I made a mistake a year ago and I need to talk about it

Hodan from HR

Just smile and wave
Staff Member
Misogynist hadiths? You're talking about a saheeh hadith from the Prophet s.a.w as misogynistic?

There's da'eef hadiths that are clearly misogynistic. The average Muslim doesn't know the difference between da'eef and sahih. The other issue is, even well meaning scholars projected their cultural biases on quranic and hadith interpretation, like the ruling that was passed on hijab not being wajib on slave Muslim women. Their reasoning being "for practical reasons" as the buyers wanted to make sure the slave women were healthy with no wounds. Can you believe this was considered normal back in the days?!

Be careful sis. I can understand being against laws or different interpretations that don't have explicit proof from the Quran and Sunnah(like the Saudi driving ban for women). But a part of faith is to submit to what Allah and His Messenger ordained.

For example a lot of Muslim women in the west see the shares of inheritance as unfair. A daughter getting half of that which her brother gets from the inheritance. As Muslims with faith firstly we should submit to what God has ordered before trying to use are own rational or seeing the wisdom behind it. After submitting then you realise that let's say the inheritance is 150k, the brother gets 100k and the sister 50k. The brother is married and the sister is married. The brother islamically has to pay for his household needs. The bills, the rent, his wife's expenses and his children. Whereas his sister 50k belongs to her and her alone she has no Islamic obligation to provide for anyone else, its upon her husband to provide for the family.

As for the inheritance law, it is not set in stone. The son getting double inheritance was practical in that era. However, if a parent leaves behind a will where they allocate double of the inheritance to the daughter instead, or assigned equal portions to both the son and daughter, this takes precedence over the Quranic law, as we are suppose to honor the parent's wish. Again, lots of people don't know this.

I know of a lot of female relatives who were tripping over inheritance and other things, but when they got married they realised that Muslim men have a lot of responsibilities and that being the provider isn't an easy task.

Btw the story about moses calayhi Salaam. He committed murder, but that was before his Prophethood and speaking to God. He was just a man who committed a sin, but it says in the quran that after commiting the sin he did what? He turned to God in repentance, and said "My lord forgive me, for verily I have oppressed my soul' and God forgave him.

I didn't know he wasn't Muslim before this incident. So you see? I have always been confused as to why a whole prophet who we should look upto as role model, committed murder. I keep an open mind because the way I view things keeps changing with age and experience.

Most of our misnderstanding comes from a lack of knowledge. How can we understand our religion properly without understanding the language the Quran was revealed in and the Sunnah? How can we understand when we have never studied Islam? No wonder we all go through doubts and confusions.

The only reason I have conviction is because I've had supernatural encounters. I know for a fact that we are souls inside human bodies. That's why I emphasize on Tawheed, even if one is having doubts. If you believe there exists a God of this world, and thrive to do good while you are here, you are guaranteed paradise. The prophet begged his uncle to just say the first part of shahada, so he could enter paradise. And other independent hadiths support this approach as well. Once your faith is strong enough, you'll easily move mountains for the sake of your Creator.
Misogynist hadiths? You're talking about a saheeh hadith from the Prophet s.a.w as misogynistic?

Be careful sis. I can understand being against laws or different interpretations that don't have explicit proof from the Quran and Sunnah(like the Saudi driving ban for women). But a part of faith is to submit to what Allah and His Messenger ordained.

For example a lot of Muslim women in the west see the shares of inheritance as unfair. A daughter getting half of that which her brother gets from the inheritance. As Muslims with faith firstly we should submit to what God has ordered before trying to use are own rational or seeing the wisdom behind it. After submitting then you realise that let's say the inheritance is 150k, the brother gets 100k and the sister 50k. The brother is married and the sister is married. The brother islamically has to pay for his household needs. The bills, the rent, his wife's expenses and his children. Whereas his sister 50k belongs to her and her alone she has no Islamic obligation to provide for anyone else, its upon her husband to provide for the family.

I know of a lot of female relatives who were tripping over inheritance and other things, but when they got married they realised that Muslim men have a lot of responsibilities and that being the provider isn't an easy task.

Btw the story about moses calayhi Salaam. He committed murder, but that was before his Prophethood and speaking to God. He was just a man who committed a sin, but it says in the quran that after commiting the sin he did what? He turned to God in repentance, and said "My lord forgive me, for verily I have oppressed my soul' and God forgave him.

Most of our misnderstanding comes from a lack of knowledge. How can we understand our religion properly without understanding the language the Quran was revealed in and the Sunnah? How can we understand when we have never studied Islam? No wonder we all go through doubts and confusions.
Contextualizing religion helps but also most dodgy hadiths I’ve seen have either been weak or fabricated

it also does not help that religious discourse is led by narcissistic men who genuinely desire having absolute power over the weak and vulnerable (like women) and twist faith to make life on earth favorable to their whims and desires, im not surprised if some end up believing that islam is misogynist

I don’t know what caused the sisters faith crisis maybe she doesn’t believe in the metaphysical or maybe she believes religion is unfair to women..
There's da'eef hadiths that are clearly misogynistic. The average Muslim doesn't know the difference between da'eef and sahih. The other issue is, even well meaning scholars projected their cultural biases on quranic and hadith interpretation, like the ruling that was passed on hijab not being wajib on slave Muslim women. Their reasoning being "for practical reasons" as the buyers wanted to make sure the slave women were healthy with no wounds. Can you believe this was considered normal back in the days?!

As for the inheritance law, it is not set in stone. The son getting double inheritance was practical in that era. However, if a parent leaves behind a will where they allocate double of the inheritance to the daughter instead, or assigned equal portions to both the son and daughter, this takes precedence over the Quranic law, as we are suppose to honor the parent's wish. Again, lots of people don't know this.

I didn't know he wasn't Muslim before this incident. So you see? I have always been confused as to why a whole prophet who we should look upto as role model, committed murder. I keep an open mind because the way I view things keeps changing with age and experience.

The only reason I have conviction is because I've had supernatural encounters. I know for a fact that we are souls inside human bodies. That's why I emphasize on Tawheed, even if one is having doubts. If you believe there exists a God of this world, and thrive to do good while you are here, you are guaranteed paradise. The prophet begged his uncle to just say the first part of shahada, so he could enter paradise. And other independent hadiths support this approach as well. Once your faith is strong enough, you'll easily move mountains for the sake of your Creator.
I understand why tawheed is the most important part of religion. I think religious doubts disappear or seem less important if you have solid belief in Gods existence
There's da'eef hadiths that are clearly misogynistic. The average Muslim doesn't know the difference between da'eef and sahih. The other issue is, even well meaning scholars projected their cultural biases on quranic and hadith interpretation, like the ruling that was passed on hijab not being wajib on slave Muslim women. Their reasoning being "for practical reasons" as the buyers wanted to make sure the slave women were healthy with no wounds. Can you believe this was considered normal back in the days?!

As for the inheritance law, it is not set in stone. The son getting double inheritance was practical in that era. However, if a parent leaves behind a will where they allocate double of the inheritance to the daughter instead, or assigned equal portions to both the son and daughter, this takes precedence over the Quranic law, as we are suppose to honor the parent's wish. Again, lots of people don't know this.

I didn't know he wasn't Muslim before this incident. So you see? I have always been confused as to why a whole prophet who we should look upto as role model, committed murder. I keep an open mind because the way I view things keeps changing with age and experience.

The only reason I have conviction is because I've had supernatural encounters. I know for a fact that we are souls inside human bodies. That's why I emphasize on Tawheed, even if one is having doubts. If you believe there exists a God of this world, and thrive to do good while you are here, you are guaranteed paradise. The prophet begged his uncle to just say the first part of shahada, so he could enter paradise. And other independent hadiths support this approach as well. Once your faith is strong enough, you'll easily move mountains for the sake of your Creator.

Walaal a parent islamically shariah wise can't split wealth between his heirs in his will because their shares have been fixed by Allah. If he dies, an Islamic court will split the wealth between the heirs using the division in the Quran. If the daughter gets double in the will, or the son gets everything, when taken to court it would be null and void and then split using the inheritance laws. The only way he could distribute wealth like the way you're saying is by giving it as a gift to each child whilst he's still alive.

Btw what I meant was moses calayhi Salaam was a Muslim, but that he wasn't a prophet of God at the time of the murder and that he only become a prophet much later when he fled from fircoon. He turned to God right after commiting the sin and asked for Forgiveness, and God forgave him...case closed.
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The real question that needs to be asked is why you looked in the first place and why you kept scrolling. I’m not here to judge but it seems like you already had doubts before you read that stuff and you kept going down the rabbit hole like an itch that had to be scratched. It was probably very satisfying for you. Sounds like you wanted to see what you saw. The only way to undo that is potentially doing the opposite. Don’t look, don’t ask questions, ignore doubts and eventually they just go away. You learn like any other habit. If that is what you indeed want…otherwise by looking you will further grow your doubts to the point that you are convinced it’s all a lie and you can’t come back to belief.
Btw @Hodan from HR For example look at this verse in Surah Baqarah

259. Or like the one who passed by a town and it had tumbled over its roofs. He said: “Oh! How will Allah ever bring it to life after its death?” So Allah caused him to die for a hundred years, then raised him up (again). He said: “How long did you remain (dead)?” He (the man) said: “(Perhaps) I remained (dead) a day or part of a day”. He said: “Nay, you have remained (dead) for a hundred years, look at your food and your drink, they show no change; and look at your donkey! And thus We have made of you a sign for the people. Look at the bones, how We bring them together and clothe them with flesh”. When this was clearly shown to him, he said, “I know (now) that Allah is Able to do all things.

Imagine trying to tell an atheist that Allah caused a man to be dead for 100 years, raised him back to life, that his food and drink didnt go bad, and his donkey as it was. They would mock and laugh, but as Muslims we genuinely have belief that God has the power to do this and that this story is real. What is this? It's called Faith. I believe God created the heavens and the earth and everything between it, that he will resurrect all of mindkind on the day of judgement so why wouldn't I believe that he resurrected a man after 100 years?

Sometimes it's not even worth arguing with Atheists because Faith is something that goes beyond the empirical world.

Btw what was the supernatural thing you experienced?
Well, this is a cautionary tale that, if you look into the abyss for too long, it will look back at you. You can't be in places without expecting it not to affect you. Belief is something you protect, not just maintain. As the post above states, waswas is a real thing. You might look at something undeniably true and you know it but you still don't feel settled. This is shaytans work. You then recognize your feelings are compromised and start thinking with your mind but also trust in Allah that precedes your weakness. Then you turn the objective switch in your mind analyzing what the problems are. Then systematically go out and search for the answers. Your questions will be answered, and you will have to learn to submit.

The issue with a lot of people is that they assume their disposition is neutral. They need to be satisfied while never questioning if they are even equipped with those capabilities in the first place. Maybe years of corruption have skewed your lens? These are valid points. Because you will meet non-Muslims who have questions about Islam, you answer them, they agree, but then suddenly they want to run to something else. They're not playing an honest exchange. That's why they can never be satisfied. Their ego is their drive and shaytan lies there constantly. That is why practicing the deen mindfully puts a check on those inner demons and inner discord.

Many times our feelings are not equal to truth. Upon that realization, you truly mature as a human. That's when you realize, oh wait, I am full shit and so is that and that person. My feelings often deceive me. It's not an authority of my beliefs. Though a person who has a good fitra has aligned harmony between beliefs and what they feel. But not everyone got a good fitra.

Hodan from HR

Just smile and wave
Staff Member
Walaal a parent islamically shariah wise can't split wealth between his heirs in his will because their shares have been fixed by Allah. If he dies, an Islamic court will split the wealth between the heirs using the division in the Quran. If the daughter gets double in the will, or the son gets everything, when taken to court it would be null and void and then split using the inheritance laws. The only way he could distribute wealth like the way you're saying is by giving it as a gift to each child whilst he's still alive.

The way I was taught, if the dead parent leaves a will behind, that takes precedence. The reason the parent's will comes first is because it is expected that they know their children best, who is responsible and who will be careless with the inheritance. Furthermore, let's not get lost in semantics because technically, if a parent is keen on giving one child more wealth, they can label their wealth as "gifts". Hence, the quranic law is only applicable in the case that the deceased did not leave any will behind.

Btw what I meant was moses calayhi Salaam was a Muslim, but that he wasn't a prophet of God at the time of the murder and that he only become a prophet much later when he fled from fircoon. He turned to God right after commiting the sin and asked for Forgiveness, and God forgave him...case closed.

Case not closed.
If musa intentionally murdered this man and Allah is just, then where is the justice for this man? Are you saying it is okay for God to forgive murderers who ask for repentance, without any consequences?

This is why I refrain from topics I don't understand. Hai dambaajin walalo.. 😞
The way I was taught, if the dead parent leaves a will behind, that takes precedence. The reason the parent's will comes first is because it is expected that they know their children best, who is responsible and who will be careless with the inheritance. Furthermore, let's not get lost in semantics because technically, if a parent is keen on giving one child more wealth, they can label their wealth as "gifts". Hence, the quranic law is only applicable in the case that the deceased did not leave any will behind.

Case not closed.
If musa intentionally murdered this man and Allah is just, then where is the justice for this man? Are you saying it is okay for God to forgive murderers who ask for repentance, without any consequences?

This is why I refrain from topics I don't understand. Hai dambaajin walalo.. 😞

Haha adiga haa ii dambaajin


The above is the proper context. Muusa was trying to help his companion from Bani Israel against a man of the people of fircoon. He hit him or pushed him, and unintentionally killed the man. So it was an unintentional killing not murder.

And Allah forgave him for his mistake...
Walaal a parent islamically shariah wise can't split wealth between his heirs in his will because their shares have been fixed by Allah. If he dies, an Islamic court will split the wealth between the heirs using the division in the Quran. If the daughter gets double in the will, or the son gets everything, when taken to court it would be null and void and then split using the inheritance laws. The only way he could distribute wealth like the way you're saying is by giving it as a gift to each child whilst he's still alive.

Btw what I meant was moses calayhi Salaam was a Muslim, but that he wasn't a prophet of God at the time of the murder and that he only become a prophet much later when he fled from fircoon. He turned to God right after commiting the sin and asked for Forgiveness, and God forgave him...case closed.

Islamically Brothers are supposed to provide for the unmarried sisters. When has this ever been practiced or upheld?

In Somalia men are inheriting the wealth of their mothers and leaving their sisters almost nothing.

Islamic societies are leaving women in abject poverty to sell tomatoes in the market while the men lay around suckling on the teet of their elderly mothers.

But somehow, they always remember that men are ensured the largest inheritance.

Nevermind the unpaid mehrs epidemic and deadbeat fathers.

This is why people start to disbelieve.
Islamically Brothers are supposed to provide for the unmarried sisters. When has this ever been practiced or upheld?

In Somalia men are inheriting the wealth of their mothers and leaving their sisters almost nothing.

Islamic societies are leaving women in abject poverty to sell tomatoes in the market while the men lay around suckling on the teet of their elderly mothers.

But somehow, they always remember that men are ensured the largest inheritance.

Nevermind the unpaid mehrs epidemic and deadbeat fathers.

This is why people start to disbelieve.

Things need to improve yes, but what's up with the exaggeration?

In Somalia there is a lot of baadiyo culture, its not just women, even boys were robbed off their inheritance by their uncles. But slowly now with more people understanding the religion and the increase in Somali scholars a lot of people back home now take the inheritance seriously and act justly, especially the people in the cities.

I know of uncles back home, who sisters live with them after a divorce and have their own kids. Not everything is black and white as you're painting it, especially back home were traditional roles are the norm. In the modern world yes male relatives don't need to provide as much for female relatives, but at the same time why are you acting like a Somali man would leave his sister on her own? Most unmarried girls when they leave their parents house in baadiyo, they move to their uncle, brother or aunts house in Somalia. They dont just live by themselves, and most often than not eat and live with their relatives until they get married.

The men in Somalia are suckling at their mothers teet whilst the woman are only working and living in abject poverty? You have never been back home, and you're just making assumptions. Somali men back home unlike the west don't have the welfare state, working is a matter of survival. A lot of houses in Somalia the men are the main breadwinners, if his income is not enough then his wife also works to help balance things. Its not just the woman that are in poverty, Somali men are struggling as well with living in a country with no economic progress and job opportunities, and yet when they get married it's expected of them to be the breadwinner for the family.

The meher thing has become a cultural thing. Islamically you should give the women her meher before marriage, but the Somali culture has changed it to giving it to her when you get a divorce. I don't know how that happened, but a lot of Somali women back home would have a heart attack if you gave them their meher, they would be thinking you're initiating a divorce. That does need to change, and most Somali sheikhs have spoken about it.

And lastly deadbeat fathers, stop using that term. In the west the fathers that came from Somalia I feel sorry for them and also for the women. It doesn't excuse anything, but imagine a man who lived in Somalia his whole life, studied in Somalia, worked there and had a normal life having to leave everything behind to go to a foreign country were he doesn't speak the language, his degree isn't accepted and a culture that he doesn't understand? I think a lot of Somali men from that era have psychological problems and weren't ready for western society(hence why a lot of them seek comfort from chatting to fellow Somalis in Cafes, its like a support system). My dad for example from studying in Saudi, working in the medical field, being a respected and high member of society ended up working as a factory worker for 15 years+ with indians chatting sh1t and trying to get him sacked. I don't know how he didn't break, but he was tougher than most Somali men and endured everything to provide for his family.

Anyways, hate it or love it. I'm not trying to make it out as Somali men don't have their faults, and I'm not ignoring the burden Somali women have faced in the west and the cultural norms back home. However, a part of growing up is looking at both sides, and not just thinking men are at the fault of everything.
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Hodan from HR

Just smile and wave
Staff Member
Btw @Hodan from HR For example look at this verse in Surah Baqarah

Sometimes it's not even worth arguing with Atheists because Faith is something that goes beyond the empirical world.
True. Personally, I can see why some people are agnostic but I find it hard to follow atheists' logic. With agnostics, they say they are unsure and it is possible there's something out there. However, atheist are stubborn and deny because "we can't prove God" so doesn't exist.

When I was a teenager, I use to make dua asking for a specific thing and say God make this thing happens if you are real and it always happened. Maybe I am speaking from a place of priviledge, but God promised to send signs to humankind, around and within us. Don't shy away from asking for signs.

Btw what was the supernatural thing you experienced?

I made threads about them. I could be biased and projecting my Islamic perspectives in these experiences because other people in other cultures and religions experience this as well. But the truth is there is an unexplained spiritual world out there and personally, I can't pretend and say God is not real. So many signs in my personal life, that even as someone with a strong scientific background, I will be disingenuous to deny them. I always pray guide me to your truth and show me the right way.

Things need to improve yes, but what's up with the exaggeration?

In Somalia there is a lot of baadiyo culture, its not just women, even boys were robbed off their inheritance by their uncles. But slowly now with more people understanding the religion and the increase in Somali scholars a lot of people back home now take the inheritance seriously and act justly, especially the people in the cities.

I know of uncles back home, who sisters live with them after a divorce and have their own kids. Not everything is black and white as you're painting it, especially back home were traditional roles are the norm. In the modern world yes male relatives don't need to provide as much for female relatives, but at the same time why are you acting like a Somali man would leave his sister on her own? Most unmarried girls when they leave their parents house in baadiyo, they move to their uncle, brother or aunts house in Somalia. They dont just live by themselves, and most often than not eat and live with their relatives until they get married.

The men in Somalia are suckling at their mothers teet whilst the woman are only working and living in abject poverty? You have never been back home, and you're just making assumptions. Somali men back home unlike the west don't have the welfare state, working is a matter of survival. A lot of houses in Somalia the men are the main breadwinners, if his income is not enough then his wife also works to help balance things. Its not just the woman that are in poverty, Somali men are struggling as well with living in a country with no economic progress and job opportunities, and yet when they get married it's expected of them to be the breadwinner for the family.

The meher thing has become a cultural thing. Islamically you should give the women her meher before marriage, but the Somali culture has changed it to giving it to her when you get a divorce. I don't know how that happened, but a lot of Somali women back home would have a heart attack if you gave them their meher, they would be thinking you're initiating a divorce. That does need to change, and most Somali sheikhs have spoken about it.

And lastly deadbeat fathers, stop using that term. In the west the fathers that came from Somalia I feel sorry for them and also for the women. It doesn't excuse anything, but imagine a man who lived in Somalia his whole life, studied in Somalia, worked there and had a normal life having to leave everything behind to go to a foreign country were he doesn't speak the language, his degree isn't accepted and a culture that he doesn't understand? I think a lot of Somali men from that era have psychological problems and weren't ready for western society(hence why a lot of them seek comfort from chatting to fellow Somalis in Cafes, its like a support system). My dad for example from studying in Saudi, working in the medical field, being a respected and high member of society ended up working as a factory worker for 15 years+ with indians chatting sh1t and trying to get him sacked. I don't know how he didn't break, but he was tougher than most Somali men and endured everything to provide for his family.

Anyways, hate it or love it. I'm not trying to make it out as Somali men don't have their faults, and I'm not ignoring the burden Somali women have faced in the west and the cultural norms back home. However, a part of growing up is looking at both sides, and not just thinking men are at the fault of everything.

I just hear 1 million excuses. I’m speaking on things that I have witnessed and have heard happened.

Reality check, we have the highest infant mortality rate and maternal mortality rate out of all countries. Somalia continues to be rated the worst place to be a woman year after year.

Never in my life have I seen any impetus from the wadaads on this. In fact I have witness Somali wadaads preach against the Quran to guilt trip Somali women to contribute to their household.

Like I said, this is about peoples disillusionment with Islam and it’s often a direct result of wicked men using the religion to abuse and hurt others.

You can talk to any ex atheist or even just any westerners on why they are cultural Christians. It’s because the church became a source of hypocrisy and abuse. But continue making a million excuses.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Reality check, we have the highest infant mortality rate and maternal mortality rate out of all countries. Somalia continues to be rated the worst place to be a woman year after year.
Thats a stretch, your acting like the women back home get taliban treatment sure the system is unfair and prejudiced but somalia is nowhere near being the worst place for women there are far worser societys.
Are you a quranist?
Chill walaal i don't like these labels 😭 im not entirely tho, i only dismiss hadiths if they even slightly contradict the quran. I believe that should be the default for every muslim too because why are we putting "books" made by men on the same level as Allah's words :comeon: the quran should be the the primary source for everything in islam and anything else is secondary and must adjust to it
My bad.

Australian sheikhs in general are pretty good though.

OP should also realise that her Iman is being tested and as Abu Huraira (RA) reported in hadith later compiled by Sahih Bukhari,the Prophet (SAW) said "If Allah wills good for someone, He afflicts him with trials.”
idk what you'd apologize for. Muhammad Hoblos is absolutely correct in that.

abandoning the prayer is worse than murder, rape, adultery and any other sin that does not mean kufr. For abandoning the prayer is disbelief.

it is the first thing one shall be asked about on the day of judgement.

The one who is a murderer, rapist and whatever but is still a muslim shall eventually still enter jannah if Allah wills to punish this person.

the one who abandons the prayer shall never be forgiven by Allah if they die upon kufr without an excuse and shall burn forever in Jahannam

the first person, while having done evil clearly, at least still prostrated to his Lord.

the abandoner of the prayer did something even the Satan wasn't too prideful to do.

Satan refused to bow to Adam, while the one who does not pray refuses to bow to the Lord of Adam
Islamically Brothers are supposed to provide for the unmarried sisters. When has this ever been practiced or upheld?

In Somalia men are inheriting the wealth of their mothers and leaving their sisters almost nothing.

Islamic societies are leaving women in abject poverty to sell tomatoes in the market while the men lay around suckling on the teet of their elderly mothers.

But somehow, they always remember that men are ensured the largest inheritance.

Nevermind the unpaid mehrs epidemic and deadbeat fathers.

This is why people start to disbelieve.
I think there’s no expectations for men anymore back home.. there are more men today being financially cared for by women than any other time in somali history. Few job opportunities, men looking down on manual labour means that women pick up the slack
Chill walaal i don't like these labels 😭 im not entirely tho, i only dismiss hadiths if they even slightly contradict the quran. I believe that should be the default for every muslim too because why are we putting "books" made by men on the same level as Allah's words :comeon: the quran should be the the primary source for everything in islam and anything else is secondary and must adjust to it
Chill walaal i don't like these labels 😭 im not entirely tho, i only dismiss hadiths if they even slightly contradict the quran. I believe that should be the default for every muslim too because why are we putting "books" made by men on the same level as Allah's words :comeon: the quran should be the the primary source for everything in islam and anything else is secondary and must adjust to it

Interesting, can you give an example of a hadith that contradicts the quran.

What led you to that stance?
I think there’s no expectations for men anymore back home.. there are more men today being financially cared for by women than any other time in somali history. Few job opportunities, men looking down on manual labour means that women pick up the slack

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welp it looks like im on the right path then lol :pachah1:

Interesting, can you give an example of a hadith that contradicts the quran.

What led you to that stance?
These are the ones off the top of my head

1) In Islamic jurisprudence, the highest punishments or penalties are known as Hudud. These include severe offences such as adultery and theft. One of the purposes of Al Hudud besides the punishment is that once an individual receives the prescribed punishment for such sins, they are forgiven by Allah for that particular transgression.

All hudud offenses and their corresponding punishments are explicitly mentioned in the Quran, except for Al Ridaa (apostasy) which can only be found in the hadith "من بدل دينه فاقتلوه" “He who changes his religion (i.e. apostates) kill him.” Even though it conflicts directly with the Quran,

"2:256 There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong." and also " "The truth is from your Lord, so whoever wills - let him believe; and whoever wills - let him disbelieve." Indeed, We have prepared for the wrongdoers a fire whose walls will surround them."

These ayaat suggest that individuals have the freedom to choose their belief and that the punishment for apostasy lies in the afterlife, not in this world. Sooooo if one purpose of hudud is to serve as atonement then logically, should not apostates also be forgiven in the hereafter once they have faced punishment in this world? This whole thing doesnt make sense to ibr

Also one of the scribes of the prophet (PBUH) that wrote the quran, Abdullah ibn abi sarh apostated, commited treason, slandered the prophet, fleed to Mecca and after all that once Muslims conquered Mecca he wasn't killed and the prophet forgave him, so i dont really understand where did the ridaa punishment came from, and how did it became a stable punishment that 99.9% muslims Muslims believe in its legitimacy

2) Another one is Al Rajm which means stoning to death, and this punishment is for married people that engage in adultery, which again conflicts with the quran as the quran only mentioned lashing them 100 times and did not make a distinction between married or unmarried people "The woman and the man guilty of adultery or fornication—flog each one of them with a hundred stripes." and this one is funny when you look it up, many ulama claims that there used to be an aya in the quran that specified married people but it got abrogated in in its recitation but not in its ruling, and that some goats came in and ate the papers that this verse was written on, which is why it wasnt included in the final compiled mushaf :mjlol:

3) Another one is "The love for the Arabs is faith and hatred for them is disbelief. One who loved the Arabs, loves me and one who hates the Arabs, hates me." and "Indeed, Allah created all of creation, and He made me from the best of their groups. Then He chose the tribes and made me from the best tribe. Then He chose the households and made me from the best of their households. Therefore, I am the best of them in self and the best of them in household."
All these hadiths that reinforce the arab supremacy claims over Islam although it was meant as a global message and "Surely the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous among you" and even again historically speaking too, pre-islam arabs had absolutly zero civilization footprint, and all their neighbouring nations had contributed more to the world that them lol
I think there’s no expectations for men anymore back home.. there are more men today being financially cared for by women than any other time in somali history. Few job opportunities, men looking down on manual labour means that women pick up the slack

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There's no expectation but they want to use and abuse the religion for their own financial gain.


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