I found a Facebook group of Italians who lived in Somalia before the war and are reminiscing about old days


Take back my words f*ck the Italians
Theres no part of you that sees this as 70s talk for "i cant wait to pick up a somali woman for cheap"? Its tough not to just see it as fetishization.

The beauty of somalis hasnt really changed, theres still white men that lust after them in the west, and the conversation about that streak of fetishization is in full swing. Why would it have been different in the 70s?

(No, not all white guys or girls that pursue somali men or women are fetishizing them. Its common though)

Cadaan men don't fetishize somali women. Mostly because somali women are mostly covered up and they don't know how beautiful somalis can be. We're kinda unknown to cadaans now...we're just seen as a welfare-abusing, crime and gangser non-assimilating black muslims...in the 20th century, before somalis had a bad reputation in the west and used to dress more liberal, somalis were more known for their beauty.


Inaba Caadi Maaha
This isn’t wholesome. It is sad to see the image of Somalia change, from an African paradise with beautiful, proud people to a famine stricken war torn country. But these Italians had fun in their little Italian only enclaves. When you look through their photos in their FB group, it’s all Italian schools, Italian friend groups lounging on private beaches, etc.

Good riddance.
How the hell did you turn this into gender thing now ? 😭😭😭😭😭
These xalimos on this site are mental
mental how? that’s the known behaviour of somali men worldwide unfortunately wallahi. Just last week a GAY AF african american was being called all types of j****reer because he said somali women were beautiful.
it's sad to me.

imagine where we would be if we didn't blow up all that already-made infrastructure.

just in thoses photo alone, I see paved roads, critical buildings, and power lines.

and we fcked it all up.
I don't know what you folks are lamenting. Somalia is still good from northern coast to southern coast, from hills to flatlands, from rocks to sand-doons. Somalia is where majority of dignified somalis live by comparison to the depressed, diabetic, vagabands in North America.

Somalis would benefit from mass migration back home to save themselves today.
Please Read this WashingtonPost Article on How Somalia was ruined by Rome.


ROME -- The agony of Somalia has its roots in the endemic political corruption of Italy. Throughout the 1980s, Italian politicians and businessmen used the country, once a colony of Italy's, as a playground for huge construction projects that either did little to help the local population or actually disrupted and damaged Somalian society.

"Italy is definitely responsible for the tribal warfare and the genocide in Somalia," says Francesco Rutelli, a congressman for the environmentalist Green Party, which has played a leading role in exposing what has become a scandal in Italy. The United States, while not deeply involved in Somalia, was well aware of what was going on. Two U.S. ambassadors to Rome, Maxwell Rabb III and Peter Secchia, relayed Washington's approval of Italian policy in the Horn of Africa in the late 1980s, according to Western diplomats and Italian officials.
The reality of Italy's cynical role in Somalia is clear from documents made available to Parliament by the Italian Foreign Ministry. They show that Italy sponsored 114 projects in Somalia between 1981 and 1990, spending more than a billion dollars. With few exceptions (such as a vaccination program carried out by non-government organizations), the Italian ventures were absurd and wasteful.

Approximately $250 million was spent on the Garoe-Bosaso road that stretches 450 kilometers across barren desert, crossed only by nomads on foot. More than $40 million was spent to build a brand new hospital equipped with sophisticated machinery and operating rooms, in Corioley, south of Mogadishu. Since the Somalis were unable to run it, the hospital was allowed to fall to pieces. The Italian government paid about $95 million for a fertilizer plant in Mogadishu that never became operational. The Italians even established a University of Somalia -- despite the fact that 98 percent of the population is illiterate. The Italian professors received salaries between $16,000 and $20,000 per month.
"If you consider that from 1981 to 1990 Italian aid to Somalia was almost equal to 50 percent of the country's {Somalia's} GNP and that for years Italy was the major donor of aid to Somalia," says Rutelli, "it's easy to see what a negative influence we had and just how great our reponsibilities are."

Piero Ugolini, a Florentine agronomist who worked for the technical cooperation unit of the Italian Embassy in Mogadishu from 1986 to 1990, says that a majority of Italian cooperation projects were carried out without considering their effects on the local populations. The result, he says, were increasing social tensions that led to the civil war.

In February 1988, for example, Italy donated more than $4 million to set up a joint venture company that would buy cattle and sheep from the pastoral populations. The animals were fattened and exported to provide the Somali government with a source of hard currency. One year later, Siad Barre sold 3,500 head of cattle to the Yemeni army, in exchange for weapons used to fight his rivals, according to Ugolini.

"The Italian aid program was used to exploit the pastoral populations and to support a regime that did nothing to promote internal development and was responsible for the death of many of its own people," Ugolini says.
Ugolini points out that the Italian authorities failed to discourage the use of what he calls "the modern equivalent of slavery" at the former "Duca degli Abruzzi" farm in Johar. More than 3,000 people were employed every year at the farm; most of them came from a prison located in the midst of the sugar plantation. Other workers were "hired" after lists were drawn up during meetings between the director of the farm, the political police, the leaders of nearby villages and the unions. The average pay was between 500 and 700 lira per day, about 50 cents.

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The corruption, the bigotry, the asinine tribal politics, and many more Somali ills have their roots in Italy. Even back in Sayid Maxamed Cabdulle days, they were buying Somali rulers like Boqor Osman to defeat Somali Patriotism and deminish the Anti-Colonial sentiments in the population. Good Riddance.

Somalis should remain free forever determining their fate even if they have to live in poverty. That is how our ancestors ensured the survival of our ethnic group and culture. They never sold themselves and their religion as a whole.


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