I can’t go outside without getting bothered

same way u use poorer islamic countries without proper law and order, this isn't an argument for you though as this has to do with economics, not hijab or islam
My point is, men abuse based on the ability to get away. Hence why they’ll abuse children the most. It doesn’t have much to do with attraction and beauty ect.

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Point blank hypocracy I think you are the one who's trying to blame men in general. How about you just follow the deen, what I quoted above your prophet said
"Your prophet said" as opposed to "the prophet" or "our prophet"...

Did you just accidentally out yourself as a murtad? 👀
The scholars have made it clear what constitutes traveling.

Leaving your city is seen as traveling. Going from Amsterdam to Rotterdam is seen as traveling my many scholars.

However, a woman walking around her own city in Amsterdam clearly isn’t traveling.
the least we can say is that there is a difference of opinion then

My point is, men abuse based on the ability to get away. Hence why they’ll abuse children the most. It doesn’t have much to do with attraction and beauty ect.

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may Allah bless you for living in a (dk if it can be called this but I mean it in the way that majority of the population is muslim) muslim country. Would love to live there and will In Shaa Allah move there one day.

I dont like the use of india as an example, theres many hindus there who lack any morals even if they were economically stronger. Idk whether the statistics in countries like pakistan or bangladesh even compare to india but that may just be my ignorance. any time I hear about something of the like in the subcontinent its always an indian hindu.

either way, we've basically turned this from a discussion of whether hijab lowers harassment(which it does, nobody is saying it completely eliminates it) to a discussion of economics and it's effect on the citizens and their behavior
That's only when it's safe but in times of a bad society one must use their itjahad and do the logical thinking and just do the thing that's the safest and thats always have a Mahram with you.
You’re not a scholar to do ijtihad, hence I think you need to be quiet. Society is in fact more safer for women now. During the time of the Prophet s.a.w traveling was 10x more dangerous. They had bandits and slavers on roads. Even men had to travel with caravans ect.
Point blank hypocracy I think you are the one who's trying to blame men in general. How about you just follow the deen, what I quoted above your prophet said
Funnily enough without realizing you are. You think men are so animalistic that a woman can’t even go to her local Tescos without being harassed by a man hence why she needs a Mahram. That’s your logic as well.

This is why misogynistic men like you are Low IQ, always scoring own goals.

The quote you’re talking about is a woman traveling. Do you struggle with the English language?

Meaning of traveling:
Go from one place to another, typically over a distance of some length.
"the vessel had been travelling from Libya to Ireland"

We are talking about a woman walking around in her own city NOT traveling.
the least we can say is that there is a difference of opinion then

Each to their own. I might have been raised with a stricter definition of anything outside of the city.
Casual typo 👀
That's not what a typo is. A typo is a misspelling of a word. You wrote an entirely different pronoun word that implies you see yourself as an outgroup to Muslims (or at the very least the majority of mainstream Muslims)

I've got my eye on you.

That’s traveling not a woman walking around in her own city. Actually read scholarly comments and consensus before interpreting the deen for yourself.
You’re not a scholar to do ijtihad, hence I think you need to be quiet.
Most major scholars have said that if a woman going outside a house to where she is going locally is not safe and secure (from fitnah liike harrasment) then then all travel is prohibited like going to your tescos like you said.

Actually read scholarly comments and consensus before interpreting the deen for yourself.
You are the one who interprets the deen to fit your feminism beliefs.

Funnily enough without realizing you are. You think men are so animalistic that a woman can’t even go to her local Tescos without being harassed by a man hence why she needs a Mahram. That’s your logic as well.

This is how you view men not me you are a stone cold misandrist or something happened to you, like have you been a victim of rape l or molestation then I can excuse a misandrist and if that's the case then you should tell us we are community here in spspot otherwise why do you hate men so much? What is your excuse 24/7 you never miss a chance to shade men.
Most major scholars have said that if a woman going outside a house to where she is going locally is not safe and secure (from fitnah liike harrasment) then then all travel is prohibited like going to your tescos like you said.
You do know things were worse during the time of the Prophet s.a.w? You do know that their were slavers and bandits and the like?

Who are you to know say it’s haram for a woman to go and walk around her local area? That’s my issue. You don’t provide proof.

What I’m saying is facts. A woman is allowed to go alone in her own city. That is something everyone knows and here you are trying to change the deen and trying to blame a woman going about in her local area Authobillah.
You are the one who interprets the deen to fit your feminism beliefs.
Lol, I actually don’t. Even @ina-cilmi provided a fatwa on the topic. Read it. In fact my view was more restrictive as I was raised to think that going to another city without a Mahram is haram. Supposedly it isn’t.

Actually read fatwas and scholarly commentary instead of talking about things you don’t know.
This is how you view men not me you are a stone cold misandrist or something happened to you, like have you been a victim of rape l or molestation then I can excuse a misandrist and if that's the case then you should tell us we are community here in spspot otherwise why do you hate men so much? What is your excuse 24/7 you never miss a chance to shade men.
What did you do in this thread? A girl is talking about being harassed by men and then you blame her. Who hates the opposite gender, you or me? Why would you go out of your way to lay blame on the victim? You also tried to insinuate that all Somali girls are lax with women who talk to them inappropriately.

I don’t hate men. I have hatred for men like you and as do most of the girls and most women. You wouldn’t be able to showcase your real views in the real world and you’ll come across as redpill loser.

Seek help.


:rejoice:Everywhere I go I always have random strangers talking to me it’s so damn annoying I’ve had to boycott like 10 diff places rn cuz I’m terrified of running into the respective stranger I’ve encountered. Today I went to the mall was doing some work and some random nigga started talking to me he was giving mad weird vibes I was scared tho this nigga had tattoos and shit :faysalwtf:and he was acting very pushy and kinda corny and shit (he was Acting like those YouTube pickup artists) and kept touching my hands like wtf am I supposed to do, I’m a small girl i can’t fight, Canada doesn’t allow self defense, etc etc thank god I finesse my way out but this isn’t the only or first time, another time I went to this library and ran into a nigga I knew FROM MY HOMETOWN (he recognized me omg)he was giving the same mad weird vibes literallyyy is god just telling me to kms rn, I can’t go outside without being bothered ATP. Then I got fobs following me everywhere I go, an Ethiopian nigga on a bike was deadass following me I just did a quick 180° and bolted the other way and he was looking back like :snoop:LEAVE ME TF ALONE. I could literally go on for hours WALLAHI but imma just stop here omfg

Y’all I’m going through a lot I might seem crazy on somalispot but I’m actually quite level headed irl. Im just constantly getting aggravated 24/7 by stupid shit and somalispot is my place to vent okay.I’ve been bothered soo many times by randos in public I could join one of those schizophrenic “targeted individuals “ groups or whatever and they’d prob think I have it the worst of all of them with the stories I have :rejoice::banderas:thank god I’m not schizophrenic cuz omfg. People say I look approachable apparently and this is the consequence:snoop:

I’m not safe anywhere, I been harassed by every type of man imaginable wallahi, from Russian grandpas to Ethiopian fobs to Indian international students, even while they on the JOB?!?!? I can’t catch a break
I tend to walk around with a frowned look and furrowed brows. I thick eyebrows which makes my look more pronounced. Many have mentioned that I just look pissed or disgusted. Definitely keeps people away looool

Furrowed Brow Stock Photos - 670 Images ...

You should try it out:ulyin:
You do know things were worse during the time of the Prophet s.a.w? You do know that their were slavers and bandits and the like?

Who are you to know say it’s haram for a woman to go and walk around her local area? That’s my issue. You don’t provide proof.

What I’m saying is facts. A woman is allowed to go alone in her own city. That is something everyone knows and here you are trying to change the deen and trying to blame a woman going about in her local area Authobillah.

Lol, I actually don’t. Even @ina-cilmi provided a fatwa on the topic. Read it. In fact my view was more restrictive as I was raised to think that going to another city without a Mahram is haram. Supposedly it isn’t.

Actually read fatwas and scholarly commentary instead of talking about things you don’t know.
The hadith where the where the Prophet (ﷺ) stated, “A woman is not to travel except with a Mahram.”

There is no exceptions made in this hadith and many scholars back this with countless fatwas.

if a woman travels alone she may be approached and tempted to do evil, especially when there is a great deal of corruption. Someone may sit next to her who does not fear Allah and he may make doing haram actions seem appealing to her. It is perfectly wise that the woman should be accompanied by her mahram when she travels, because the purpose of having her mahram present is to protect her and look after her. Travelling is a situation in which emergencies may arise, no matter what the length of the journey is.
An-Nawawi (may Allah have mercy on him) said: “To sum up, everything that may be called travel is forbidden to women without a husband or mahram.”

More than one of the scholars have narrated that there is consensus among the fuqaha that women are not allowed to travel without a mahram, except in exceptional cases.


I personally think it's too restrictive but for misogynists like you you should follow this and never go out alone if you have irrational fear of all men.

What did you do in this thread? A girl is talking about being harassed by men and then you blame her. Who hates the opposite gender, you or me? Why would you go out of your way to lay blame on the victim? You also tried to insinuate that all Somali girls are lax with women who talk to them inappropriately.

I don’t hate men. I have hatred for men like you and as do most of the girls and most women. You wouldn’t be able to showcase your real views in the real world and you’ll come across as redpill loser.

Seek help.

Anybody here can see your hatred for men on every gender based thread almost daily. Ironically you are the one that is blaming all men in general

Feminist weirdos like you are always going out your way to blaming men for everything but never give credit for how men have changed a lot since ancient times.

The Op of the thread was talking about being harrased by men and women but you go out your way to single out men with disgusting misogyny I wonder if people like have even had a father?

You never said men like when you blanket generalising men acussing them of vile acts. So shut your stinking mouth.

The solution is simple for low IQ misogynist like is to not go outside without mahram at all if you have vile thoughts about men.

Your misogyny is not normal you need to see a therapist.

You also tried to insinuate that all Somali girls are lax with women who talk to them inappropriately.

Again here you are with your usual twisting when did I say any talking was involved? I meant when they creep up on them limi g getting g too close them in restaurant, shop queue that I've seen with my own eyes. It's a fact.
The hadith where the where the Prophet (ﷺ) stated, “A woman is not to travel except with a Mahram.”

There is no exceptions made in this hadith and many scholars back this with countless fatwas.

if a woman travels alone she may be approached and tempted to do evil, especially when there is a great deal of corruption. Someone may sit next to her who does not fear Allah and he may make doing haram actions seem appealing to her. It is perfectly wise that the woman should be accompanied by her mahram when she travels, because the purpose of having her mahram present is to protect her and look after her. Travelling is a situation in which emergencies may arise, no matter what the length of the journey is.
An-Nawawi (may Allah have mercy on him) said: “To sum up, everything that may be called travel is forbidden to women without a husband or mahram.”

More than one of the scholars have narrated that there is consensus among the fuqaha that women are not allowed to travel without a mahram, except in exceptional cases.


I personally think it's too restrictive but for misogynists like you you should follow this and never go out alone if you have irrational fear of all men.

Anybody here can see your hatred for men on every gender based thread almost daily. Ironically you are the one that is blaming all men in general

Feminist weirdos like you are always going out your way to blaming men for everything but never give credit for how men have changed a lot since ancient times.

The Op of the thread was talking about being harrased by men and women but you go out your way to single out men with disgusting misogyny I wonder if people like have even had a father?

You never said men like when you blanket generalising men acussing them of vile acts. So shut your stinking mouth.

The solution is simple for low IQ misogynist like is to not go outside without mahram at all if you have vile thoughts about men.

Your misogyny is not normal you need to see a therapist.

Again here you are with your usual twisting when did I say any talking was involved? I meant when they creep up on them limi g getting g too close them in restaurant, shop queue that I've seen with my own eyes. It's a fact.
there are definitely exceptions to that hadith as mentioned by sh ruhayli n fawzan

there are definitely exceptions to that hadith as mentioned by sh ruhayli n fawzan

Hijrah is special case of course that is allowed. Hijrah should always be encouraged.

I'm still doing my research on whether it is haram for Muslim women and children to be in darul-kufr I heard that is but not sure. In Islam, the world is divided into Darul-Islam(the land of the Muslims) and darul-kufr (The land of Non-Muslims). Only grown-up Muslim men are permitted to be in Darul Kuffar. It is haram (forbidden) for Muslim women and children to be in Darul-kufr.
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Are you Cinderella or something that even random hags in the streets want you for their sons? I don't buy it
WHY TF WOULD I LIE THIS WHOLE POST IS A FUCKING RANT 😭 Naw y’all gonn make me join a gangstalking group, is my life really that crazy holy shit :faysalwtf: :damn::jcoleno: Why is this happening to me? I guess im a targeted individual damn
The hadith where the where the Prophet (ﷺ) stated, “A woman is not to travel except with a Mahram.”

There is no exceptions made in this hadith and many scholars back this with countless fatwas.

if a woman travels alone she may be approached and tempted to do evil, especially when there is a great deal of corruption. Someone may sit next to her who does not fear Allah and he may make doing haram actions seem appealing to her. It is perfectly wise that the woman should be accompanied by her mahram when she travels, because the purpose of having her mahram present is to protect her and look after her. Travelling is a situation in which emergencies may arise, no matter what the length of the journey is.
An-Nawawi (may Allah have mercy on him) said: “To sum up, everything that may be called travel is forbidden to women without a husband or mahram.”

More than one of the scholars have narrated that there is consensus among the fuqaha that women are not allowed to travel without a mahram, except in exceptional cases.


I personally think it's too restrictive but for misogynists like you you should follow this and never go out alone if you have irrational fear of all men.

Anybody here can see your hatred for men on every gender based thread almost daily. Ironically you are the one that is blaming all men in general

Feminist weirdos like you are always going out your way to blaming men for everything but never give credit for how men have changed a lot since ancient times.

The Op of the thread was talking about being harrased by men and women but you go out your way to single out men with disgusting misogyny I wonder if people like have even had a father?

You never said men like when you blanket generalising men acussing them of vile acts. So shut your stinking mouth.

The solution is simple for low IQ misogynist like is to not go outside without mahram at all if you have vile thoughts about men.

Your misogyny is not normal you need to see a therapist.

Again here you are with your usual twisting when did I say any talking was involved? I meant when they creep up on them limi g getting g too close them in restaurant, shop queue that I've seen with my own eyes. It's a fact.
Are you dense or maybe you don’t know the English language. Traveling isn’t the same as going out and about in your own city. That’s not the conversation we’re having.

Learn the meaning of traveling and come back to me. Going a 4 miles in your own damn city isn’t traveling. Get out of here.

Even Islamqa which you have used makes distinctions you weirdo:

Based on this, if going from your city to this place is regarded as travelling according to the people`s customs, then it is not permissible for you to go there without a Mahram. If it is not regarded as travelling according to custom then there is nothing wrong with you going there without a Mahram.

Unless you have reading comprehensions which you probably do, the scholar makes it clear that something are called traveling and others aren’t. Going to your local Tescos isn’t seen as traveling by anyone

Also read this in detail as well. So you can learn

Read this and learn and don’t waste my time with nonsense. Authobillah. It’s like you’re so dumb.

Btw, again learn English. A misogynist is someone who hates women. You think I hate men. The word for that is misandry.

Wallahi, I’ve had enough of how dumb you are. You don’t know what travel means, you have 0 understanding and don’t utilize scholarly opinion and misunderstand them.

You don’t even know what misogyny means.

Come back when you learn who to master the English language first.

The biggest issue between both of us is that you have very low comprehension issues and you’re simply low IQ which is why I shouldn’t even both replying to you. Educate yourself first.
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Hijrah is special case of course that is allowed. Hijrah should always be encouraged.

I'm still doing my research on whether it is haram for Muslim women and children to be in darul-kufr I heard that is but not sure. In Islam, the world is divided into Darul-Islam(the land of the Muslims) and darul-kufr (The land of Non-Muslims). Only grown-up Muslim men are permitted to be in Darul Kuffar. It is haram (forbidden) for Muslim women and children to be in Darul-kufr.
Horta learn what traveling means. There no point doing research when you can’t even comprehend basic meanings.

You don’t even read the fatwas you read In detail.
there are definitely exceptions to that hadith as mentioned by sh ruhayli n fawzan

You’re replying to a man that doesn’t understand what traveling means. He thinks a woman going to her local supermarket is traveling. Very Low IQ individual.
it's not a gotcha. most people in the west unfortunately do not know what proper hijab is and thats why we have stuff called ''hijabi fashion" or a ''hijab journey''

yes men should be taught not to harass women nor have I ever claimed women don't get harassed irrespective of whether they wear the hijab or not. evil men will continue trying to find ways to harass people.

All I said is that wearing proper hijab signifcantly lowers any harassment you may receive. This is a fact.
The issue I take with your stance is your order of priorities.

I don't disagree that a desexualised society would contribute to less sexual harassment, but the bottom line is that there needs to be more emphasis placed on harsher penalties on sexual assault before any part of the blame is put on immodestly dressed women.

It's nonsensical to even imply that immodestly dressed women share any part of the blame when I know a niqabi that was hit on in public and many of my young female friends can attest to similar incidents occurring.