuliyad xumo runti
What about South Sudan and Kosovo? The world powers don't want the balkanization of Somalia, hadii kale mar hore SL would be independent.


What about South Sudan and Kosovo? The world powers don't want the balkanization of Somalia, hadii kale mar hore SL would be independent.

South sudan only got recognized after the North let them go, same with Eritrea with Ethiopia. U simply can't violate existing member state right in the UN and their border intergrity nor internal sovereignty, as their is an international court that all of them can access and punish such country. The goal post in Somalia is a 1 somalia model, what dimension it takes within that goal post is up to them only not outside of it. I don't agree with the goal post itself and would prefer mini djibouti, but I also know that's not the reality on ground or in international rules based system. I wouldn't send puntites to war and die over such thing as SL nor lie to them and put them in a social sixir about my vision and disregarding the reality.

I only promote to puntites a slow, incremental federal merge that is carefully reviewed over 100 years for public/international confidences, rule of law, security, socio economic development, good governance in the south a 'rational merge' untill such time a hybrid federalism structure like hong kong/china with lots of autonomy or confederation and making the SFG just xaflad jog with no vested powers and this works within 1 somalia goal post.

The SFG has proven why centralism doesn't work with their current vested powers leading to incompetence, low public/international confidence, corruption, abuses all the symptoms PL preach will happen from centralism due to historical experiments kacaan/civilian and witnessed even today with the SFG power abuses over it's current tasks, ma awoodo kale ayaa loogu dari kara?
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