I Hope Her Husband Leaves Her After Saying This

Keep it a boqol

“Live as if everything is rigged in your favour”
He accepts her and her three children, raising them as his own and being the father figure they desperately need. Meanwhile, she’s shamelessly embarrassing her husband telling the whole world she doesn’t really like him and purposely makes him go through it all.

She’s probably telling bro in private “your a real man for stepping up🥰🥺😩

She's a terrible person and he'd be right to leave her after seeing this video, but that tweet and the takeaway from the video is completely wrong. Being a stepfather doesn't make you a simp. The Prophet ﷺ was a stepfather and married divorcees and widows. Unfortunately many Muslims don't study the Seerah let alone taking the Prophet ﷺ as an example/role model. This is why you have Muslims who repeat this nonsense out of ignorance.

Keep it a boqol

“Live as if everything is rigged in your favour”
She's a terrible person and he'd be right to leave her after seeing this video, but that tweet and the takeaway from the video is completely wrong. Being a stepfather doesn't make you a simp. The Prophet ﷺ was a stepfather and married divorcees and widows. Unfortunately many Muslims don't study the Seerah let alone taking the Prophet ﷺ as an example/role model. This is why you have Muslims who repeat this nonsense out of ignorance.
This post wasn’t a dig at single mothers. She’s making it bad for the genuine ones looking for good partners who were dealt a bad hand.

Your right islamically there should be no shame for divorcees and single parents.
She's a terrible person and he'd be right to leave her after seeing this video, but that tweet and the takeaway from the video is completely wrong. Being a stepfather doesn't make you a simp. The Prophet ﷺ was a stepfather and married divorcees and widows. Unfortunately many Muslims don't study the Seerah let alone taking the Prophet ﷺ as an example/role model. This is why you have Muslims who repeat this nonsense out of ignorance.
Journey, redpillers and male misogynists will use the ramblings of one woman who is clearly terrible or even mentally insane to further their agenda.

Also, if you look at the redpill scene, most are in fact with single mothers @Keep it a boqol

Watch this video, the same men that said single mothers are scum and that they’re high value are also hitched to them:

This post wasn’t a dig at single mothers. She’s making it bad for the genuine ones looking for good partners who were dealt a bad hand.

Your right islamically there should be no shame for divorcees and single parents.
She’s not making it ‘bad’ because she’s one woman. If a man is stupid enough to listen to one random woman that’s on him. If women listened to the 100s on men with mics who degrade them day in and out, hardly any of you lot would marry.
Ugliness shows both on outside and inside. Human fishface image (1).png


🇨🇦 🇷🇺 The hate starts here
Staff Member
This is just how Black people operate, it has less to do with being a single mother. Black people like to take advantage of caring people like him.
Journey, redpillers and male misogynists will use the ramblings of one woman who is clearly terrible or even mentally insane to further their agenda.

Also, if you look at the redpill scene, most are in fact with single mothers @Keep it a boqol

Watch this video, the same men that said single mothers are scum and that they’re high value are also hitched to them:

Most men get into relationships with women out of pure lust, without talking the time to learn female nature. Women for the most part don’t make that mistake, since they study men 24/7 for survival.

Redpillers aka truth tellers reveal female nature to men in a neutral way, so they may learn how to value and deal with women appropriately.

These grifters on the other hand speak only of the dark side of female nature, because their audience are made up of 40 year old virgins, basement dwellers, creeps and desperados. Who don’t practice what they preach.

instead of yelling out red pill whenever you see something you don’t like my dear Angelina, why not take the time to learn the difference between red pill and black pill.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Being single and child-free offers a wider pool of suitors and more optimal options overall. It attracts individuals at a similar life stage who value greater lifestyle compatibility and prefer to avoid the added responsibilities or complexities associated with family dynamics common among single parents.

This woman implies two things: (1) she wouldn’t have chosen herself if she were in his position, recognizing that, as a single mother of three, she isn’t the obvious choice. (2) If she had been unattached with more options, she wouldn’t have chosen him, suggesting her decision was constrained and that he may not have been her ideal partner under different circumstances.
Did the definition of a simp change
Alot of Somali men married women with children from previous marriages. I bet you will find those in your own family
Adeerka xaakiisa cunuga weyno dhashay ninkale dhalay.
Most men get into relationships with women out of pure lust, without talking the time to learn female nature. Women for the most part don’t make that mistake, since they study men 24/7 for survival.
Lol they actually don’t study men. The average young woman has a romanticized view of men and it’s one of the reasons why in Islam women needs Walis. If women don’t make this mistake women wouldn’t need a father to sus a man out lol.

One of the reasons some men dislike older women is due to the fact that the older you become, the more savvy you are to human nature including men. They’re less gullible and less likely to be lied to.

Interestingly enough, Islamic law in a sense that divorced women and even in the Maliki fiqh older virgin women don’t have as much wali restrictions when finding a partner compared to a young virgin due to being more competent.

Redpillers aka truth tellers reveal female nature to men in a neutral way, so they may learn how to value and deal with women appropriately.

These grifters on the other hand speak only of the dark side of female nature, because their audience are made up of 40 year old virgins, basement dwellers, creeps and desperados. Who don’t practice what they preach.

instead of yelling out red pill whenever you see something you don’t like my dear Angelina, why not take the time to learn the difference between red pill and black pill.
Red pill is only for making money. This why Invest with the Tates. I turned 500 to 3k :trumpsmirk: ,but this other dating stuff what do you think it would be its on YouTube it supposed to be eye catching emotional.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Red pill is only for making money. This why Invest with the Tates. I turned 500 to 3k :trumpsmirk: ,but this other dating stuff what do you think it would be its on YouTube it supposed to be eye catching emotional.
Didnt that guy do a pump n dump crypto scheme recently and all his followers poured cash and upped the value to like 50k and he pulled out early and crashed the crypto along with his brother tristan while live? 😂


Plotting world domination
Journey, redpillers and male misogynists will use the ramblings of one woman who is clearly terrible or even mentally insane to further their agenda.

Also, if you look at the redpill scene, most are in fact with single mothers @Keep it a boqol

Watch this video, the same men that said single mothers are scum and that they’re high value are also hitched to them:

A decent amount of red pillers online are single fathers. I would fully expect them to date other single mothers.

@Keep it a boqol @Kane
Being a single child free male that dates single mothers is insane behavior. Especially if your educated and financially stable. The single moms need to be left for the single fathers and broke ass niggas that need love.

There's plenty of childfree women to choose from these days.
Didnt that guy do a pump n dump crypto scheme recently and all his followers poured cash and upped the value to like 50k and he pulled out early and crashed the crypto along with his brother tristan while live? 😂
Sxb Im a bit of a faan-tan-dug-lay. :chrisfreshhah:
Jimmy Fallon Smile GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
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