Huge extravagant wedding of singer Nasteexo disrupted by ex wife of the groom


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Maybe you cheating? Everything isn't about money you know.

You're working bringing in money.
She is working by raising kids.

Everyone is doing their part it seems.

So you flipped the script on me? :comeon:

Now I am the cheater? :ivers:
So you flipped the script on me? :comeon:

Now I am the cheater? :ivers:

I don't think you're a cheater nor her. I'm sure she is an honourable Xalimo and I'd like to think you wouldn't engage in that behaviour, although your lustful posts about white women is concerning.

I'm merely pointing out that suspicions without any foundation is illogical and from the shaitan that wants you to make rash decisions. Also, she might be feeling the exact same why you feel. Think about how you would react if she was harbouring those views.

Also, in life, i've noticed that those that get very suspicious of things like that are usually men who have either engaged in that lifestyle or are currently engaging in it. We often become anxious about things we do to others as we often believe that if we are capable of such actions then so is the other party. Its psychology 101. Its also one of the signs of a cheating partner.

Samaalic Era

Yup, she wants me to blindly trust without taking the necessary precautions.
The argument of @HalimaJ is the Sahaba but they lived under Islamic rule which stamped out zina, men lowered their gaze and women were fully covered and rarely left their homes.
Today in Somalia,ppl freemix, Islam is on the decline and no xishood or lowering ones gaze.
In that kind of environment, a Mumin would protect his wife by keeping her with her family.

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Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
There was a thread here I think by @Grigori Rasputin about a siju farax who wanted to bring his wife and child to the UK and found out through DNA tests, that it wasnt his son:damedamn:

It happened in Ohio not UK. The old head had the US government take 2 DNA for him. He paid both times only to admit that he was a truck driver back home. Meaning that he’d be gone for days and that probably the man next door screwed his wife in the meantime.

The argument of @HalimaJ is the Sahaba but they lived under Islamic rule which stamped out zina, men lowered their gaze and women were fully covered and rarely left their homes.
Today in Somalia,ppl freemix, Islam is on the decline and no xishood or lowering ones gaze.
In that kind of environment, a Mumin would protect his wife by keeping her with her family.

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No, my argument is that if you don't trust your partners morals then you should never have married them. Trust is the foundation of marriage.

Should his wife trust him blindly then? Considering he lives in a non Muslim country filled with degeneracy 10 times worse than Somalia?

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
War yaa what’s up with this hashtag that is in all your replies. I have been seeing it since yesterday.

Do you doubt the truth, Somalia commits filicide? You tell me what keeps happening. where’s those ladies who left Canada to do something in the hell-hole? Where they not dispatched to Aakhiro? What happened to the pious former Mayor ? What happened on October few years ago when 700 were at once dispatched to Aakhiro. What happened to the high flying young men who had a superb job in UAE and was in Mogadishu for few days before he was blown into smithereens


Samaalic Era

It happened in Ohio not UK. The old head had the US government take 2 DNA for him. He paid both times only to admit that he was a truck driver back home. Meaning that he’d be gone for days and that probably the man next door screwed his wife in the meantime.

Damn, I remember one you posted where this farax who had a wife in Kenya and he used to send $300 but the guy she was cheating with sent her husband a pic of them and she was complaining that he made her lose $300 monthly biil:gucciwhat:

Samaalic Era

No, my argument is that if you don't trust your partners morals then you should never have married them. Trust is the foundation of marriage.

Should his wife trust him blindly then? Considering he lives in a non Muslim country filled with degeneracy 10 times worse than Somalia?
No, never trust blindly. Only Allah swt is worthy of your blind trust


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
I don't think you're a cheater nor her. I'm sure she is an honourable Xalimo and I'd like to think you wouldn't engage in that behaviour, although your lustful posts about white women is concerning.

I'm merely pointing out that suspicions without any foundation is illogical and from the shaitan that wants you to make rash decisions. Also, she might be feeling the exact same why you feel. Think about how you would react if she was harbouring those views.

Also, in life, i've noticed that those that get very suspicious of things like that are usually men who have either engaged in that lifestyle or are currently engaging in it. We often become anxious about things we do to others as we often believe that if we are capable of such actions then so is the other party. Its psychology 101. Its also one of the signs of a cheating partner.

So what is the solution? I already had my heart broken by a cheater before, maybe thats why I am paranoid it might happen again. I already did what you were suggested once and almost never recovered from the pain.

Maybe thats why?

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
Damn, I remember one you posted where this farax who had a wife in Kenya and he used to send $300 but the guy she was cheating with sent her husband a pic of them and she was complaining that he made her lose $300 monthly biil:gucciwhat:

It is a fact that men who go back home to marry these young xaliimo gazelles will be devoured if they don’t play their cards right. One must realize that this ain’t no abt loyalty. It is about a trade off. Strictly business. Therefore a nacas will be taken advantage of. A Fariidad will install measures to out wit her by having relatives as spies as well as calling on random times and asking her to FaceTime him. He also needs to show up unannounced. Don’t ever tell her you’re on your way.



Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
The argument of @HalimaJ is the Sahaba but they lived under Islamic rule which stamped out zina, men lowered their gaze and women were fully covered and rarely left their homes.
Today in Somalia,ppl freemix, Islam is on the decline and no xishood or lowering ones gaze.
In that kind of environment, a Mumin would protect his wife by keeping her with her family.

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Yup, with internet access enabling women to cheat 10x more than before. Remember it is much easier for a woman to cheat than a man.

Samaalic Era

So what is the solution? I already had my heart broken by a cheater before, maybe thats why I am paranoid it might happen again. I already did what you were suggested once and almost never recovered from the pain.

Maybe thats why?
Thats hard to hear sxb. That would psychologically mess me up


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Thats hard to hear sxb. That would psychologically mess me up
Yup, good thing I didnt get to the point of marriage, still I was a simp to that woman I admit and fall in love to hard only to be betrayed :damn: imagine the shock. Thats why every simp must taste the bitter blackpill or forever remain a simp.

Thats why I am now very suspicious of women sir naaged lagama salgaaro.
So what is the solution? I already had my heart broken by a cheater before, maybe thats why I am paranoid it might happen again. I already did what you were suggested once and almost never recovered from the pain.

Maybe thats why?

I think you should move back home ASAP. Its probably hard not just for you, but her as well.

Also, if you really do feel the need to move her, then be diplomatic about it. Ask her how she feels about the matter and tell her that maybe it is better to live closer to family so she can get help and be around familiar people.

But honestly, you can't be punishing people due to your past traumas. You might not want to hear my advice, but most women would feel resentful if they found out their husband was suspicious and was making life changing decisions based on his past experiences with another woman. Every man isn't the same, but every woman certainly isn't as well.

You'll screw your happy marriage if you're constantly on the look out for doom. Just put your trust in Allah and really consider quitting Canada for good, if you're not okay with bringing her to the west. Part time marriages long term isn't fair for either party, even more so for her as she needs a full time husband and a full time dad for her kids. She is essentially living the single mother lifestyle, but with regular money coming in. Not enjoyable whatsoever.
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Yup, good thing I didnt get to the point of marriage, still I was a simp to that woman I admit and fall in love to hard only to be betrayed :damn: imagine the shock. Thats why every simp must taste the bitter blackpill or forever remain a simp.

Thats why I am now very suspicious of women sir naaged lagama salgaaro.

Sorry to hear this, but this has nothing to do with your current marriage, nor should you be thinking about it. I mean the woman was never your wife and had no obligations to be faithful to you.

Everyone has had their heart broken at one point. You're in a better place now and shouldn't give your past situationships a thought.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
I think you should move back home ASAP. Its probably hard not just for you, but her as well.

Also, if you really do feel the need to move her, then be diplomatic about it. Ask her how she feels about the matter and tell her that maybe it is better to live closer to family so she can get help and be around familiar people.

But honestly, you can't be punishing people due to your past traumas. You might not want to hear my advice, but most women would feel about resentful if they found out their husband was suspicious and was making life changing decisions based on his past experiences with another woman. Every man isn't the same, but every woman certainly isn't as well.

You'll screw your happy marriage if you're constantly on the look out for doom. Just put your trust in Allah and really consider quitting Canada for good, if you're not okay with bringing her to the west. Part time marriages long term isn't fair for either party, even more so for her as she needs a full time husband and a full time dad for her kids. She is essentially living the single mother lifestyle, but with regular money coming in. Not enjoyable whatsoever.

This is actually awesome advice, the problem is I need to create an income stream in Somalia as I dont want to rely on anyone. This is what I am currently working on but its hard as you have to send money whilstewhile. I am really trying my best though.

