I am anti-arab in Somali politics

f*ck oromo and afars as if arabs have shed somali blood like they have, we are not iranians and north africans to have this vitriol for arabs, we are an afterthought to them, why you hating them like they have conquered us
For Gods sakes I have vitrol for them funding al shabaab are you serious??? There is something wrong with the Arabs in the gulf and our Prophet Mohamed (pbuh) knew this. They took the religion and arabized it for their own ego. They are acting exactly like white supremacists did. Prophet Mohamed (pbuh) knew to send his people to E.A because of who we are as people. We are humble and we have to be in those elements to survive. Suffering humbles you and money is a test.

This oil money has gotten to some of their heads. And once the Oil runs out it is a wrap for them because everyone in the world now know how they act. They could've done business in East Africa but White people fear Black people and think we are savages, and chose the M.E and Asia, look at India and China. They are wealthier same with Taiwan (more than America), they don't have this prideful arrogance. They will never comeback from Oct 7th, they got away with Sept 11th. They kept invading and destroying poor nations like Afghanistan, Somalia, Syria when it has always been the Gulf.

Ask yourself why Saudia Arabia, Qatar, UAE etc don't have terrorist attacks? Look at what they did in Yemen. Worse than Palestine btw. These barbarians won't even rebuild Yemen, after destroying them.

WAKE UP!!!!!


heart is in Artsakh and Galbeed🇦🇲🇸🇴
Ask yourself why Saudia Arabia, Qatar, UAE etc don't have terrorist attacks? Look at what they did in Yemen. Worse than Palestine btw. These barbarians won't even rebuild Yemen, after destroying them.

WAKE UP!!!!!
Yemen is still being destroyed.Civil war between numerous different groups too many to count Saudi backed forces Al-Qaeda etc etc.Saying “worse than Palestine btw” is just weird this is not the humanitarian crisis olympics…
Yemen is still being destroyed.Civil war between numerous different groups too many to count Saudi backed forces Al-Qaeda etc etc.Saying “worse than Palestine btw” is just weird this is not the humanitarian crisis olympics…
You missed my point and I don't do oppression olympics. I am referring to the point of:

1. war and destruction
2. rebuilding

I said it is worse than Palestine because Palestine is still in a conflict, Yemen is not and has not went on to stage 2. That is what I mean is worse. They will never be rebuilt. The Yemen was is years old. That is my point.

The thing is Germany was industrialized, Yemen is similar to Somali people, Nomads not some army ready for war. Saudi claimed they were terrorist and had a war with them. They were sacrificed in this internal war between Sunni vs Shia. Palestinian were forced into Oct 7th. These young men and women don't know shit about no damn nakba and all this nonsense, they were told to go kill Israelis.

Example, they destroyed Germany and bombed it to the point nothing was left, and then rebuilt it to avoid Hitler 2.0. When Germany was destroyed in WW1 they left it ruins and that is what caused the insanity of WW2.

Case in point they will rebuilt Palestine to avoid another Hamas 2.0 from happening the problem is Palestine did not want to have this happen, it was a proxy from somewhere else that caused Oct 7th. They are saying it is Iran and perhaps I believe it. Palestine will get rebuilt wile Yemen won't because of who they share borders with. Why can't Saudi do that?

Somalia 1993 Black Hawk Down war was internal tribal politics not Somali hating America, you see how things can be spinned? The Un did want to help but they ran away because Aidid troops attacked them and take a guess who was behind that??? The Gulf!! Ghaddafi knew, Saddam knew, every leader knew it was the Gulf behind all of these issues screwing other Muslim nations over while kissing America. These people are the descendents of the Quresh.


heart is in Artsakh and Galbeed🇦🇲🇸🇴
. Palestinian were forced into Oct 7th. These young men and women don't know shit about no damn nakba and all this nonsense, they were told to go kill Israelis.
I get where you are coming from but f*ck’s this supposed to mean!?!? I’m confused the nakba isn’t nonsense?!?!


heart is in Artsakh and Galbeed🇦🇲🇸🇴
That profile pic is crazy, why can I see nigis
What’s Nigis?!?!?!



heart is in Artsakh and Galbeed🇦🇲🇸🇴
Go back to your jamila profile pic, she kinda looks like me mum, not miss kaastuumo
my pfp is of a kpop idol her name is kwon rise she passed away 10 years ago today after a car crash 💔💔💔💔my djamila pfp will return but not now :stressed:
For Gods sakes I have vitrol for them funding al shabaab are you serious??? There is something wrong with the Arabs in the gulf and our Prophet Mohamed (pbuh) knew this. They took the religion and arabized it for their own ego. They are acting exactly like white supremacists did. Prophet Mohamed (pbuh) knew to send his people to E.A because of who we are as people. We are humble and we have to be in those elements to survive. Suffering humbles you and money is a test.

This oil money has gotten to some of their heads. And once the Oil runs out it is a wrap for them because everyone in the world now know how they act. They could've done business in East Africa but White people fear Black people and think we are savages, and chose the M.E and Asia, look at India and China. They are wealthier same with Taiwan (more than America), they don't have this prideful arrogance. They will never comeback from Oct 7th, they got away with Sept 11th. They kept invading and destroying poor nations like Afghanistan, Somalia, Syria when it has always been the Gulf.

Ask yourself why Saudia Arabia, Qatar, UAE etc don't have terrorist attacks? Look at what they did in Yemen. Worse than Palestine btw. These barbarians won't even rebuild Yemen, after destroying them.

WAKE UP!!!!!
There were several terror attacks spanning the last decade in Saudi Arabia. Some happened others were prevented thanks to Saudi intelligence agency. Any captured suspects were brutally tortured then executed. The state is actively sniffing around for terrorists and especially dissidents online
I get where you are coming from but f*ck’s this supposed to mean!?!? I’m confused the nakba isn’t nonsense?!?!
You see this is the problem here, you are focusing on everything minor thing I say about Palestine because the media told you to focus on it. You interpret everything because you were programmed to focus on it. Even the slightest comment, when I said these kids do not care about nakba and this nonsense what I meant to say is simple:

A 16 year old is not going to want to go and kill and end up in jail or dead from conflict from 1948. Our Somali war was way more recent so let me as you:

Do you want to live a normal life, have kids etc or would die and slaughter many people for Somaliweyn, the Ogadaan region. I am talking to YOU not older Somali men or women.

Now that this happening now I am sure there are young kids going to be raised to want to kill NOW, that's for sure. But oct 7th was a proxy and they were ordered this is a fact.

Not once did you make any comment or question in regards to Somalia or Yemen. If the media decided to put money into Somalia Lives Matter and push it in your face you would all of a sudden focus on Somalia.
There were several terror attacks spanning the last decade in Saudi Arabia. Some happened others were prevented thanks to Saudi intelligence agency. Any captured suspects were brutally tortured then executed. The state is actively sniffing around for terrorists and especially dissidents online
Right and you mean to tell me America, UK, Isreal etc countries with the best secret service can't avoid right? lol sure buddy.


heart is in Artsakh and Galbeed🇦🇲🇸🇴
You see this is the problem here, you are focusing on everything minor thing I say about Palestine because the media told you to focus on it. You interpret everything because you were programmed to focus on it. Even the slightest comment, when I said these kids do not care about nakba and this nonsense what I meant to say is simple:

A 16 year old is not going to want to go and kill and end up in jail or dead from conflict from 1948. Our Somali war was way more recent so let me as you:

Do you want to live a normal life, have kids etc or would die and slaughter many people for Somaliweyn, the Ogadaan region. I am talking to YOU not older Somali men or women.

Now that this happening now I am sure there are young kids going to be raised to want to kill NOW, that's for sure. But oct 7th was a proxy and they were ordered this is a fact.

Not once did you make any comment or question in regards to Somalia or Yemen. If the media decided to put money into Somalia Lives Matter and push it in your face you would all of a sudden focus on Somalia.
Stop simplifying it :damsel: .And why how I die for Somaliweyn be serious I live in the UK many people in fact did die for the freedom of galbeed.Stop talking about Palestine literally.:ileycry:

Also what you said here was just weird 💀💀I don’t need to make a comment about my own country I’ve already have my own opinions


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
Islam = what you niggas are talking about. Whabbbism isn’t Islam. Hanbali school of thought isn’t Islam. Idk why Islam is seen so one dimensional to niggas. There’s many different takes on it and most aren’t as violent as Najd Arabs took it


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
Islam = what you niggas are talking about. Whabbbism isn’t Islam. Hanbali school of thought isn’t Islam. Idk why Islam is seen so one dimensional to niggas. There’s many different takes on it and most aren’t as violent as Najd Arabs took it
Wahhabist first victims were Muslims. Specifically the Shias of Iraq and Sufis of Hejaz. Niggas act like they only attack gaals. Wallahi Wahhabism is the number 1 enemy of Islam before any gaal religion.

They takfir every Muslim group and massacate them. Iraqi Shias still retell stories of how their ancestors had to run for their lives in the 1700’s from the charging insane najd Arabs on horseback killing left and right.


heart is in Artsakh and Galbeed🇦🇲🇸🇴
This thread deserves to be nuked stop obsessing over Arabs who’s gives a flying f*ck

