I have a proposition.

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Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
Aside from my trolling.Even reer konfuur don't want your gaalo agenda being forced on them.You will give license only to imams on the verge of gaalnimo smh
european got these somalis turning in to gaal cause they so shooked:cryinglaughsmiley:

"Oh we got muslim name we must change our name to somali!" pussy ass niggas


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Sure arresting them is good. But you can not arrest and ideology. However we can make it harder for ideologist that breed organisations like Al Shabab and Isis to exist. In this scenario I actually would like for the government to exert is control and influence if that would mean less wahabism and salafism.

Our government is corrupt, and our population are largely uneducated. Teaching critical thinking to our kids mean to teach them to critically question everything, including Islam, and our uneducated population will be against that.


Prince of East Africa
No one said that. Imamas are allowed to preach Islam. It's just that Imams are nowadays preaching wahabism and salsifism doctrines that are harmful to Muslims. Can we agree on that? At the end of the day these imams are spreading ideologies that kill innocent Somalis. And we need to undermined their power and influence inside of the country. Unless you have a good argument don't bother commenting.
Salafism is Islam.There is nothing wrong with Salafism.We are the fastest growing sect(under ahlsunnah).Majority of Salafis are peaceful.There are other sects that produce fanatics.Even Sufis have fanatics.So I'm assuming you are going to endorse a strain of Islam you like and crackdown on others.Where are your democratic values like freedom of religion and freedom of speech.Btw just because I troll 90% of the time doesn't mean I don't have shit to say.So next time relax with the insults
Our government is corrupt, and our population are largely uneducated. Teaching critical thinking to our kids mean to teach them to critically question everything, including Islam, and our uneducated population will be against that.
Continued cycle of ignorance. intersting the more religious the poorer the people . Less religious richer society are as a whole .
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Prince of East Africa
european got these somalis turning in to gaal cause they so shooked:cryinglaughsmiley:

"Oh we got muslim name we must change our name to somali!" pussy ass niggas
Yo we are lucky we are in Canada tho.Caadans here soft af.If you accuse an Cadaan here of racism he/she will try their best to prove you wrong. It's like the worst accusation/insult to be called a racist for them


Suicidal men adore me.
Our government is corrupt, and our population are largely uneducated. Teaching critical thinking to our kids mean to teach them to critically question everything, including Islam, and our uneducated population will be against that.

And this is huge problem. Where do you start and how do you start. If the government were to do something drastic and radical it could ruin everything.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Continued cycle of ignorance. intersting the more religious the poorer the people . Less religious richer society are a whole .

Other than the USA, the poorer people are the more religious they are. Even amongst Europeans, east Europeans are more religious than West Europeans - and if we extend that to the whole world it becomes painfully true.

And this is huge problem. Where do you start and how do you start. If the government were to do something drastic and radical it could ruin everything.

Until our population gets to a decent standard of education, it's impossible to make drastic changes. Many of our people back home can barely read and write, nevermind think for themselves. A religious figure has more credibility in Somalia than a you or me will ever have. That's the state we are in right now.

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
First. But what about the daily bombs? The fear of al shabab. And I thought most of you here believed Somali=Muslim. SO why does it matter if I say muslims or somalis?
Wallahi this some stupid shit. Why say muslim when it was somalis fleeing somalia cause of qabil and politics you moron not cause of islam.

Well were im from we dont fear al shabab nor do we have that problem like you hutus have so i cant relate to that sorry.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Sure arresting them is good. But you can not arrest and ideology. However we can make it harder for ideologist that breed organisations like Al Shabab and Isis to exist. In this scenario I actually would like for the government to exert is control and influence if that would mean less wahabism and salafism.
The thing is no organization can survive without financial support

If you want to truly gut an organization, get rid of it's donors and revenue streams

Same goes for culture. Every terrorist organization needs a population that is willing to tolerate it

I mean It doesn't mean they like them, but they don't hate them enough to rise against them If you change this, they are in a world of trouble

And one thing id suggest is that all politicians have to swear on the Quran before they get the position


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Then we can forget about secularism.

There is no secularism in religion
You either submit to God's will, or ridicule yourself by saying 'I believe in God' and act with ignorance

So basically, none of us Muslims is secular

There r hypocrites, though


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
You can't be secular & a Muslim smh it's one or the other.

No state should interfere with religion, Islam supersedes any man made laws.
What if countries like Somalia and other Muslim countries that have a huge problem with terrorism decided that to be an Imam you must have a licences. A licences given to you by the government that monitors the religious institutions. That way we can make sure that the various sheikhs in the country A) have an education in the religion and B) are not spreading harmful doctrines such as wahabism and salifism.

That's one solution. What do yall think?

LOL! excellent..:cool:.

I've been spreading the word that if Muslims rose up we wouldn't stand a chance. Crazy Imams use this as the ultimate weapon. I wont laugh.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
The reason you FOBs are in the West is because of secular liberalism. The reason you are free to wear hijab and pray whenever/wherever you want is because of secular liberalism. The reason you are protected as an ethnic minority and a religious minority is because of secular liberalism.

Honestly, the collective IQ of you anti secularism people must be in single digits.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
The reason you FOBs are in the West is because of secular liberalism. The reason you are free to wear hijab and pray whenever/wherever you want is because of secular liberalism. The reason you are protected as an ethnic minority and a religious minority is because of secular liberalism.

Honestly, the collective IQ of you anti secularism people must be in single digits.
No it's because of Allah the most benevolent the most wise. Allahu Akbar.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Any Muslim who believe in secularism has committed shirk which takes one out the fold of Islam.
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