Britain won the Battle of Britain because of radar a scientific innovation that meant the Nazi Germany could not even establish air superiority over Britain's skies let alone attempt an amphibious invasion with a navy that was at best, mediocre. Germany could've won the war but thankfully they didn't and besides what makes you think their racist policy was exclusive to Jews? They sterilised blacks and saw Slavs (a white people) as a lower human. Had they had the power they would've screwed over everyone but the 'Aryan race.' Me and you would've been eliminated... just not at chop chop square.
They didn't need to establish air superiority with their new superweapon the V2. All they had to do was continue to bombard london with them until they surrendered and they did do that and GB was practically surrendering at one point. The whole point of this was that their advanced military and weaponry was the result of their own scientists who believed in the nazi ideology and completely rejected popular western ideals. It also looks like you drank the Jewish kool-aid that all other "non-aryans" would have been exterminated like them despite the fact many secret documents show the Reich had no such interests in the "lesser races" and even struck deals with the Muslims and Arabs in return for their support. Are you not familiar with Al-Husseini aka the "nazi mufti"??? That is all besides the point though. At the end of the day Israel was destined to exist which doomed Hitler inevitably in the end and Israel will be defeated bi'idnillah in the future as prophesied.