I personally do not agree with apostasy laws

Omar del Sur


I think this Shabir Ally guy had at least like three different views that constituted apostasy.... I am not making takfir on him but I think there was a good case for it

edit: I was just listening to the video and I'm like 99% sure you could legitimately make takfir on him... he calls his show "let the Quran speak" but he even goes directly against the Quran
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Omar del Sur

The alazhar extending the time to revert from 3 days to forever

second Othman intervened more than once to prevent the execution of a murtad, why Othman prevent that? And why it was ok to look other way if it was legitimate to execute murtadiin

again alshabaab would have killed Othman on the first day

actually, there was a famous incident where Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) tried to look the other way when someone committed adultery... that doesn't mean the punishment for it isn't there in the sharia... and it ended up being carried out anyways in that case

Omar del Sur

Brother, ur obviously only debating right now to debate for the sake of it, u clearly r not using ur brain
The hadith obviously means changing out of Islam
Again give me one scholar who believes what u believe

he is using his brain but in order to twist things to misguide people
Can you Bring some evidence from the quran
The source of Islamic law primarily comes from the Quran and Sunnah (Which are the Authetic Hadiths). There are countless Authentic Hadiths from the Prophet ﷺ and the companions رضي الله عنهم which establish that an Apostate deserved to be judicially executed, the scholars (May Allah be pleased with them all) looked into it and almost all of them unanimously agree that an Apostate deserves to be killed after due process in a Muslim judicial system.

Quran, Sunnah and Ijma (consensus) establishes this. What more do you need?
The source of Islamic law primarily comes from the Quran and Sunnah (Which are the Authetic Hadiths). There are countless Authentic Hadiths from the Prophet ﷺ and the companions رضي الله عنهم which establish that an Apostate deserved to be judicially executed, the scholars (May Allah be pleased with them all) looked into it and almost all of them unanimously agree that an Apostate deserves to be killed after due process in a Muslim judicial system.

Quran, Sunnah and Ijma (consensus) establishes this. What more do you need?
What's an apostate according to the Quran & sunnah ?
Who understands the Quran better? You or RasulAllah (peace be upon him)?
What kinda question is that lol.

I asked a normal question the hadith doesn't agree with this Quran verse "there is no compulsion in faith".
“No compulsion in religion” is understood to mean Non-Muslims shouldn’t be forced to accept Islam. As for those who leave Islam, then this verse does not apply to them.
But how? They become non-muslim.
& when kafirs don't disclose their kafirnimo doesnt that make them munafiqs hiding amongst us ?
What's an apostate according to the Quran & sunnah ?

What kinda question is that lol.

I asked a normal question the hadith doesn't agree with this Quran verse "there is no compulsion in faith".
An Apostate is an “Ex-Muslim”, one who leaves the religion of Islam. It’s very simple.
@Xoxoxo @Bundasliga

If you're in Darul-Islam, you left Islam and then promote apostasy amongst the Muslims, the rules on how to deal with you are very clear.

If you left Islam while living in Darul-Kuffaar, and then attack Islam and Muslims, then the rules are very clear on how to deal with you.

No sugar-coating in any way of form........Get to use to it, people. Islam isn't gonna change because you embrace the "woke" culture.
But how? They become non-muslim.
& when kafirs don't disclose their kafirnimo doesnt that make them munafiqs hiding amongst us ?
Yes, they are munafiqs but once they expose their Apostasy in public unambiguously then they are judged as such. If they live in a Muslim land where such an act is rightfully punished then they will be detained and the judicial authorities will look into the matter in detail. If he refuses to revert after a waiting period then the judicial authorities will order him to be executed.

Omar del Sur

I asked a normal question the hadith doesn't agree with this Quran verse "there is no compulsion in faith".

This is why tafsir is so important. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) wasn't only sent to teach the recitation of the Quran. In regards to the Quran, he also taught the interpretation. It isn't for us to make our own interpretation. We have to learn the correct understanding of the Quran.

Omar del Sur

I'm not out to keep debating this. The law on apostasy has been a part of Islam since the days of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the sahaba. It has been a part of Islam for over 1,400 years.

If you are a Muslim then Allah has honored you with Islam. You have been given this beautiful din and you have to do your best to preserve it.

Apostasy law, feminism, lgbt, these are battle grounds. These are areas where Islam says one thing and Western ideology wants Muslims to say something else.

Are you going to cave to pressure to become Westernized or are you going to play your part in defending the din of Allah- and preserving this din intact for future generations? Allah honored you with this din- so will you play your part in defending the din of Allah, the din ul haq?

As @Tamir mentioned, this is an ijma of the scholars. It isn't even a debate.

Islam started as something strange and it will again become something strange. It will be totally in line with prophecies if Islam becomes more and more watered-down. You decide on the individual level whether you want to defend the din or you want to sell it out. No one can force a person to make the right decision in this regard.
Yes, they are munafiqs but once they expose their Apostasy in public unambiguously then they are judged as such. If they live in a Muslim land where such an act is rightfully punished then they will be detained and the judicial authorities will look into the matter in detail. If he refuses to revert after a waiting period then the judicial authorities will order him to be executed.
What if they dont make it public ,but get exposed like you can legit takfir on them .
They say they Muslim, they act Muslim, but saying stuff that's takfir-able (lol)


Getting draids inshallah
I am specifically talking about punishing someone to death just because they left Islam.

In my own personal opinion, in our life time we are looking and searching for answers, some people could explore their answers on their own and find their own truth in the end and others have to leave the things they learn from their family behind because it wasn’t their own personal truth anyways.

idc it just baffles me? It really doesn’t make sense to just kill off someone just because they left Islam and explained that it isn’t their own personal truth

You and I are what they call 'revisionists". 30's year's war, white people(protestant) fought an entire war to reform Christianity. I share your beliefs, but they are wrong in the context of Islam. I don't consider a Gay Muslim, not of Islam, but 99% of Muslims will condemn him. <--- This is revisionist. (Meaning our revisionism is anti-Islamic, and thus, well brethren of Hell :) ) Revisionism is anti-Islam, anti-Islam is not Islam. The deen is perfect, it was handed down generations in perfect order without fault, without wrong, without need for #revisiosionism.

You either leave the religion, or you bind yourself to everything it adheres to on everything. This is how Islam has been able to endure and this is how it will continue to endure for centuries. What bends is contorted, what doesn't bend either dies or endurs.

As @Amk said, you cannot change the words written in the Quran, nor it's customs, nor it's people, nor it's culture, nor it's history.

Your problem is using a spiritual/faith/(somali word for heart) thing in a rational manner.

Nigga, <---------------- This is intentional.


1+1 isn't a faith based system. If you grew up in the West, stop using your mind to understand Faith based system.

1+1 isn't 2 in Faith. Don't get this shit twisted.

1+1 = Islamic Answer. <=== Don't question it. To question is revisionism. That is literally no lie.

Your equation: 1+1 = 'My personal answer" =/(does not equal) 'Islamic Answer'

What you want: 1+1: 'My personal answer === 'the right answer, please change mfs'


What keeps Islam strong, is that it doesn't bend. It'll never bend. Its laws and structure is for eternity or until the end of time.

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actually, there was a famous incident where Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) tried to look the other way when someone committed adultery... that doesn't mean the punishment for it isn't there in the sharia... and it ended up being carried out anyways in that case
Yh bc in the religion we dont want ppl to confess there sins if Allah hides a sin for u u should hide it and repent, the ounishments are an expiation for the people and a repellent to others.
Most ppl confessed their sins bc they felt so guilty they kept on insisting for the prescribed punishment to happen on them
As a muslim u want to think the best about ur muslim brother which is why the prophet turned his head


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