I can’t go outside without getting bothered

The issue I take with your stance is your order of priorities.

I don't disagree that a desexualised society would contribute to less sexual harassment, but the bottom line is that there needs to be more emphasis placed on harsher penalties on sexual assault before any part of the blame is put on immodestly dressed women.

It's nonsensical to even imply that immodestly dressed women share any part of the blame when I know a niqabi that was hit on in public and many of my young female friends can attest to similar incidents occurring.
clothing does play a role in harassment, nobody is saying it completely eliminates it. Anecdotes while very sad, do not reflect the reality.

I do agree harsher penalties must be used and both men and girls must be taught to lower their gaze and avoid free mixing. Segregating the genders a healthy amount is perfect and is a part of islam.

clothing does play a role in harassment, nobody is saying it completely eliminates it. Anecdotes while very sad, do not reflect the reality.

I do agree harsher penalties must be used and both men and girls must be taught to lower their gaze and avoid free mixing. Segregating the genders a healthy amount is perfect and is a part of islam.

Read my response again. We agree with each other more than you think, you're just being unnecessarily argumentative at this point.
Read my response again. We agree with each other more than you think, you're just being unnecessarily argumentative at this point.
its nearing 4am honestly man i cant be bothered to reread it. If we agree to the point where u think im being unnecessarily argumentative then thats fine
It's not like they're whipping their cock out and waggling them around at you, they're complimenting you and trying their luck - relax lol

Just hit them with the HR talk "I regret to inform you that the position's currently filled, and whilst I do appreicate your passion and enthusiasm, regretably, it's a 'No' this time" :lolbron:
Are you dense or maybe you don’t know the English language. Traveling isn’t the same as going out and about in your own city. That’s not the conversation we’re having.

Learn the meaning of traveling and come back to me. Going a 4 miles in your own damn city isn’t traveling. Get out of here.

Even Islamqa which you have used makes distinctions you weirdo:

Based on this, if going from your city to this place is regarded as travelling according to the people`s customs, then it is not permissible for you to go there without a Mahram. If it is not regarded as travelling according to custom then there is nothing wrong with you going there without a Mahram.

Unless you have reading comprehensions which you probably do, the scholar makes it clear that something are called traveling and others aren’t. Going to your local Tescos isn’t seen as traveling by anyone

Also read this in detail as well. So you can learn

Read this and learn and don’t waste my time with nonsense. Authobillah. It’s like you’re so dumb.

Btw, again learn English. A misogynist is someone who hates women. You think I hate men. The word for that is misandry.

Wallahi, I’ve had enough of how dumb you are. You don’t know what travel means, you have 0 understanding and don’t utilize scholarly opinion and misunderstand them.

You don’t even know what misogyny means.

Come back when you learn who to master the English language first.

The biggest issue between both of us is that you have very low comprehension issues and you’re simply low IQ which is why I shouldn’t even both replying to you. Educate yourself first.
You are having meltdown wow are you OK in the head?

You are daft aren't you? You don't read what I said you have the reading age of grade 3 honestly.

In this situation the OP is talking about I said It's haram for a woman to go outside of the house (not travelling aka safari SO GET THAT THROUGH YOUR RADICAL FEMINIST HEAD) if there is fitnah. But if there is no fitnah then she can only go to nearby places like Tescos. Do you get it now?? I honestly can't believe how dumb you are.


Many scholarly fatwas and evidence back this this up forget that even basic human comment sense would dictate that for any normal female but for a sick troll masculine radical feminist misandrist like you all you want to do is be like a man and bash generally in your misandrist rants hypothetically unprovoked but you know damn well that Allah created males and females different the females are much weaker and cannot handle themselves in cases of robbery or when living in Dar-al-harb islamophobic attacks on niqabi-hijabi women by kafirs because it represents islam, Allah just made women weak by that it is what it is.

Also first and foremost you need permission to travel from mahram but I doubt you Angelina even have a Mahram since you probably are a fatherless femcel.

Also English is not my 1st language since I'm born and bred in a European country you can never call me dumb when I speak more languages than you I speak 4 and learning a 5th. Actually ask before you go on dumb assumptions.