I made a mistake a year ago and I need to talk about it

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Can you state your top 3 reasons for doubts and why?

You went into a battle unarmed so I am not surprised you go shot at and now fatally wounded.

This reflects on the broader failure of our communities and parents, not equipping their children from a young age.

Never mind the crime of not fortifying their faith with reason, logic and evidences, but their kids are not even equipped to give basic Dawah to Non Muslims or answer Basic questions.

This is such a humiliation as the reason why Allah choose for us to be in the West instead of the hell hole Somalia fighting over barren lands was to bring Islam to these people.

For 1000 years Islam ruled the world, imagine how Jealous those people would be with the huge opportunities in front of us today that they never had because everyone back then imitated the Muslims and had inferiority complex.

Imagine if they were told to the contrary people are giving up their faith without a single bullet being fired, without facing any hardships or persecutions, living in an age of abundance, comfort and opulence? such a shame.
Deep down, how does it make you feel acting like a Muslim? Scrap the guilt. Do you genuinely enjoy wearing hijab, having Muslim friends, all the like?

What are your views on Islamic way of life in the West, and cultural Somali views on Islam?
Alot of people go through this phase of self doubt and revaluation of their beliefs, i wouldn't rush to call myself a gaal tho.
What helped me the most was realizing that all the "problems" i had with islam comes down to other ppl's interpretation of texts, and that i don't have to necessarily believe that their interpretation is the only correct one if that makes sense?

If i was you i would just stick to the quran and try to understand it without letting someone else think for me, it will make you develop a better relationship with Allah.

Illahay haku hanuuniyo isa
I experienced the same thing when I was around 18. I went on a music forum, and most of the members were atheist and had threads dedicating to mocking religion and denying the existence of God. They would say stuff like " Prove that God exists, big bang theory,evolution"and they would win the argument against a few Muslims on there who didn't have good Islamic knowledge. I was confused and had doubts to the point Islam had no bearing in my life but alhamdullilah I kept my agnostic believes to myself and didn't tell my parents or family anything.

After a couple of years I just got depressed, and realised I wasn't happy with my life and felt empty. Subhanallah i remember even studying buddhism as a way of life lol but their whole idea of incarnation just felt empty compared to Heaven. I wasn't interested in Christianity because of them viewing Jesus a man as a God, and didnt bother with Judaism. I then decided to pray again, and raised my hands in the air to Allah crying that he guides me on the right path.

That's when I bought myself a copy of the Quran in English translation. I could read the quran, but I had no understanding of its meaning and what it contained. Wallahi I was so surprised at what it contained, it was like for the first time at the age of 22 I was reading the Quran despite being born a Muslim and reading it throughout my youth. All the questions I had were answered in it, my faith increased, my heart was at ease and truly even reading it translated i realised that without a doubt that this is not the word of man but the word of God.

The foolish stuff people use to say on forums felt so stupid when I read the Quran. About the existence of God and so forth. For example, one of the verses that hit me was

35. Were they created by nothing, or were they themselves the creators? 36. Or did they create the heavens and the earth? Nay, but they have no firm Belief.(Surah Tuur)

Does it make sense that this world you see was made from nothing that it came just to be? Were we created from nothing? The earth we live on, the sun, the moon, the sky, the mountains, the flat land we walk on, the rain, the wind, the air we breath, the fruits, the vegetation, the cattle, the ocean, the endless creatures on this earth, the changing of night and day, creation of Humans, these are all the signs of Allah and that this world has a creator. These Atheists think they are smart but it only takes a fool to believe that there is no creator. Look at this example Allah gives us of how misguided people are

73. O mankind! A similitude has been coined, so listen to it (carefully): Verily! Those on whom you call besides Allah, cannot create (even) a fly, even though they combine together for the purpose. And if the fly snatched away a thing from them, they would have no power to release it from the fly. So weak are (both) the seeker and the sought.(Surah Hajj)

Those who worship idols/false deities other than Allah, those who don't believe in God can't even create something as small as a fly, and if the fly took something them from them they could not regain it. Imagine something small as a fly? Humans who have become so prideful with this technological advancement, forget them creating something to the level of the human eye, brain, hand, they can't even create a fly.

If you realise that all this didn't come about by nothing then you have to accept that there is a creator, and if there is a creator he didn't leave us alone in this world and brought us guidance. And what is the guidance he sent to mankind? His prophets and Messengers from the time of Adam, Nuh, Ibrahim, Moses, Issa to Prophet Muhammad. Calling the people to what? To worship the one true God Allah, to not associate partners with him, to do good deeds and stay away from sin and to prepare for the Hereafter where our actions in this life will determine whether we will have eternal bliss in heaven or join those who have disbelieved and been misguided by Satan and their nafs in the hellfire.

As Muslims we should know that life is a test. God created Adam, he asked the angels and iblis to prostrate down to Adam. The angels complied whilst Iblis didn't obey and refused to prostrate to Adam. What was the conversation between God and Iblis afterwards? That iblis out of envy and hatred for Adam he promised God that if he gave him respite till the day of judgement that he would misguide Mankind.

11. And surely, We created you (your father Adam) and then gave you shape (the noble shape of a human being), then We told the angels, “Prostrate to Adam”, and they prostrated, except Iblis (Satan), he refused to be of those who prostrate.
12. (Allah) said: “What prevented you (O Iblis) that you did not prostrate, when I commanded you?” Iblis said: “I am better than him (Adam), You created me from fire, and him You created from clay.”

13. (Allah) said: “(O Iblis) get down from this (Paradise), it is not for you to be arrogant here. Get out, for you are of those humiliated and disgraced.”
14. (Iblis) said: “Allow me respite till the Day they are raised up (i.e. the Day of Resurrection).”
15. (Allah) said: “You are of those allowed respite.”

16. (Iblis) said: “Because You have sent me astray, surely I will sit in wait against them (human beings) on Your Straight Path.
17. Then I will come to them from before them and behind them, from their right and from their left, and You will not find most of them as thankful ones (i.e. they will not be dutiful to You).”
18. (Allah) said (to Iblis) “Get out from this (Paradise) disgraced and expelled. Whoever of them (mankind) will follow you, then surely I will fill Hell with you all.”

Sister so don't you see? It's us mankind against Iblis and his armies. What is the one thing he wants from mankind? For us to disbelieve in God and join him and his followers in the hellfire. Its surreal to imagine how many people have been misguided by Ibliis. Those who worship idols, those who worship the sun/moon, those worship a man, those who worship Angels, those worship jinns, those who are atheist and don't believe in God etc. Iblis has misguided many of the children of Adam, but I hope you will not be one of those people and that instead you take refuge in Allah and hold firm to your faith that there is No true God worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammad is his servant and Messenger.

You made the mistake of going on exmuslim sites without firm knowledge in your faith. Inshallah stay away from these places, and instead read the Quran in English everyday, pray your five times a day and ask Allah to guide you, and inshallah you will see your faith increase. This life is short but the next life is eternal.

There is no stronger and clearer faith than Islam. Its shows us the reason and purpose of life, why we are here and what is waiting for us. Answers you wont find anywhere else. Looking back at my doubtful times, I always compare how bleak and empty my life felt as if I was dead man walking, and then alhamdullilah how Islam brought life back to this living body with a deal soul.

122. Is he who was dead (without Faith by ignorance and disbelief) and We gave him life (by knowledge and Faith) and set for him a light (of Belief) whereby he can walk amongst men, like him who is in the darkness (of disbelief, polytheism and hypocrisy) from which he can never come out? Thus it is made fair-seeming to the disbelievers that which they used to do.(Al-Ancaam)
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Use these two websites to help until you can get yours hands on a copy of an English translation of the Quran. Just log out of reddit and other gaal spaces, and just everyday just read two pages for the next couple of months, if you do I know your faith without a doubt will increase.

A lot of our parents are at fault for this, they focus on the memorisation of the Quran but not Arabic and Tafsiir(interpretation) of the Quran. A child that grows up into adulthood understanding the Quran will by the permission of Allah have roots as firm as mountains. You can't say have faith, pray 5 times a day, fast Ramadan, wear hijaab, dont use intoxicants, don't do zina, don't do crime when the child has no real understanding of religion other than a superficial one. Your child will just think it is all just a bunch of commands, the Muslims of Makkah in the early days of Prophethood were taught about the The oneness of God and that He is only deserving of worship, the signs of Allah, the hereafter judgement day, heaven and hell etc and then they were given the majority of the commands of faith.
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Hodan from HR

Just smile and wave
Staff Member
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Faith/ believing in the unseen is not something you can proof. That is why you are unsure, which is understandable. Good news, now that you have lost your faith, it is a slow painful process to rebuild it but you'll come out better and wiser, once on the other end.

You could try going back to the basics. Do you or do you not think this world has a creator? Have you ever had a spiritual encounter that you couldn't explain? Like a miracle happenning? Astral projection? Do you think there are other supernatural forces that exist in our world? Start from there, then do your research. It's hard that some of these experiences can be subjective and you have to see it to believe it but the teacher appears once the student is ready. Read and explore other branches of Islam and/or other religions. Be sincere in your search.

Also, alot of religious books contain allegories. You'll not get anything out of them, by trying to apply logic. The stories and scenarios are not meant to be scientific facts but rather for you to read and take the wisdom and moral story. For example, I can relate to different parts of story of musa depending on what I'm going through, yet some parts never make sense to me, like the guy he punched who died, before fleeing Egypt. Technically, that's murder. And isn't murder a sin?

Life is a dichotomy. There is light and darkness. Good and bad. Yin and yang. God can be merciful and punisher. I want God to have mercy on me and others yet sometimes, when I'm oppressed by someone in a position of power, I complain to God and made dua against them.

All to say, it's perfectly okay if you can't comprehend some things during your search. Keep a clean heart and write down the parts that make sense to you. I found my own path and understanding. I'm happier since I don't have to gaslight myself and be depressed because of the cognitive dissonance that mainstream Islam regurgitates. Different cultural interpretations and gender biases are the biggest culprits that causes this confusion.

If you believe in one Creator and are a good human, you are already successful in world and the next. The rest is semantics.
I believe this is a phase. I think you need to leave your environment temporarily. Life as a muslim can be very difficult here in the west. You are always surrounded by fitna and therefore it’s hard to maintain your iman. Have you tried umrah? I would recommend you to do it. Take at least one parent or other family member with you and invest your precious time with ibadah.
Go back and study tawheed and all the signs, proofs of Allah. If you don't study wholeheartedly before deciding to leave, you're doing yourself THE biggest disservice.

Give yourself a fair chance of learning to understand the diin. Many reverts came to Islam by doing this. At the end of the day we must remember, we need Allah not the other way around. Make dua from the heart like the one the Messenger scw used to say.

Oh Turner of the Hearts, keep our Hearts firm on Your Religion Yaa Muqallibal Quloob Thabbit Qalbee ‘alaa Deenik.
Oh turner of the hearts (Allah, the Most High), keep our hearts firm on your religion
[Authenticated by al-Albanee in al-Jaam’i as-Sagheer 1323/7988]
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You are dealing with knowledge matter; please talk to an Imam and pose your questions to them.

Meanwhile watch this video with Sh.Omar Suleiman and Sh. Yaser Birjas - The Quran cures all illnessess. They are talking about Ibn Qayyims book "Spiritual Disease and Its Cure".

pdf of the book : https://www.kalamullah.com/Books/Spiritual Disease and Its Cure.pdf
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Hodan from HR

Just smile and wave
Staff Member
Aren't women always easily influenced.

OR it is because Islam favors men?

We can deny all we want but Islamic laws comes off as favoring men more than women. This is the reality, from an outside perspective. And don't get me started with the misogynist hadiths and interpretations that so-called muslim men don't hesitate to quote to subjugate women. You can gaslight all you want but any sane woman, at some point in her life, will question the disrespectful, unfair, man-made rules that are being passed around as being from God.

Also, despite all these "advantages", your gender as a whole is failing. Statistics show religious women outnumber religious men in the abrahamic religions; islam, christianity and jewish. Women play an intergal role in the maintaining and preserving of these major religions because they are naturally more empathetic and community-oriented, unlike their male counterparts.
Alot of people go through this phase of self doubt and revaluation of their beliefs, i wouldn't rush to call myself a gaal tho.
What helped me the most was realizing that all the "problems" i had with islam comes down to other ppl's interpretation of texts, and that i don't have to necessarily believe that their interpretation is the only correct one if that makes sense?

If i was you i would just stick to the quran and try to understand it without letting someone else think for me, it will make you develop a better relationship with Allah.

Illahay haku hanuuniyo isa

Are you a quranist?
OR it is because Islam favors men?

We can deny all we want but Islamic laws comes off as favoring men more than women. This is the reality, from an outside perspective. And don't get me started with the misogynist hadiths and interpretations that so-called muslim men don't hesitate to quote to subjugate women. You can gaslight all you want but any sane woman, at some point in her life, will question the disrespectful, unfair, man-made rules that are being passed around as being from God.

Also, despite all these "advantages", your gender as a whole is failing. Statistics show religious women outnumber religious men, in the abrahamic religions; islam, christianity and jewish. Women play an intergal role in the maintaining and preserving of these major religions, because they are naturally more empathetic and community oriented, unlike their male counterparts.

Misogynist hadiths? You're talking about a saheeh hadith from the Prophet s.a.w as misogynistic?

Be careful sis. I can understand being against laws or different interpretations that don't have explicit proof from the Quran and Sunnah(like the Saudi driving ban for women). But a part of faith is to submit to what Allah and His Messenger ordained.

For example a lot of Muslim women in the west see the shares of inheritance as unfair. A daughter getting half of that which her brother gets from the inheritance. As Muslims with faith firstly we should submit to what God has ordered before trying to use are own rational or seeing the wisdom behind it. After submitting then you realise that let's say the inheritance is 150k, the brother gets 100k and the sister 50k. The brother is married and the sister is married. The brother islamically has to pay for his household needs. The bills, the rent, his wife's expenses and his children. Whereas his sister 50k belongs to her and her alone she has no Islamic obligation to provide for anyone else, its upon her husband to provide for the family.

I know of a lot of female relatives who were tripping over inheritance and other things, but when they got married they realised that Muslim men have a lot of responsibilities and that being the provider isn't an easy task.

Btw the story about moses calayhi Salaam. He committed murder, but that was before his Prophethood and speaking to God. He was just a man who committed a sin, but it says in the quran that after commiting the sin he did what? He turned to God in repentance, and said "My lord forgive me, for verily I have oppressed my soul' and God forgave him.

Most of our misnderstanding comes from a lack of knowledge. How can we understand our religion properly without understanding the language the Quran was revealed in and the Sunnah? How can we understand when we have never studied Islam? No wonder we all go through doubts and confusions.


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