Rapists are made, not born, and repressive sexual morality is one of the biggest casual factors of degenerate behaviour. It's why Bachi Bazi is a phenomenon in Afghanistan, but not Scandinavia. You could not get two people together for the purpose of molesting kids in the West, but groups of men in their forties and fifties will congregate to watch boys dressed up in women's clothes in Kabul.
Sheikh Madar is a Sacad Muuse neighborhood. @merka folks area.
Not every desperado who can't get a date is gonna turn pedo, but some will. Stats speak for themselves. With the rise of ography though, lonely hearts might direct their sexual energies into their computer. Ironically, the only thing stopping Somali girls from getting their kintir fondled might be Xvideos. So don't you ever say adult videos serve no good social purpose.Surely not getting laid does not equal being a rapist/paedophile? Nor does it lead to that.
There's more to it than that.
You have to be kidding me. You are a troll.
n 2012, the Special Rapporteur on the sale of children, child prostitution and child ography reported : "Countries of origin of international child sex tourists vary depending on the regions, but the demand is usually recognized as coming from the industrialized countries, including the richer countries of Europe, North America, the Russian Federation, Japan, Australia and New Zealand. Australians, for instance, have been identified as the largest group of sex tourists prosecuted in Thailand (31 per cent of the total). Of the 146 cases investigated by Action Pour Les Enfants (APLE) in Cambodia between 2003 and April 2012, 32 were American, 24 French and 20 Vietnamese. In the coastal regions of Kenya, for example, 30 per cent were residents and 70 per cent of the abusers were foreign: Italians (18 per cent), Germans (14 per cent), Swiss (12 per cent), with tourists coming from Uganda and the United Republic of Tanzania fifth and sixth on the list. In Costa Rica, according to available information, between the 1999 and 2005, the Child Exploitation Unit had arrested a total of 74 persons on suspicion of commercial sexual exploitation of children. Of those arrested, 56 were Costa Rican nationals and 18 foreign nationals".
And this is just the export of child molestation. I'm pretty sure last year I heard about a Swedish man raping an African woman and forcing her tor ape an animal.
Kulaha white people have no sexual degeneracy. They invented it an perfected it.
@merka be like 'I am from Djibouti'
The man lives in finland @KULTA probably hit that
On a serious note, its sad state of affairs. Hope he gets what ever it takes to get cured.
Forget sheikh Madaar, I will be coming for hargeisa during the FKD.That said: @Bohol who lives in Sheikh madaar region in Hargeisa? I won't be proud to use this in my upcoming fdk battles. No mercy, fkd lifestyle is not for the faint hearted
Just when I was beginning to think the Somali IQ really wasn't 68, along you come and dash my hopes. Tell me naya, how many times were you clubbed on the head as a child? That can be the only explanation for your inexistent reading skills. I said Western pedos act alone you mentally defective moron, not in groups, which is what Pakistani and Afghan pedos do.You have to be kidding me. You are a troll.
n 2012, the Special Rapporteur on the sale of children, child prostitution and child ography reported : "Countries of origin of international child sex tourists vary depending on the regions, but the demand is usually recognized as coming from the industrialized countries, including the richer countries of Europe, North America, the Russian Federation, Japan, Australia and New Zealand. Australians, for instance, have been identified as the largest group of sex tourists prosecuted in Thailand (31 per cent of the total). Of the 146 cases investigated by Action Pour Les Enfants (APLE) in Cambodia between 2003 and April 2012, 32 were American, 24 French and 20 Vietnamese. In the coastal regions of Kenya, for example, 30 per cent were residents and 70 per cent of the abusers were foreign: Italians (18 per cent), Germans (14 per cent), Swiss (12 per cent), with tourists coming from Uganda and the United Republic of Tanzania fifth and sixth on the list. In Costa Rica, according to available information, between the 1999 and 2005, the Child Exploitation Unit had arrested a total of 74 persons on suspicion of commercial sexual exploitation of children. Of those arrested, 56 were Costa Rican nationals and 18 foreign nationals".
And this is just the export of child molestation. I'm pretty sure last year I heard about a Swedish man raping an African woman and forcing her tor ape an animal.
Kulaha white people have no sexual degeneracy. They invented it an perfected it.
The entire dark net is white men sharing child . There even cases of child molesters adopting children abroad to use them as sexual servants with other child molesters. AS BABIES! Bachi bazi what?
HOLY SHIT I'VE SEEN HIM. I saw him with a hijab on too!
Just when I was beginning to think the Somali IQ really wasn't 68, along you come and dash my hopes. Tell me naya, how many times were you clubbed on the head as a child? That can be the only explanation for your inexistent reading skills. I said Western pedos act alone you mentally defective moron, not in groups, which is what Pakistani and Afghan pedos do.
Sex tourism? What does that have to do with acting in groups? Jeez. I look forward to your citing lone examples of white folks who did act in unison when the subject is about statistically significant cases. I didn't know it was even possible to navigate the Web with this level of brain damage.
Now's not the time for FKD, a young man is talking about how he was raped a child. That's low.
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@R.Kelly decries the amount of thread reposting around here but actively engages in it