I can’t go outside without getting bothered

Lol, it doesn’t. Women get harassed in the haram of all places as well. You don’t know much about the deviants of your gender it seems.

Really find it hilarious when men say this. I truly do.
ppl always say this but ive never seen proof. most if not all of the "proof" would probably be just first hand testimonies without other substance anyways.

regardless, (proper)Hijab certainly lowers the amount of ppl coming up to you/harassing you. Even if it were to not stop it completely, by Allah it lowers it significantly.
what is proper hijab miss doja?
Please, spare me from your transparent attempt at a 'Gotcha!' moment following my answer as to what proper hijab constitutes. We all know the conditions of hijab from a young age, it doesn't need to be reiterated.

More to the point, the most proper hijab worn by all women would be of little to no effect in a society where misogynistic thought is normalised and the actions taken by such depraved men are not more harshly condemned than the woman wearing improper hijab.

You have no idea how evil some of your fellow men are and seem deadset on being ignorant to our reality.
Not in a sexual way but yes women be bothering me too sometimes, I had this old Ethiopian lady sit next to me at a timmies and talk to me for like forever I think she was tryna hook me up with her son or smthn :noneck: :faysalwtf: It was a rlly weird experience and then she was asking me to help with her business or smthn this just one of a handful of stories like this, another Filipino lady kept talking to me for so long on the train I think she was tryna get me to go to her church but I really don’t know she just kept going on and on so I don’t think it was just church that made her talk to me, she rlly sat next to me and yapped on and on for like 30 mins etc etc nigga why would I lie ? my whole point is to vent about shit why would I intentionally stress myself out ranting about shit that isn’t even true ? I’m just constantly getting bothered is it that hard to believe :noneck:

Like damn maybe I am a targeted individual damn cuz apparently the shit that happened to me is so far fetched that u think imma liar. I guess imma have to join those schizo gangstalking groups :farmajoyaab: something is fishy but I am telling the truth
Are you Cinderella or something that even random hags in the streets want you for their sons? I don't buy it
ppl always say this but ive never seen proof. most if not all of the "proof" would probably be just first hand testimonies without other substance anyways.

regardless, (proper)Hijab certainly lowers the amount of ppl coming up to you/harassing you. Even if it were to not stop it completely, by Allah it lowers it significantly.
To see proof is for you to see the assault in 4k. That’s a silly way to go about life, especially as a man. Who is going to try and assault a woman in front of you? Men do this sneakily. Or do you expect these women to have their cameras out all the time? How does that work?

Harassment is definitely a cultural issue as well and it’s also based on what societies allow men to get away with. Why is it that harassment is very common in Pakistan, India and Bangladesh but significantly lower in Western societies in which women are walking around half naked compared to the former who are more covered up and traditional?

Why do we have crazy r-word stories in Somalia in which 98% of the women there are all clad in Jilbaab? Why is harassment cases more common amongst poorer women vs richer women?

I’ll tell you the answer, men will harass women unfortunately based on the ability to get away with it and how permissive the society is. Law and order is key and without law and order, a woman can be wearing a jilbaab dragging the floor like in a lot of the high profile cases we’ve had with Somalis and this occurs. In Somalia recently, a 70 yr old Islaan was sexually assaulted. Even in the deen, the hijab of an old woman isn’t as strict due to them losing their beauty and men not wanting them but still, they’re being assaulted.

Also why is it a lot of assault cases target children. Why? Because those sick men are much more likely to get away with it.

I’d totally agree with you if it wasn’t for the proof of the world around us in which you see women in poorer areas who are indeed dressed more modestly being assaulted way more than a woman wearing shorts in Germany. A perfect example is Egypt. Where am I most likely to be assaulted? Egypt even as a hijabi or Switzerland?

You’re inflicted with idealism and it’s strange you’re saying that in a world in which a child and a 70 yr old woman isn’t safe.
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This is why it is haram for female to travel outside without mahram.
In case you didn't read the above:
To see proof is for you to see the assault in 4k. That’s a silly way to go about life, especially as a man. Who is going to try and assault a woman in front of you? Men do this sneakily. Or do you expect these women to have their cameras out all the time? How does that work?

Harassment is definitely a cultural issue as well and it’s also based on what societies allow men to get away with. Why is it that harassment is very common in Pakistan, India and Bangladesh but significantly lower in Western societies in which women are walking around half naked compared to the former who are more covered up and traditional?

Why do we have crazy r-word stories in Somalia in which 98% of the women there are all clad in Jilbaab? Why is harassment cases more common amongst poorer women vs richer women?

I’ll tell you the answer, men will harass women unfortunately based on the ability to get away with it and how permissive the society is. Law and order is key and without law and order, a woman can be wearing a jilbaab dragging the floor like in a lot of the high profile cases we’ve had with Somalis and this occurs. In Somalia recently, a 70 yr old Islaan was sexually assaulted. Even in the deen, the hijab of an old woman isn’t as strict due to them losing their beauty and men not wanting them but still, they’re being assaulted.

Also why is it a lot of assault cases target children. Why? Because those sick men are much more likely to get away with it.

I’d totally agree with you if it wasn’t for the proof of the world around us in which you see women in poorer areas who are indeed dressed more modestly being assaulted way more than a woman wearing shorts in Germany. A perfect example is Egypt. Where am I most likely to be assaulted? Egypt even as a hijabi or Switzerland?

You’re inflicted with idealism and it’s strange you’re saying that in a world in which a child and a 70 yr old woman isn’t safe.
This is why it is haram for female to travel outside without mahram.
No it isn’t.

It’s haram for a woman to travel outside her city or country. The traveling the deen talks about is long distance. The exact Hadith actually talks about a distance of more than 3 days. Another one is 1 day and 1 night.

It is NOT haram for a woman to walk around her own city.
That has nno relevance to my post aannd that wouldn't happen if she followed the deen and been out with her mahram.
It directly refutes your argument that modest dress prevents harassment but whatever, I don't argue with fools.
Please, spare me from your transparent attempt at a 'Gotcha!' moment following my answer as to what proper hijab constitutes. We all know the conditions of hijab from a young age, it doesn't need to be reiterated.

More to the point, the most proper hijab worn by all women would be of little to no effect in a society where misogynistic thought is normalised and the actions taken by such depraved men are not more harshly condemned than the woman wearing improper hijab.

You have no idea how evil some of your fellow men are and seem deadset on being ignorant to our reality.
it's not a gotcha. most people in the west unfortunately do not know what proper hijab is and thats why we have stuff called ''hijabi fashion" or a ''hijab journey''

yes men should be taught not to harass women nor have I ever claimed women don't get harassed irrespective of whether they wear the hijab or not. evil men will continue trying to find ways to harass people.

All I said is that wearing proper hijab signifcantly lowers any harassment you may receive. This is a fact.
That has nno relevance to my post aannd that wouldn't happen if she followed the deen and been out with her mahram.
The deen doesn’t stimulate that a woman needs a Mahram to walk around in her own city/area.

If you’re going to argue something is part of the deen, show proof.

All the Hadiths, fatwas and the scholarly commentary talk about traveling outside of one’s city or country.

At this point, you’re trying hard to simply blame women. What will be answer for children and even elderly women that are also harassed?
No it isn’t.

It’s haram for a woman to travel outside her city or country. The traveling the deen talks about is long distance. The exact Hadith actually talks about a distance of more than 3 days. Another one is 1 day and 1 night.

It is NOT haram for a woman to walk around her own city.

Ibn 'Abbas r.a. reported: The Prophet ﷺ said,

"No man must not be alone with a woman except in the presence of her mahram. No woman should travel except in the company of a mahram." A man said: "O Messenger of Allah! I have been enrolled for such and such expedition, and my wife left for Haj." He ﷺ said to him, "Go and perform Haj with your wife."

[Al Bukhari and Muslim]
To see proof is for you to see the assault in 4k. That’s a silly way to go about life, especially as a man. Who is going to try and assault a woman in front of you? Men do this sneakily. Or do you expect these women to have their cameras out all the time? How does that work?

Harassment is definitely a cultural issue as well and it’s also based on what societies allow men to get away with. Why is it that harassment is very common in Pakistan, India and Bangladesh but significantly lower in Western societies in which women are walking around half naked compared to the former who are more covered up and traditional?

Why do we have crazy r-word stories in Somalia in which 98% of the women there are all clad in Jilbaab? Why is harassment cases more common amongst poorer women vs richer women?

I’ll tell you the answer, men will harass women unfortunately based on the ability to get away with it and how permissive the society is. Law and order is key and without law and order, a woman can be wearing a jilbaab dragging the floor like in a lot of the high profile cases we’ve had with Somalis and this occurs. In Somalia recently, a 70 yr old Islaan was sexually assaulted. Even in the deen, the hijab of an old woman isn’t as strict due to them losing their beauty and men not wanting them but still, they’re being assaulted.

Also why is it a lot of assault cases target children. Why? Because those sick men are much more likely to get away with it.

I’d totally agree with you if it wasn’t for the proof of the world around us in which you see women in poorer areas who are indeed dressed more modestly being assaulted way more than a woman wearing shorts in Germany. A perfect example is Egypt. Where am I most likely to be assaulted? Egypt even as a hijabi or Switzerland?

You’re inflicted with idealism and it’s strange you’re saying that in a world in which a child and a 70 yr old woman isn’t safe.

The deen doesn’t stimulate that a woman needs a Mahram to walk around in her own city/area.

If you’re going to argue something is part of the deen, show proof.

All the Hadiths, fatwas and the scholarly commentary talk about traveling outside of one’s city or country.

That's only when it's safe but in times of a bad society one must use their itjahad and do the logical thinking and just do the thing that's the safest and thats always have a Mahram with you.

At this point, you’re trying hard to simply blame women. What will be answer for children and even elderly women that are also harassed?
Point blank hypocracy I think you are the one who's trying to blame men in general. How about you just follow the deen, what I quoted above your prophet said
Ibn 'Abbas r.a. reported: The Prophet ﷺ said,

"No man must not be alone with a woman except in the presence of her mahram. No woman should travel except in the company of a mahram." A man said: "O Messenger of Allah! I have been enrolled for such and such expedition, and my wife left for Haj." He ﷺ said to him, "Go and perform Haj with your wife."

[Al Bukhari and Muslim]
what is considered travel is what is customarily considered as such. while (in the netherlands which is a small country) my sister for example 300 years ago wouldnt be allowed to go from the east of the country to the west alone, now its a commute that takes 4 hours to go there and come back so it isnt considered traveling anymore
Saudi Arabia as well as the Khaleej have incredibly low crime rates. I live in the Khaleej and I totally area with that. But unfortunately the same cannot be said for Pakistan and Egypt along with other poorer Eastern societies.

It’s very telling that poster is using Saudi. It’s incredibly safe there. I can leave my phone and someone wouldn’t steal it. I’ve done that before as well. Same in Qatar, UAE and the like. Shall I tell you what those countries have? Strong law and order. I feel safer in the Khaleej over anywhere in the world.

Can the same be said for Somalia? Can the same be said for Pakistan? Can the same be said for Egypt?
To see proof is for you to see the assault in 4k. That’s a silly way to go about life, especially as a man. Who is going to try and assault a woman in front of you? Men do this sneakily. Or do you expect these women to have their cameras out all the time? How does that work?

Harassment is definitely a cultural issue as well and it’s also based on what societies allow men to get away with. Why is it that harassment is very common in Pakistan, India and Bangladesh but significantly lower in Western societies in which women are walking around half naked compared to the former who are more covered up and traditional?

Why do we have crazy r-word stories in Somalia in which 98% of the women there are all clad in Jilbaab? Why is harassment cases more common amongst poorer women vs richer women?

I’ll tell you the answer, men will harass women unfortunately based on the ability to get away with it and how permissive the society is. Law and order is key and without law and order, a woman can be wearing a jilbaab dragging the floor like in a lot of the high profile cases we’ve had with Somalis and this occurs. In Somalia recently, a 70 yr old Islaan was sexually assaulted. Even in the deen, the hijab of an old woman isn’t as strict due to them losing their beauty and men not wanting them but still, they’re being assaulted.

Also why is it a lot of assault cases target children. Why? Because those sick men are much more likely to get away with it.

I’d totally agree with you if it wasn’t for the proof of the world around us in which you see women in poorer areas who are indeed dressed more modestly being assaulted way more than a woman wearing shorts in Germany. A perfect example is Egypt. Where am I most likely to be assaulted? Egypt even as a hijabi or Switzerland?

You’re inflicted with idealism and it’s strange you’re saying that in a world in which a child and a 70 yr old woman isn’t safe.
btw economics defenitely do play a part. Crime in developed muslim countries is exponentially lower than in the kaafir west. And if we're gonna use testimony as proof here then there's an abundance of that when it comes to western women feeling safer in countries like saudi Arabia, qatar and the like as compared to the west.

Those men who do such things do not act in an islamic manner, but ask yourself, do you think this would happen more or less if women went out scantily dressed?

If both women and men act in an islamic manner this is perfect. If (some) men fail at this, your hijab will still in most cases protect you. a few in case in which it didnt does not disprove that
Ibn 'Abbas r.a. reported: The Prophet ﷺ said,

"No man must not be alone with a woman except in the presence of her mahram. No woman should travel except in the company of a mahram." A man said: "O Messenger of Allah! I have been enrolled for such and such expedition, and my wife left for Haj." He ﷺ said to him, "Go and perform Haj with your wife."

[Al Bukhari and Muslim]
That’s traveling not a woman walking around in her own city. Actually read scholarly comments and consensus before interpreting the deen for yourself.
Saudi Arabia as well as the Khaleej have incredibly low crime rates. I live in the Khaleej and I totally area with that. But unfortunately the same cannot be said for Pakistan and Egypt along with other poorer Eastern societies.

It’s very telling that poster is using Saudi. It’s incredibly safe there. I can leave my phone and someone wouldn’t steal it. I’ve done that before as well. Same in Qatar, UAE and the like. Shall I tell you what those countries have? Strong law and order. I feel safer in the Khaleej over anywhere in the world.

Can the same be said for Somalia? Can the same be said for Pakistan? Can the same be said for Egypt?
same way u use poorer islamic countries without proper law and order, this isn't an argument for you though as this has to do with economics, not hijab or islam
what is considered travel is what is customarily considered as such. while (in the netherlands which is a small country) my sister for example 300 years ago wouldnt be allowed to go from the east of the country to the west alone, now its a commute that takes 4 hours to go there and come back so it isnt considered traveling anymore
The scholars have made it clear what constitutes traveling.

Leaving your city is seen as traveling. Going from Amsterdam to Rotterdam is seen as traveling by many scholars.

However, a woman walking around her own city in Amsterdam clearly isn’t traveling.