I reported a guy to the FBI that threatened SoHollywood with murder

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FBI is useful law enforcement tool, trump era made them inundated with complaints like these which carry much more seriousness to them and they are doing nothing because of the law that law enforcement acts when they have credible information that someone is acting on their threats,. For them to get to this kid, he sounds a kid, will be beyond important. May be it is a Muslim guy who made the threat, it might get pushed at the top, other than that, you are misusing a good tool available to you for much more dangerous situations. If he posted home addresses, etc, with names and locations, I can see the need for action on it.
Weren't the authorities involved a few weeks ago when someone sent flashing images to someone with epilepsy?

You're saying the authorities wouldn't be involved in a murder threat?

You're just hoping they won't be because you share the same views.


I think you should be ashamed of yourself.

And you expect me to say I like Homosexuality and Homosexuals? You might do well with learning what freedom of speech in AMERICA is dude. Your likes who accuse others to intimidate them into conforming your opinions are useless. Get educated for f*ck's sake.
FBI is useful law enforcement tool, trump era made them inundated with complaints like these which carry much more seriousness to them and they are doing nothing because of the law that law enforcement acts when they have credible information that someone is acting on their threats,. For them to get to this kid, he sounds a kid, will be beyond important. May be it is a Muslim guy who made the threat, it might get pushed at the top, other than that, you are misusing a good tool available to you for much more dangerous situations. If he posted home addresses, etc, with names and locations, I can see the need for action on it.

He made a threat to kill a minority.

This little Dutch white girl said she was Al Qaeda and will do "something big" and guess what? She was charged.

And you expect me to say I like Homosexuality and Homosexuals? You might do well with learning what freedom of speech in AMERICA is dude. Your likes who accuse others to intimidate them into conforming your opinions are useless. Get educated for f*ck's sake.

No one cares if you like gays or not. A threat to someone's life is made and the authorities take these things seriously.

Stop getting emotional because someone with views you share will be in jail soon

Alqaeeda, is a declared terrorist organization, disliking homosexuality and homosexuals don't fall into that category. You are confused.
No one cares if you like gays or not. A threat to someone's life is made and the authorities take these things seriously.

Stop getting emotional because someone with views you share will be in jail soon


Who is emotional abusing a law enforcement option here? In this forum, you can pull out Somalis threatening each other with worse perhaps. I have no sympathy to offer for homosexual choice dude.
Who is emotional abusing a law enforcement option here? In this forum, you can pull out Somalis threatening each other with worse perhaps. I have no sympathy to offer for homosexual choice dude.

No one cares about what sympathy you might or might not have. Your opinion is irrelevant.

What matters is that the man committed a crime.

So reporting someone who threatened someone's life is abusing law enforcement's time?

Smh can you read? He made a threat to kill someone. Its not simply because he hates gays.

You live in Canada which explains your poor understanding over the law of freedom of speech and what counts as a violation of it. As I noted in my first reply to you, much more threatening messages that carried very personal information were shelved because FBI can not act on it. Then you brought up for me Alqa'eda related material which falls into a different category.

If you are despised by society, don't be enraged, accept realities and that people in their majority view Homosexuality as perversion. Such views are different from threats and physical harm to someone for any reason. There is no law against having views on something negative or positive in America.

Get educated about the law dude.
You live in Canada which explains your poor understanding over the law of freedom of speech and what counts as a violation of it. As I noted in my first reply to your, much more threatening messages that carried very personal information were shelved because FBI can not act on it. Then you brought up for me Alqa'eda related material which falls into a different category.

If you are despised by society, don't be enraged, accept realities and that people in their majority view Homosexuality as perversion. Such views are different from threats and physical harm to someone for any reason. There is no law against having views on something negative or positive in America.

Get educated about the law dude.

So making threats to someone's life is freedom of speech now?

I love how some people in this thread is saying that we should downplay this dude threat because it's an emotional reaction. That shit is wrong. You don't threaten another person's life just because they live a different way.
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I love how some people in this thread is saying that we should downplay this dude threat because it's an emotional reaction. That shit is wrong. You don't threaten another person's life just because they live different way.

He just said it was his freedom of speech to threaten him with murder. You can't make this shit up

My case is, seeing homosexuality as a perversion and having no sympathy for that kind of life style. You seemed eager to intimidate anyone who addresses you in your false assumptions dude. As far as what you posted about the guy you reported, I brought up how more menacing posts that carried something that warranted immediate action are being shelved.

May be this article will clarify the point I wanted to convey at the beginning. It is what I read and prodded me to bring up the point of backlog etc.

He just said it was his freedom of speech to threaten him with murder. You can't make this shit up


I didn't actually, or you can point out. I brought up the freedom of speech when you tried out of your sheer stupidly to intimidate me. If you are looking for acceptance and positive views, support or whatever you need to stay strong in your ways, I am not one to offer because I simply see you as someone who made a decision for themselves. You won't find me discuss and bring up homosexuality with you at all. I even called you "bro" in another thread even though I saw the queer flag you wave because it is non of my business what you do with your life. As long as you are not loking for my acceptance for your ways, we keep clear.

Besides, you reported the guy already, so your point of me not wanting you to report is invalid. You missed my objective in talking to you because you see beyond the talk and other things in your head.
@Burhan were you the individual who wrote that death threat which millions of Americans have been charged and thrown in jail for?


Why don't you let the FBI verify? :) I think the outcome might serve you good lesson. Going around online forums intimidating individuals can in of itself be considered criminal.

I mentioned here in another thread a day or two ago, how I don't have a twitter account. You are not bright.
Why don't you let the FBI verify? :) I think the outcome might serve you good lesson. Going around online forums intimidating individuals can in of itself be considered criminal.

When someone threatens your family member online with death for whatever reason, let's hope you practice what you preach and "not waste law enforcements time" :)
When someone threatens your family member online with death for whatever reason, let's hope you practice what you preach and "not waste law enforcements time" :)

I will be honest, most likely I would not. Cause I consider people who do that to be a bit mental and needing mental health. But for those who fear for their lives, they have the right to seek help from law enforcement. I am reasonable to agree with that simple logic.

I brought up a point here that is valid due to today's political climate, but you weren't having it. You thought you could intimidate me :)

One can also do an assessment level of a threat by themselves before going too far right? It depends what the threat level is. I don't want to be the boy who cried wolf until the wolf came and ate all his sheep :) :)
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