I discovered why Libyans hate Somalis, Eritreans and Ethiopians

You are similar to each other. Do you think that the Laby cares about your ethnicities?
And they say This is a Tigray, this is an Oromo Let's leave him alone this is a Somali hawiye, and this is a Somali Darood
They don't know anything about this

And I said above that I was discussing with a Libyan about the situation of the Somalis there and he told me that you are the ones who came to our country and killed the Muslims in it and Search about the Zaptie and Dubats

But I always saw that you could talk to someone without portraying yourself as the smart one and the rest of the people as fools
dhaqankaas iskaa daa niyahow
Stop with this "you all look the same to them" crap. That is not the reality. Most Arabs have familiarity with Somalis and know Ethiopia and Eritrea are separate entities. Don't apply lazy logic when on the ground, that never takes place.

The guy you talked to was an outlier who had read up on the history. Libyans don't go around thining like that dude. We have many Somalis who lived in that country for many years before it broke down. The sentiment you're trying to push across is not genuinely true.
wtf are you lying the Toubou have faced precautions since the fall of Qadaffi wallahi you guys will bootyclap for Arabs as they are setting you on fire.
You seem to be ignorant. The Toubou can face problems while at the same time running the tahrib operations... These are not mutually exclusive and they are facts. Anyone who knows the issues would tell you this.

This has nothing to do with "booty clapping for Arabs" - it's about telling the truth of the matter instead of talking in overly emotional language and lying about the reality on the ground. You did not even know Toubous ran the tahrib operations and think you can speak on the matter.

By the way, it is an undeniable fact that Libya was arguably one of the best places to live in MENA before the war. That is a fact.
You are similar to each other. Do you think that the Laby cares about your ethnicities?
And they say This is a Tigray, this is an Oromo Let's leave him alone this is a Somali hawiye, and this is a Somali Darood
They don't know anything about this

And I said above that I was discussing with a Libyan about the situation of the Somalis there and he told me that you are the ones who came to our country and killed the Muslims in it and Search about the Zaptie and Dubats

But I always saw that you could not talk to someone without portraying yourself as the smart one and the rest of the people as fools
dhaqankaas iskaa daa niyahow
Somalis actually became well known by Libyan gangs because they realised Somalis tribes in the diaspora are good at raising large funds to free their hostages. Eritreans and others were apparently not so good to extort.My cousin came through Libya to Germany.


Stop with this "you all look the same to them" crap. That is not the reality. Most Arabs have familiarity with Somalis and know Ethiopia and Eritrea are separate entities. Don't apply lazy logic when on the ground, that never takes place.

The guy you talked to was an outlier who had read up on the history. Libyans don't go around thining like that dude. We have many Somalis who lived in that country for many years before it broke down. The sentiment you're trying to push across is not genuinely true.
they dont have special hate for somalis. its just disgusting savagery.
they dont have special hate for somalis. its just disgusting savagery.
I agree with this. When a country falls, you will have the immoral do worse. Syria used to be a very pleasant place and suddenly you had all kinds of ravaging auxiliary groups and extremists waging havoc. Now, my issue comes if some guy makes a thread about how Somalis are mistreated in Syria during a civil war because of what happened a hundred years earlier, omitting how many Somalis lived there in quite good conditions up until the war. People are trying to rewrite history for no reason other than to fuel the mindless outrage culture. These people don't care about truth or the people that tahrib, otherwise, they would not attribute lies that never fix anything but causes misplaced hate. It's disgusting how they use the suffering of others to channel their weird worldviews.
A libyan torturing, enslaving, killing and raping Horners doesnt do that because of feeling of hateand revenge they have because of colonialism. The average Libyan doesn't know anything about the Somali role in all fo that. Besides, there were Libyan coons fighting for the Italians aswell.

Nafris and Arabs have a massive racism issue against darker-skinned people. It's that simple. This feels like a coping mechanism for battered wife syndrome. "Theres a good reason why they rape horner girls that arent even 16!''

I know TikTok has a bunch of Eritrean and Ethiopian woman recounting their stories.


I agree with this. When a country falls, you will have the immoral do worse. Syria used to be a very pleasant place and suddenly you had all kinds of ravaging auxiliary groups and extremists waging havoc. Now, my issue comes if some guy makes a thread about how Somalis are mistreated in Syria during a civil war because of what happened a hundred years earlier, omitting how many Somalis lived there in quite good conditions up until the war. People are trying to rewrite history for no reason other than to fuel the mindless outrage culture. These people don't care about truth or the people that tahrib, otherwise, they would not attribute lies that never fix anything but causes misplaced hate. It's disgusting how they use the suffering of others to channel their weird worldviews.
yes but dont forget libya has showed a level of mooryaanimo rivaled by shia militias. somali mooryaanimo doesnt extend to raping and kidnapping ethiopians on their way to the gulf.


Djiboutian 🇩🇯 | 𐒖𐒆𐒄A𐒗𐒃 🇸🇴
There is hatred and most Libyans still know that it was the people of the Horn of Africa who fought them. I mentioned to you that three Somali battalions were sent Since 1913, the war ended in 1931, and in the thirties there were more than 20,000 Somalis in the Italian colonial army.
Yes and South Yemenis came to fight Somalis during 1977 war. But we don't hold a hatred or go around capturing all the Yemeni refugees in Somalia. Lybians can keep crying.
It seems that at the time of resistance to colonialism in Libya, in which 220,000, or 30% of Libya’s population, died at that time the soldiers called Zaptie and Dubats They were from Somalia, Eritrea and Ethiopia They are the ones fighting the Libyans
It seems that the hatred is not racial but because of history
Edoardo Scala reports that Major Pàntano:
departing from Mogadishu in March 1913 at the head of the First Banaadir Battalion,20 took the contribution of 750 indigenous troops to Tripoli from our colony on the Indian Ocean. This contribution turned out to be extremely effective against the Orfella tribes and then in Cyrenaica, especially in the clashes at Zuwetina and Gedalia. A second battalion set off from Benghasi in the January of the following year under Captain Cimino. In March a third battalion was sent to relieve those nearing the end of their draught. In 1920 they, and the others, went on to form the mixed Eritrean and Libyan XVI Battalion.21
Stop falsifying facts , they were not Somalis, but rather Eritrean and Ethiopian recruits .

Ethiopian and Eritrean Askaris in Libya (1911- 1932) Dechasa Abebe ,
The Recruitment of Ethiopians and Eritreans as Askaris by Italy :
A number of books and articles were published on the three consecutive Italian wars in Libya and its resistances during the first three decades of the twentieth century. However, the role and experiences of the Ethiopian and Eritrean askaris were rarely studied. Thus, this article is an attempt to disclose their role in the wars, why they were interested in being employed by the Italians and why Italy relied heavily on them instead of the Italian soldiers and the Libyan askaris. Historical sources, like the memoires of Italian military commanders and the askaris, travellers’ accounts mainly that of journalists, correspondence documents, and popular songs particularly that of Tigrigna were consulted to write this article. Moreover, publications produced by military historians on the Italian wars in Libya were also referred. While starvation and famines, poverty, unemployment and maladministration were the driving force from Eritrea and Ethiopia; salary, military uniform, guns and bullets, rations, protections and relative freedom were some of the attractions from the Italian side for the Ethiopians and Eritreans to be employed as askaris. In relation to these, political expediency or loss aversion, cost, fighting skill and courage, adaptability to Libyan topography and loyalty were some of the qualities of Ethiopians and Eritrean askaris that initiated the Italians to rely on. As a result, about 68 battalions fought in the wars. In the process, the askaris were identified by their Italian commanders as “warlike race” and best soldiers in contrast to the Italian soldiers and Libyan collaborators.


Stop falsifying facts , they were not Somalis, but rather Eritrean and Ethiopian recruits .

Ethiopian and Eritrean Askaris in Libya (1911- 1932) Dechasa Abebe ,
The Recruitment of Ethiopians and Eritreans as Askaris by Italy :
You can see the Somali role in Libya here


Cushite Arab

وِّلِگَيْ مَ ارْكِنْ قوفْ ليبْيانْ اهْ اوو سومالِدَ نِّعِّبْ؟​

Here, with the translation
the Eritrean soldiers mention that they were the ones who arrested Omar Al-Mukhtar Leader of the Libyans and handed him over to the Italians for execution.
The Conscript: A Novel of Libya's Anticolonial War :
Eloquent and thought-provoking, this classic novel by the Eritrean novelist Gebreyesus Hailu, written in Tigrinya in 1927 and published in 1950, is one of the earliest novels written in an African language and will have a major impact on the reception and critical appraisal of African literature. The Conscript depicts, with irony and controlled anger, the staggering experiences of the Eritrean ascari, soldiers conscripted to fight in Libya by the Italian colonial army against the nationalist Libyan forces fighting for their freedom from Italy's colonial rule. Anticipating midcentury thinkers Frantz Fanon and Aimé Césaire, Hailu paints a devastating portrait of Italian colonialism. Some of the most poignant passages of the novel include the awakening of the novel's hero, Tuquabo, to his ironic predicament of being both under colonial rule and the instrument of suppressing the colonized Libyans. The novel's remarkable descriptions of the battlefield awe the reader with mesmerizing images, both disturbing and tender, of the Libyan landscape-with its vast desert sands, oases, horsemen, foot soldiers, and the brutalities of war-uncannily recalled in the satellite images that were brought to the homes of millions of viewers around the globe in 2011, during the country's uprising against its former leader, Colonel Gaddafi.
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رواية حبشية عن حرب ليبيا ضد الاستعمار

تُعدُّ رواية «المُجند» لمؤلفها الأكاديمي الإريتري غيبريسوس هايلو الذي ألفها باللغة التغرينية الأفريقية في 1927 ونشرها في 1950 أول رواية إريترية، وواحدة من أقدم الروايات في الأدب الأفريقي، وقد ترجمها إلى الإنجليزية غيرماي نجاش ونُشرت في 2012، وقام بترجمتها عن الإنجليزية الأستاذ فرج الترهوني تحت عنوان «المُجند: رواية حبشية عن حرب ليبيا ضد الاستعمار» ونشرتها دار الفرجاني في 2022

تقدم لنا الرواية قصة المجندين الإريتريين الذين يطلق عليهم الراوي اسم «الأحباش» في قوات المستعمر الإيطالي الذين جلبهم من بلدهم إريتريا التي كانت محتلة من الاستعماري الإيطالي كي يقاتلوا المجاهدين الليبيين الذين كانوا يدافعون عن بلدهم ضد ذلك الغزو الإيطالي



You can see the Somali role in Libya here
"They were a mix of Libyans, Eritreans and Somali. It is during this period that the nature of the army changed in a way that would deeply affect the colonial policy of Italy, particularly in Eritrea. "

It's clear that colonial forces conscripted any and all able bodied men from their colonies. Your assessment relies on the idea that the average Libyan knows this aspect of their history and that they choose to disregard the fact that the colonial force took from not only foreign people but from the Libyan population.
It seems that at the time of resistance to colonialism in Libya, in which 220,000, or 30% of Libya’s population, died at that time the soldiers called Zaptie and Dubats They were from Somalia, Eritrea and Ethiopia They are the ones fighting the Libyans
It seems that the hatred is not racial but because of history
Edoardo Scala reports that Major Pàntano:
departing from Mogadishu in March 1913 at the head of the First Banaadir Battalion,20 took the contribution of 750 indigenous troops to Tripoli from our colony on the Indian Ocean. This contribution turned out to be extremely effective against the Orfella tribes and then in Cyrenaica, especially in the clashes at Zuwetina and Gedalia. A second battalion set off from Benghasi in the January of the following year under Captain Cimino. In March a third battalion was sent to relieve those nearing the end of their draught. In 1920 they, and the others, went on to form the mixed Eritrean and Libyan XVI Battalion.21

There is no relationship between the participation of Eritreans, Ethiopians and (Somalis) with the Italians in the invasion of Libya and the mistreatment of migrants crossing Libyan territory on their way to Europe.
It is an erroneous and hasty conclusion on your part.

European countries pay money to Libyan militias to prevent migrants from heading to Europe through Libyan territory, thus preventing these migrants, most of whom are Africans, from reaching Europe.

Making misery pay: Libya militias take EU funds for migrants .
Published 1:08 PM AWST, December 31, 2019

TRIPOLI, Libya (AP) — When the European Union started funneling millions of euros into Libya to slow the tide of migrants crossing the Mediterranean, the money came with EU promises to improve detention centers notorious for abuse and fight human trafficking.

That hasn’t happened. Instead, the misery of migrants in Libya has spawned a thriving and highly lucrative web of businesses funded in part by the EU and enabled by the United Nations, an Associated Press investigation has found.

The EU has sent more than 327.9 million euros to Libya, with an additional 41 million approved in early December, largely channeled through U.N. agencies. The AP found that in a country without a functioning government, huge sums of European money have been diverted to intertwined networks of militiamen, traffickers and coast guard members who exploit migrants. In some cases, U.N. officials knew militia networks were getting the money, according to internal emails.

The militias torture, extort and otherwise abuse migrants for ransoms in detention centers under the nose of the U.N., often in compounds that receive millions in European money, the AP investigation showed. Many migrants also simply disappear from detention centers, sold to traffickers or to other centers.

The same militias conspire with some members of Libyan coast guard units. The coast guard gets training and equipment from Europe to keep migrants away from its shores. But coast guard members return some migrants to the detention centers under deals with militias, the AP found, and receive bribes to let others pass en route to Europe.

The militias involved in abuse and trafficking also skim off European funds given through the U.N. to feed and otherwise help migrants, who go hungry. For example, millions of euros in U.N. food contracts were under negotiation with a company controlled by a militia leader, even as other U.N. teams raised alarms about starvation in his detention center, according to emails obtained by the AP and interviews with at least a half-dozen Libyan officials.

In many cases, the money goes to neighboring Tunisia to be laundered, and then flows back to the militias in Libya.