I denounce my somalinimo

I identify as an alien now

You may denounce it, but the Somali Nation has once again bestowed upon you the cloak of Somalinimo, with an expiry date of death.



Posts like these are amongst the most repulsive

Far more groups throughout time have gone through periods of anarchy for far longer than Somalia. Even the most stable countries today have origins of tribalism on a much larger scale than Somalia; China and Japan being an example of this claim

You along with the other xoolos on this thread are pathetic for salivating over the thought of detaching yourselves from your ethnicity. Go ahead and claim the Turks you praise up and down this forum

@Khaemwaset niyahow this archetype of Somalis gotta go once we secure that office
Did you forget that Ethiopia just got its first ever port in many years by TAKING it from Somalia because of the traitors of โ€œSomalilandโ€? Few nations could rival that level of self defeating stupidity. There is no hope

