I reported a guy to the FBI that threatened SoHollywood with murder

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This one thinks death threats are fine too huh? :comeon:
he didn't say death threats were fine, he said the FBI has a lot more important things to do than going after the person who tweeted that. there are people who post others addresses, phone numbers and threaten them but even those people don't get in trouble.
That was not your message "all along".

Your message was it is your freedom of speech to give a death threat.

Very dishonest of you.

Also, very shameful of you. I think you should be ashamed of yourself

Did you see where I said you have better chance of prevention from the local police instead of the FBI? which FALLS with my message all along. Aside from that, there is discussion about what constitutes free speech including what the guy wrote.

Report me to the FBI.
he didn't say death threats were fine, he said the FBI has a lot more important things to do than going after the person who tweeted that. there are people who post others addresses, phone numbers and threaten them but even those people don't get in trouble.

This is what he wrote. Death threats are not freedom of speech.

You live in Canada which explains your poor understanding over the law of freedom of speech and what counts as a violation of it.

Report me to the FBI.

Why would I report you? You didn't commit a crime?
he didn't say death threats were fine, he said the FBI has a lot more important things to do than going after the person who tweeted that. there are people who post others addresses, phone numbers and threaten them but even those people don't get in trouble.

Finally!, Someone who can read through tons of posts. People like Abdi Johnson attack Somalis every chance they get for not agreeing with their choices in life. You will run out of space counting the blanket blame and demeaning comments in which they generalize Somalis yet they think they are the victims.

I want this whatever being to report me to the FBI. End of story.
This is what he wrote. Death threats are not freedom of speech.

Why would I report you? You didn't commit a crime?

Yes, that was in reminding you about my freedom to espouse negative views about homosexuality. Cause you seemed intent to intimidate me into not expressing my views about homosexuality. You must have missed that post. This is your problem. Reread all posts I wrote to you. Don't waste my time.
People like Abdi Johnson attack Somalis every chance they get for not agreeing with their choices in life.

This isn't about agreeing or disagreeing with homosexuality but a death threat against a homosexual. Two very different things.

You're the same person who said you wouldn't call the police if someone threatened your family online with death so I think I'll stop here...
Cause you seemed intent to intimidate me into not expressing my views about homosexuality

Don't lie about me. I told you from the very beginning I don't care about your views and that I am focused on the death threat.

FBI is flooded with more dangerous messages than what the guy wrote content wise, messages written by trump supporters to many Americans of all walks of life, messages that have home addresses, phone numbers, paycheck information and location of their work posted publicly and with encouragement to go do a number on these victims. These messages are more intimate, yet the FBI response was, we will just wait when these lunatics act on their threat.

There is a backlog at FBI. some DUDE WHO DOESN'T LIKe GAY PEOPLE won't probably hit their top list. And I bet most FBI officials might be laughing at the messages, America in general hates homosexuality and homosexuals. Best option is to reason with the guy and educate him how threats don't accomplish anything.

This is the very first post you wrote in the thread. You immediately dismissed it as some guy who hates gays and you completely dismissed the death threat part and when I repeated to you that it was a death threat, you say death threats are freedom of speech and then accuse me of shoving gay propaganda down your throat when I did no such thing and the entire time I was focusing on the death threat.

Good day

This isn't about agreeing or disagreeing with homosexuality but a death threat against a homosexual. Two very different things.

You're the same person who said you wouldn't call the police if someone threatened your family online with death so I think I'll stop here...

Of course. My first reaction to online threats directed at me is not to take them seriously. Then I added in that same post in which I said the same thing, I can understand someone needing to seek help from law enforcement if they feel fearful and seriously threatened. It is my personality and I am responding to a question you asked. But because you feel insecure and always assume you are under siege by everyone, that is what I am imposing on you. If you go back to the beginning of my first post, I pointed FBI won't be responsive citing several reasons. Just to bring up a valid point these days not because they don't want to, but I saw an article detailing the political climate that led to FBI with a backlog of complaints. then legality conversation came up and so on.

Hana daalinin nin yohow. I am not drunk on some shit.

If you are intent on saying I am supporting whatever you deem bad, by all means, drop that evidence with the FBI so you feel content it will be addressed is my point. Otherwise, don't keep repeating same unfounded accusations.

If I am dishonest, it is my problem. Another accusation out of the thousands you lob in a day's online work. Nothing new right.
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Dire Dewa's son

Malik Obama 4 president.
:pachah1: @AbdiJohnson exposing these losers. :russ: All the backpedaling and fake consensus building to save face. Losers. NO FORM OF THREAT IS ACCEPTABLE. You stockholm syndrome having low lifes better get off that terrorist shit.:kodaksmiley:
btw, to make a last point here, without agreeing with someone's behavior, legality of what they do and determination of convictions out of that if they are violating a law, are two different things. I guess people with small brains can get confused over such fine points. Part of the conversation was that. When there is no sincerity, people choose to be bankrupt in their dealings with others. With that, I hope this makes a final point I could not get delivered clear.

As for the Dirir Dhaba Dude, being a kiss ass is a sign of the emasculated.. Stand on your own, then I will consider you worthy of two words.
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:pachah1: @AbdiJohnson exposing these losers. :russ: All the backpedaling and fake consensus building to save face. Losers. NO FORM OF THREAT IS ACCEPTABLE. You stockholm syndrome having low lifes better get off that terrorist shit.:kodaksmiley:

Out of no where he starts accusing me of shoving my views down his throat when I did no such thing and then he tells me to report him to the authorities when I never said I would report him and when I never accused him of committing a crime. What is there to report?

He should be a politician. He already mindfucked one girl here into thinking the authorities shouldn't waste their time on a murder threat that included "wallahi" and that came from a throwaway account. He was sincere in this threat otherwise he would have not hide his identity and would not have said wallahi.


He was sincere in this threat otherwise he would have not hide his identity and would not have said wallahi.

Because Somalis are known for speaking truth after habitually dropping wallahi every other second. :mjlol:
Out of no where he starts accusing me of shoving my views down his throat when I did no such thing and then he tells me to report him to the authorities when I never said I would report him and when I never accused him of committing a crime. What is there to report?

He should be a politician. He already mindfucked one girl here into thinking the authorities shouldn't waste their time on a murder threat that included "wallahi" and that came from a throwaway account. He was sincere in this threat otherwise he would have not hide his identity and would not have said wallahi.

You must be paranoid if you think I have another account. This explains the circus in the thread. I got the balls to stand on my ground and defend my view point when it is valid. There is no reason to hide behind multiple accounts.
You must be paranoid if you think I have another account. This explains the circus in the thread. I got the balls to stand on my ground and defend my view point when it is valid. There is no reason to hide behind multiple accounts.

I was referring to the other guy at the end, not you but I can see why you thought that. I apologize for the confusion.
@AbdiJohnson the FBI, police, army are full of homophobic macho men especially cadaan men. Nothing will happen on contrary they will turn blind. Check how many cases of (black dead gays) are reported unsolved. No one will care because the victim is
2. Gay
3. Muslim
The only gays that Gays orgs do care about are the white male gay only.
Second, going online and reporting people like that, will make the police and FBI would block you. They wouldn't take you seriously again. They will view you as boring old grandmother who spy's at her neighbourhood and calls the police all day and night.
Canuck, Thank you. You elaborately conveyed part of the message I struggled to get across to AbdiJohsnon even though I understood his well meaning efforts to prevent something happening by reporting it. I failed in communicating with him on this issue.

I don't know a lot about Abdi-Johnson, he sounds alright but a bit quick to criticize Somalis. We are all biased, but if he tones down the unwarranted criticism of his people, and tries to be part of them, he will be fine and people will be less vitriolic towards him.

As a thumb of rule, I defend people no matter who they are if others are on the wrong, my first instinct. I don't like people who speak as if they occupy moral high ground when they don't.

I take this opportunity to apologize to the young brother. I think I was a bit harsh on him. I felt bad afterwards. I am not perfect myself, so I should act more responsibly towards those who disagree with me and I disagree with.
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