I discovered why Libyans hate Somalis, Eritreans and Ethiopians


It seems that at the time of resistance to colonialism in Libya, in which 220,000, or 30% of Libya’s population, died at that time the soldiers called Zaptie and Dubats They were from Somalia, Eritrea and Ethiopia They are the ones fighting the Libyans
It seems that the hatred is not racial but because of history
Edoardo Scala reports that Major Pàntano:
departing from Mogadishu in March 1913 at the head of the First Banaadir Battalion,20 took the contribution of 750 indigenous troops to Tripoli from our colony on the Indian Ocean. This contribution turned out to be extremely effective against the Orfella tribes and then in Cyrenaica, especially in the clashes at Zuwetina and Gedalia. A second battalion set off from Benghasi in the January of the following year under Captain Cimino. In March a third battalion was sent to relieve those nearing the end of their draught. In 1920 they, and the others, went on to form the mixed Eritrean and Libyan XVI Battalion.21



Here, with the translation
the Eritrean soldiers mention that they were the ones who arrested Omar Al-Mukhtar Leader of the Libyans and handed him over to the Italians for execution.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
It seems that at the time of resistance to colonialism in Libya, in which 220,000, or 30% of Libya’s population, died at that time the soldiers called Zaptie and Dubats They were from Somalia, Eritrea and Ethiopia They are the ones fighting the Libyans
It seems that the hatred is not racial but because of history
Edoardo Scala reports that Major Pàntano:
departing from Mogadishu in March 1913 at the head of the First Banaadir Battalion,20 took the contribution of 750 indigenous troops to Tripoli from our colony on the Indian Ocean. This contribution turned out to be extremely effective against the Orfella tribes and then in Cyrenaica, especially in the clashes at Zuwetina and Gedalia. A second battalion set off from Benghasi in the January of the following year under Captain Cimino. In March a third battalion was sent to relieve those nearing the end of their draught. In 1920 they, and the others, went on to form the mixed Eritrean and Libyan XVI Battalion.21

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You sure? It was mainly eritreans being sent there.
It was overwhelmingly Eritreans that sent a significant bulk of their male population.

And no, the current Libyans don't have special hate for Somalis, and nor does the issue that stems from the tahrib have anything to do with this. There is no connection, so don't make things up.

Plenty of Somalis had a pleasant time in Libya back in the day. I have a family member who was a professor in Tripoli and met Gaddafi too.

There is a good movie starring Anthony Quinn that shows the brutality and oppressive ways of the Italians in Libya and how the Libyans fought bravely against this tyranny. It was called "Lion of the Desert."
I watched a video about some black
Libyans taking about how it was normal to refer to black Libyans as “abeed” or some of that nature in their language. One of the girls in the video looked as mixed as barwanis. NA cultures= generally anti black. It isn’t specific to certain regions or looks.
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It was overwhelmingly Eritreans that sent a significant bulk of their male population.View attachment 316649
And no, the current Libyans don't have special hate for Somalis, and nor does the issue that stems from the tahrib have anything to do with this. There is no connection, so don't make things up.

Plenty of Somalis had a pleasant time in Libya back in the day. I have a family member who was a professor in Tripoli and met Gaddafi too.

There is a good movie starring Anthony Quinn that shows the brutality and oppressive ways of the Italians in Libya and how the Libyans fought bravely against this tyranny. It was called "Lion of the Desert."
There is hatred and most Libyans still know that it was the people of the Horn of Africa who fought them. I mentioned to you that three Somali battalions were sent Since 1913, the war ended in 1931, and in the thirties there were more than 20,000 Somalis in the Italian colonial army.
There is hatred and most Libyans still know that it was the people of the Horn of Africa who fought them. I mentioned to you that three Somali battalions were sent Since 1913, the war ended in 1931, and in the thirties there were more than 20,000 Somalis in the Italian colonial army.
"People of the Horn" is not a thing because countless ethnicities come from there. I'm telling you of the reality of many Somalis living there before the war and having no problems. The tahrib issue stems from criminals exploiting humans. Extrapolating that as a general sentiment among the average Libyan shows your ignorance. None of this has anything to do with that. You have to have principles when you talk about something instead of dragging unrelated things to synthesize a view that betrays the truth.


I watched a video about some black
Libyans taking about how it was normal to ride to black Libyans as “abeed” or some of that nature in their language. One of the girls in the video looked as mixed as barwanis. NA cultures= generally anti black. It isn’t specific to certain regions or looks.
No, but if you knew that these people were the ones who killed you and caused many massacres, of course you would hate them
And you cannot say that our culture is not anti-black. Look at how the Somali Bantu are treated
I’m confused are you trying to excuse away their antiblackness their projection of self hate unto those they consider darker? What about those slave markets they have.


"People of the Horn" is not a thing because countless ethnicities come from there. I'm telling you of the reality of many Somalis living there before the war and having no problems. The tahrib issue stems from criminals exploiting humans. Extrapolating that as a general sentiment among the average Libyan shows your ignorance. None of this has anything to do with that. You have to have principles when you talk about something instead of dragging unrelated things to synthesize a view that betrays the truth.
You are similar to each other. Do you think that the Laby cares about your ethnicities?
And they say This is a Tigray, this is an Oromo Let's leave him alone this is a Somali hawiye, and this is a Somali Darood
They don't know anything about this

And I said above that I was discussing with a Libyan about the situation of the Somalis there and he told me that you are the ones who came to our country and killed the Muslims in it and Search about the Zaptie and Dubats

But I always saw that you could not talk to someone without portraying yourself as the smart one and the rest of the people as fools
dhaqankaas iskaa daa niyahow
No, but if you knew that these people were the ones who killed you and caused many massacres, of course you would hate them
And you cannot say that our culture is not anti-black. Look at how the Somali Bantu are treated
It has nothing to with that. There was a famous sheikh who once wrote to North Africans as they started to enslave and capture black Muslims.
You think the average Libyan remembers Somalis helped Italians? They just don’t like Black Africans mate.

All the NA from Mauritania to Tunisia to Libya are anti black; that doesn’t mean every one of them is anti black. Even some Fulani harbour such sentiments towards some black agriculture groups.

Somal culture is anti negroid/black you can say that as well. Yes, we mistreated Bantus, but we are also paradoxically pro-black at the same time as well. Somalis made many pan African songs and were one of the most militant pro black people on the continent in the 70s. We are confused lol! My uncle uses the J word slur against madows. I once saw him help him a reer Rastafara guy against a group of Cadaans because he “ didn’t want a mdw guy getting jumped”. He always roots for mdw boxers to win against whites yet he calls them the J word. Hard to explain Somalis.
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A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
The majority were Eritreans, followed by Somalis, Yemenis, and Ethiopians
There weren't many somalis in the army DURING the libyan revolts probably a few hundred, Italians only started taking conscription of Somalis more seriously during the 2nd ethiopian war and WW2


I’m confused are you trying to excuse away their antiblackness their projection of self hate unto those they consider darker? What about those slave markets they have.
No I'm explain to you one of the reasons for their bad view of the people of the Horn of Africa