And every election is rigged.

And every election is rigged.
Thanks for the travel advice. Beliefs should be supported by reason. So what rationale could possibly justify such a barbaric and downright stupid ruling as the one you're espousing?
My beliefs are supported by reason. That may not be "reason" to you because your obese Reddit neckbeard overlords do not approve of it. Can you pathetic Somali atheists ever come up with an actual original talking point you didn't get from Reddit??
As for your claims of "barbarism" and "downright stupid" ever possibly thought that your Western materialism, femibism, and homosexuality which leads to nothing but the destruction of the stable nuclear family, cherished societal customs and traditions, along with extreme income-inequality and rampant apathy is seen by these peoples you want to "enlighten" as the true definition of barbarism and "backwardness"??? If anything your myopia and inability to actually form a worldview that doesnt come from reddit, and anything that does not agree with that worldview is barbaric and backwards which are subjective nonscientific terms themselves, is more proof than anything that it is you who is squarely in the " downright stupid" camp.
Rofl. To expect not be executed if you choose your religion is not some exclusive reddit hivemind idea.![]()
That is the law of the land. If you dont like it, then move. Its really that simple. The overwhelming majority of Muslims by definition prefer the Shariah as their rule of law. Thats so called democracy for you. If special snowflake atheists had any respect for democracy and the so called will of the people than you would respect the laws they believe and cherish and move to a society where your beliefs and culture is valued and cherished.
Nah thats MNIsn't this clown from Canada? Kaafiye is also from Canada and so was Grandpa. So many radicals coming out of there.
That is the law of the land. If you dont like it, then move. Its really that simple. The overwhelming majority of Muslims by definition prefer the Shariah as their rule of law. Thats so called democracy for you. If special snowflake atheists had any respect for democracy and the so called will of the people than you would respect the laws they believe and cherish and move to a society where your beliefs and culture is valued and cherished.
I would love to move a legitimate and peacefulPeople like Sufyan would never move to a proper Islamic state. Life in the west is too good.
That's another issue. You completely mischaracterized a basic freedom that is not contested through most of the world as being a 'reddit talking point'.
Couldnt careless what is "practiced throughout most of the world". Qabil is not practiced throughout the world outside of Somalia, so by that lfaulty ogic it should be eradicated despite forming a crucial component to the identity and culture to most people in that nation. Please come up with better arguments.
Couldnt careless what is "practiced throughout most of the world". Qabil is not practiced throughout the world outside of Somalia, so by that lfaulty ogic it should be eradicated despite forming a crucial component to the identity and culture to most people in that nation. Please come up with better arguments.
If you actually to educate yourself on this matter and the way the scholars understood the wisdom behind this ruling, then there are countless articles can read and educate themselves on. At the end of the day, the ruling is a valid part of my beliefs and I hear and obey. But the truth of the matter you are not interested in actually educating yourself but rehashing the same tired and boring nonsense you picked up from your neckbeard buddies on Reddit.My friend, you deflected the question. What are the reasons you use to justify such a ruling?
I really couldn't give any less of a shit about any alleged "mischaracterizations" you are pointing out. Your atheist ramblings and sjw fits and cries will not change anything and continue to fall on deaf ears.I didn't even make an argument you potato, I was pointing out your mischaracterization which you are obviously not honest/decent enough to admit to.
I really couldn't give any less of a shit about any alleged "mischaracterizations" you are pointing out. Your atheist ramblings and sjw fits and cries will not change anything and continue to fall on deaf ears.
Do you respect democracy and the people's right to choose the laws and values they see fit to be applied in their society??? That's really all it comes down to. Either you do or your nothing more than a vile hypocrite (which is most special snowflake atheists these days especially of the Somali variety).
If you actually to educate yourself on this matter and the way the scholars understood the wisdom behind this ruling, then there are countless articles can read and educate themselves on. At the end of the day, the ruling is a valid part of my beliefs and I hear and obey. But the truth of the matter you are not interested in actually educating yourself but rehashing the same tired and boring nonsense you picked up from your neckbeard buddies on Reddit.
The moment you claimed my head should be lobbed off could've easily been the cue for me to call you an extremist and try to get you banned. But instead I chose to enter a discussion with you as to why you hold these beliefs and you unsurprisingly tell me to read up on Ibn Taymiah etc. The Jews said 'we hear and disobey' and look! not only are they in control of Jerusalem today but they also possess nukes meaning any Mujahid army can expected to be wiped out well before they've even oiled their Toyota pickups for the journey.![]()
Classic trollbait. It is so obvious you are once again getting your talking points off of reddit rather than your own actual brain. Once again I have never met a Somali atheist using original arguments that they actually thought up themselves.
This idea that a society's subjective values strongly correlates with its scientific progress or weaponry is nothing more than classic Reddit neckbeard fantasy. What was the most powerful and scientifically advanced nation in 1938??? It was Nazi Germany. How moral and "progressive" were they by modern Western standards exactly???
Forgetting about operation paperclip now are we??? Or the fact that the UK was on the verge of surrendering thanks to major aeronautical breakthrough by the Nazis' most celebrated rocket scientist who would later work for the US thanks to operation paperclip??? Or the fact that many of the Nazi scientists would continuously be skipped over for the Nobel prize even when their discover and work was most deserving??? Yes there were a number of prominent German scientists of Jewish ancestry but by the 1930s most of them were already gone and hence you still cannot point to the Jew for Germany's military and scientific dominance over the other European nations over the 1930s. I know you worship the Jewish man since most of the modern day priests of your new world religion, but things would have been very different today for your new Lords if it wasnt massive government blunders and incompetence on the part of the Reich. They more than had the tools to completely steamroll the rest of Europe and even Western Historians readily admit to that fact.Your claim Nazi Germany was scientifically advanced whilst true is quite misleading. For one, Germany had a history of Engineering and Scientific excellence well before the Nazis rise to power. Also, many of Germany's best scientists were Jews and the Nazis irrational policy towards Jews had an adverse effect on them as these Jewish scientists that fled mostly settled in the States. By 1945, it was clear that the Nazi policy meant it lost it's Scientific edge over the rest of the world with the Manhattan projects completion. My point stands, stupid policies will be the undoing of those who implement them.
Forgetting about operation paperclip now, are we??? Or the fact that the UK was on the verge of surrendering thanks to major aeronautical breakthrough by the Nazis' most celebrated rocket scientist who would later work for the US thanks to operation paperclip??? Or the fact that many of the Nazi scientists would continuously be skipped over for the Nobel prize even when their discover and work was most deserving??? Yes there were a number of prominent German scientists of Jewish ancestry but by the 1930s most of them were already gone and hence you still cannot point to the Jew for Germany's military and scientific dominance over the other European nations over the 1930s. I know you worship the Jewish man since most of the modern day priests of your new world religion, but things would have been very different today for your new Lords if it wasnt massive government blunders and incompetence on the part of the Reich. They more than had the tools to completely steamroll the rest of Europe and even Western Historians readily admit to that fact.