I have a theory

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Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
Oh, is Brad Pitt 6 ft? I thought he was 5'8
Either way, he isn't skinny looking, you can tell he hits the gym.

Well you must be lanky af lmaooo
Nah I'm only 186 cm, the thing is if I am wearing a top I look really big which is why I love summers but when I wear jumpers I look kind of skinny.
Nah I'm only 186 cm, the thing is if I am wearing a top I look really big which is why I love summers but when I wear jumpers I look kind of skinny.

Really..You're almost 7 foot?



Depends. There is chubby and there is very fat. Very fat is shameful, every-time fat people
bend down their ass comes out of the jeans literally (in many cases fat people don't wear
nigiis properly). They are disgusting slobs, there is a reason gluttony is one of the 7 sins.
Depends. There is chubby and there is very fat. Very fat is shameful, every-time fat people
bend down their ass comes out of the jeans literally (in many cases fat people don't wear
nigiis properly). They are disgusting slobs, there is a reason gluttony is one of the 7 sins.
Wrong religion mate. But yeah being fat is not good Islamically either.
Snoring is also a major fat ppl problem. I learnt that when I went abroad with my uni.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
Fat people look younger. They always surprise you when you watch the biggest looser and see they transformations. They look like they put on 5 years for 10kg of baruur they loose. It's amazing, the secret of youth has been discovered.
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