While your claims have some validity to them I don’t think there’s a willingness for direct military action in Somaliland even if the FGS had the capability of doing so, which means any agreement would be brokered at the negotiating table. Mogadishu will never recognize SL and the IC won’t either as long as Somalia continues to improve. I think that when faced with the prospect of decades in limbo both sides will try to come to some sort of agreement. The FGS main worry would be other regions demanding a similar arrangement (e.g., Puntland) so they would probably wait until they’ve been able to put the FMS in line before granting SLand such a concession.
I’m curious about Ethiopia’s perspective. It seems they’re banking on other countries recognizing SL (pretty unlikely) or for the Somali government to remain incompetent for the next few decades (more likely but hopefully not). Either way any Somali government with a modicum of competence would immediately torpedo that naval base ASAP with little to no pushback from the IC.
I don't agree with that. Mogadishu just lacks the capacity to reclaim the territory.
Whether other countries recognize SL just depends on a few factors, their strategic interests in Somaliland outweigh their interests in Somalia, or there isn't a massive penalty for recognizing Somaliland. I think Somalia is so weak that it Ethiopia could recognize Somaliland and still maintain interests in Somalia. Somalia has improved but it was starting from a low base. Countries are not judged on improvement but what they offer and what they can threaten to take away if their interests are threatened. Somalia spent 30 years away from the world scene, it doesn't control it's territory, it's government is extremely corrupt so it's not really offering much and it's not offering any real threat. Somalia made the MoU into a security issue so the west would step in and protect it's interests but it hasn't worked so far.