I gotta ask, how serious do you guys really take this Islam stuff?

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Abu Huraira reported that Allah’s Messenger (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said to Bilal: “Bilal, tell me which act you did at the time of the morning prayer for which you hope to receive good reward, for I heard during the night the sound of your footsteps before me in Paradise?” Bilal (radi Allahu anhu) replied: “I did not do any act in Islam for which I hope to get any benefit, but this, that when I perform complete ablution during the night or day I observe prayer with that purification, what Allah has ordained for me to pray.” [Sahih Muslim]

And they say Islam is a racist religion, here you have the prophet of Allah who's an Arab saying to bilal an Abyssinia African he heard his footsteps before me in paradise.
They should post more
tbh. its a lot more fun here when there are more militant muslim like other forums. but instead everyone just ignores you calling yourself atheist instead of getting outraged. so i assume most just moved on to other boards where they can drag religion and actually get a response. "here its like oh your gay and atheist? okay."


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Cognitive dissonance is our very own ambassador of the Arab theology. He's a good kid who's sharp as a saw, unrelenting, unforgiving with occasionally contradictory views but I guess his name is a hint of what he might be suffering of at times. Nevertheless, he is a fair individual who doesn't let authority brainwash him to submission and acquiescence. Who staunchly believes that the system is out to get him that's why he profusely posts conspiracy theories to wake is up from the open prison we've been living in.
It's not Arab theology you apostate Darwinian it's the faith for all mankind.

You're by far the harshest critic in here when it comes to Islam.
Abu Huraira reported that Allah’s Messenger (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said to Bilal: “Bilal, tell me which act you did at the time of the morning prayer for which you hope to receive good reward, for I heard during the night the sound of your footsteps before me in Paradise?” Bilal (radi Allahu anhu) replied: “I did not do any act in Islam for which I hope to get any benefit, but this, that when I perform complete ablution during the night or day I observe prayer with that purification, what Allah has ordained for me to pray.” [Sahih Muslim]

And they say Islam is a racist religion, here you have the prophet of Allah who's an Arab saying to bilal an Abyssinia African he heard his footsteps before me in paradise.

Why did Muhammad enslave Africans :damedamn:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
tbh. its a lot more fun here when there are more militant muslim like other forums. but instead everyone just ignores you calling yourself atheist instead of getting outraged. so i assume most just moved on to other boards where they can drag religion and actually get a response. "here its like oh your gay and atheist? okay."
Let's call a spade a spade it's cause the moderator is a batty man wearing a batty rider. If he was a Muslim then criticising Islam wouldn't be tolerated.
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