HSM sends message to Muse Bihi, Deni


I got u point bro..
But stil even though that is the track record for abgaal and hiraab. But stil i open minded person i wont rush into conclusion remember indivuals differ to much generalisation not good we need to analys person to his own uniqueness not clan biase

When u look at individual u need to look at 'shurud' of competent leaders qualities from the past and create a list and weight and calculate a score and total.

1. Can transfer power like Aden Adde by lookin where they transfer power in previous positions locally-regionally-federally ama hadu dagaal meel ka kiciyay beware

2. Has philosophy and aragti and political program broken down over 5 years and yearly and monthly goals like Abdillahi Yusuf or Siyad or else he will be xaan cuna, personal status, ama lug guyo to some other leader personal interest hadusan meel ku 'gowracsanayn' he will only come to power for other reasons.

3. Have the attributes of Sharif to let his PM deliver govt tasks. If he cant have aragti on PM(conflict) he has no aragti 4 somalia.

4. Personal life success, community, workplace, academic achievements

5. Public Charisma status like Farmajo but inside his workplace, community, region

6. Diplomacy skill to navigate his politics with other politicians like Sharif Sakin

Shurudo badan buu lee yahay individual assessment which I think should be made into 'law' and all positions from lowest to highest in authority must be weighted and scored
When u look at individual u need to look at 'shurud' of competent leaders qualities from the past and create a list and weight and calculate a score and total.

1. Can transfer power like Aden Adde by lookin where they transfer power in previous positions locally-regionally-federally ama hadu dagaal meel ka kiciyay beware

2. Has philosophy and aragti and political program broken down over 5 years and yearly and monthly goals like Abdillahi Yusuf or Siyad or else he will be xaan cuna, personal status, ama lug guyo to some other leader personal interest hadusan meel ku 'gowracsanayn' he will only come to power for other reasons.

3. Have the attributes of Sharif to let his PM deliver govt tasks. If he cant have aragti on PM(conflict) he has no aragti 4 somalia.

4. Personal life success, community, workplace, academic achievements

5. Public Charisma status like Farmajo but inside his workplace, community, region

6. Diplomacy skill to navigate his politics with other politicians like Sharif Sakin

Shurudo badan buu lee yahay individual assessment which I think should be made into 'law' and all positions from lowest to highest in authority must be weighted and scored
But u see that can be only be applied by parties not by law.


@galhareeri Once we know the qualities of good and competent leadership the scoring stage is easy. For example

1. Philosophy and aragti and political program. Weightkisa waa 30% of all shurud scores. If he scored 9/10. Then in total he will get 90% of 30% of total score let say 100 plus whatever he scored in other shurudo and their weight. U can then do the same with all the other shurudo.
@galhareeri Once we know the qualities of good and competent leadership the scoring stage is easy. For example

1. Philosophy and aragti and political program. Weightkisa waa 30% of all shurud scores. If he scored 9/10. Then in total he will get 90% of 30% of total score let say 100 plus whatever he scored in other shurudo and their weight. U can then do the same with all the other shurudo.
But bro that can only be applied by the party to tbeir leadership stracture. Remeber that


But bro that can only be applied by the party to tbeir leadership stracture. Remeber that

HSM and many so called leaders are more 'workers' quality or low level management no joke. A true leader over-sees his aragti/vision and then delegates nidamka ama policies needed, before it's delegated to implementation lifecycle, and then their is a final review stage to collect,record successes/challenges for future policy ama nidaam input.

A true leader has to have some rabbani or genetic gift to be honest or their justs workers in leadership position. U cant have a worker quality in such role if the aragti/philosophy n program is wrong due to lack of leadership skill, everything after it will also fail.
Abgaal although a little corrupt produces the best leaders hawiye has to offer. If he was HG he would’ve declared SL an independent country due to Irirsim not HSM tho, he’s abgaal he wants to rule the whole Somali peninsula which I respect :salute:
HSM and many so called leaders are more 'workers' quality or low level management no joke. A true leader over-sees his aragti/vision and then delegates nidamka ama policies needed, before it's delegated to implementation lifecycle, and then their is a final review stage to collect,record successes/challenges for future policy ama nidaam input.

A true leader has to have some rabbani or genetic gift to be honest or their justs workers in leadership position. U cant have a worker quality in such role if the aragti/philosophy n program is wrong due to lack of leadership skill, everything after it will also fail.
But leaders can be trained and groomed from early age mentorship and experiance and have good circle of friend who are highly succesful shapes u all the ways lets say 20 years is enough man .


Abgaal although a little corrupt produces the best leaders hawiye has to offer. If he was HG he would’ve declared SL an independent country due to Irirsim not HSM tho, he’s abgaal he wants to rule the whole Somali peninsula which I respect :salute:

A little is a stretch, the most corrupt clan by far in Somali context. Im talking about bad to worse scale as their no good. Most other clans eat a bit 4 themselves and personal interest, while leave something behind 4 tol whether projects, contracts, etc. Waxooda waa diversified, abgaal leaders r more just about himself 100%
A little is a stretch, the most corrupt clan by far in Somali context. Im talking about bad to worse scale as their no good. Most other clans eat a bit 4 themselves and personal interest, while leave something behind 4 tol whether projects, contracts, etc. Waxooda waa diversified, abgaal leaders r more just about himself 100%
Bro u know cali mahdi that dude even took contract to deposit niclear waste on ocean i think it was 75 milion isd i watched in documentry😂😂.
Remeber qanyare at the time he was warlord he build airport at deynile u know that bro ..but stil i wont generalise abgaal man that is too naive for me to dot that 😂😂


Most Somali clans once in power motto diversify their interest not centralize

Dinner Table Eating GIF by Xyngular

Abgaal just 1 man takes it all not even clan

meal weeks GIF
A little is a stretch, the most corrupt clan by far in Somali context. Im talking about bad to worse scale as their no good. Most other clans eat a bit 4 themselves and personal interest, while leave something behind 4 tol whether projects, contracts, etc. Waxooda waa diversified, abgaal leaders r more just about himself 100%
They can be corrupt for all care tbh, I just want this country to exist until further notice. Most Hawiyes don’t care if Somaliland became a country which is a big indicator they know nothing about treason. Abgaal is different though, if there’s a man like HSM in charge I know Somaliland has no chance
Most Somali clans once in power motto diversify their interest not centralize

Dinner Table Eating GIF by Xyngular

Abgaal just 1 man takes it all not even clan

meal weeks GIF
Bro as i said this to u kkk i wont generalise but so far i will only raly behind good leaders from heridiid. Only .
But kheyre i am not a fan of him.
I want sth more than one person i want vision for .
Our clan bro intrest decades to come econmic intrest business wise. jobs for the youth security intrest alsp power sharing in the militry i mean represntation in the mikitry tp avoid mimitry coup by one clan. Also judicial system has to be fair to acoid sadbuursi like that i dont care which clan is the president as long as intrest of our clan is met i will suport that person all those thinks vision for the clan than from that i can negotiate with parties acording to the intrest of heridiid.
@Step a side come here
They can be corrupt for all care tbh, I just want this country to exist until further notice. Most Hawiyes don’t care if Somaliland became a country which is a big indicator they know nothing about treason. Abgaal is different though, if there’s a man like HSM in charge I know Somaliland has no chance
Stop generalisi g hawiye.
Hawiye on sspot is not reflection of average hawiye


@galhareeri a leader MUST be able to see what the 'future state' and 'existing state' and then road-map to transition, gaps, challenges, strengths, weaknesses opportunities, benefits, cost, return on investment, trade offs. U must be able to see this visually in your imagination and the challenges it may encounter and how you manuever it. You can't be a leader and test n try, u need good advisors not yes men but hard/frank advice or else your objectives may encounter problem plus they can provide input on how to get there and structures needed. U must always be given options a, b, c scenarios of your vision-aragti and then it must be graded itself.
@galhareeri a leader MUST be able to see what the 'future state' and 'existing state' and then road-map to transition, gaps, challenges, strengths, weaknesses opportunities, benefits, cost, return on investment, trade offs. U must be able to see this visually in your imagination and the challenges it may encounter and how you manuever it. You can't be a leader and test n try, u need good advisors not yes men but hard/frank advice or else your objectives may encounter problem plus they can provide input on how to get there and structures needed.
Bro i see u point but that cant hapen when pple like hsm are not their to do that🤣🤣.
Only their for their personal gain and wealth 😂😂
A little is a stretch, the most corrupt clan by far in Somali context. Im talking about bad to worse scale as their no good. Most other clans eat a bit 4 themselves and personal interest, while leave something behind 4 tol whether projects, contracts, etc. Waxooda waa diversified, abgaal leaders r more just about himself 100%
They can be corrupt for all care tbh, I just need this country to exist until we can fix it. Most Hawiyes don’t care if Somaliland were to become a country which is a big indicator they know nothing about treason. Abgaal is different though, if its a man like HSM in charge I know Somaliland going nowhere
Bro as i said this to u kkk i wont generalise but so far i will only raly behind good leaders from heridiid. Only .
But kheyre i am not a fan of him.
I want sth more than one person i want vision for .
Our clan bro intrest decades to come econmic intrest business wise. jobs for the youth security intrest alsp power sharing in the militry i mean represntation in the mikitry tp avoid mimitry coup by one clan. Also judicial system has to be fair to acoid sadbuursi like that i dont care which clan is the president as long as intrest of our clan is met i will suport that person all those thinks vision for the clan than from that i can negotiate with parties acording to the intrest of heridiid.
@Step a side come here

Xassan Macalin or Xassan Cali Kheyre will be the president next election inshaAllah.


They can be corrupt for all care tbh, I just need this country to exist until we can fix it. Most Hawiyes don’t care if Somaliland were to become a country which is a big indicator they know nothing about treason. Abgaal is different though, if its a man like HSM in charge I know Somaliland going nowhere

@Gadhwayne @Ismacilssc @Ozark dhegaha furo

HSM or any SFG leader isn't scared of SL recognition as Somalia has member state status in the AU/UN which gives all nation states legal rights over it's border, internal sovereignty. Any country who interferes and violates that can be taken to the I.C and the 'law' upheld and that nation punished. But the war happening now in Goojacade is SL is escalating a conflict heading nowhere politically for their 'aqoonsi' crap except to serve muse bihi interest to extend his govt term arguing thru 'national emergency'.
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