I was right, they really are going to normalize pedophilia

Don't you think stigmatising it and saying anyone who comes out as a pedophile will get killed will just make it more dificult to find them and help them because they are just going to hide it even more
I meant stigma pertaining to kids speaking out, not on hating pedos. We should still hate them with every fiber of our being.


🇨🇦 🇷🇺 The hate starts here
Staff Member
What is your problem with considering a 17 year old an adult?
Is it because they are not physcially mature enough for sex?
Or they are not mentally mature enough for sex?

They are mature enough for sex and marriage but with similarly aged people. There are power dynamics at play. Lets say marital rape happens. They will defend themselves more if its with a similar aged person. If it's a 25 year old like you, they are more likely to accept it. They're scared of you.
They are mature enough for sex and marriage but with similarly aged people. There are power dynamics at play. Lets say marital rape happens. They will defend themselves more if its with a similar aged person. If it's a 25 year old like you, they are more likely to accept it. They're scared of you.
Ok so you have no problem with a 17 year old having sex but only with a person older than them you have a problem correct?
You have no problem with qawm lut but you only have a problem with pedophiles
You should hate both groups if you were sincere
I'm whatever about gay people in the same way I'm whatever about a thief half way across the planet. It's a sin, but it ain't effecting me. Pedos by their very nature, are a danger to kids. If you don't have the mental capabilities to understand the distinction, then I dunno what to tell you man.
I'm whatever about gay people in the same way I'm whatever about a thief half way across the planet. It's a sin, but it ain't effecting me. Pedos by their very nature, are a danger to kids. If you don't have the mental capabilities to understand the distinction, then I dunno what to tell you man.
Not all pedos are danger to kids because some of them choose not to act on it
Not all pedos are danger to kids because some of them choose not to act on it
Sure buddy. I'm gonna just have faith in the good will of a pedo. I hope you're not this naively stupid in real life. What would your feelings be if you had kids and a pedo who didn't do anything lived there? Would you really maintain this nonsensical degree of trust. Wake up and smell the coffee. The world ain't that nice.


🇨🇦 🇷🇺 The hate starts here
Staff Member
Ok so you have no problem with a 17 year old having sex but only with a person older than them you have a problem correct?

Not only me, virtually everyone.

Lets say we don't marry rapists

It has to do with anything that makes them uncomfortable, not just marital rape. You're also robbing them of their youth. Their life towards independence just starts. 25 is when you start calming down a bit and have real life responsibilities. It's the age you start losing friends and acquaintances. Your interests and hobbies are much different. There is not much understanding about your problems as they have different problems. This goes for under 22 in your case.
Not only me, virtually everyone.
not virtually everyone, in some countries it is illgeal t have sex before 18
How young does this go for you? where people of the same age can have sex?

It has to do with anything that makes them uncomfortable, not just marital rape. You're also robbing them of their youth. 25 is when you calm down a bit and have real life responsibilities. It's the age you start losing friends and acquaintances. Your interests and hobbies are much different. There is not much understanding about your problems as they have different problems. This goes for under 22 in your case.
This isn't got anything to do with pedophilia to me, its just people not getting along, your point doesn't follow to me, all it is is, they might not get along, your point about it being pedophlia makes no sense, because you are presuming a 17 year old is child at that point

Your not robbing anyone of their youth, if someone wants to get married young, they can, its their own choice, why are you imposing your own views onto someone else?
You can have similar interests and hobbies, who said you can't?
All this stuff can be figured out and determines on the person, it has nothing to do with whether it is moral or not, equating someone who grapes children to a 25 year old marrying a 17 year old is beyond insane

Marital rape happens between people of every age, it has nothing to do with age, it has to do with the persons circumstances, this is like a, what if worst case scenerio happens then this means it is really bad
You can't say that if you do your a pedo
I'm 18 I'll be fine sxb :silanyosmile: Wallahi I find this thread hilarious. These guys don't want to come out and say that they find what Allah has made permissible wrong, so they either ignore every time someone brings up Aisha (ra) or they give some shitty replay where they ignore the whole point. Stop hiding in the bushes say it with your chest.:mjlol: I see what happened to the Christians. Watch in the next 50 years or so, we will probably witness the emergence of a new sect of Islam in which everything is haram, halal, acholic, lgbt nonsense, and possibly even pork. :trumpsmirk:and their make everything halal but seen as taboo in the west haram they will call it the "the New Testament of islam" :deadrose:
I'm 18 I'll be fine sxb :silanyosmile: Wallahi I find this thread hilarious. These guys don't want to come out and say that they find what Allah has made permissible wrong, so they either ignore every time someone brings up Aisha (ra) or they give some shitty replay where they ignore the whole point. Stop hiding in the bushes say it with your chest.:mjlol: I see what happened to the Christians. Watch in the next 50 years or so, we will probably witness the emergence of a new sect of Islam in which everything is haram, halal, acholic, lgbt nonsense, and possibly even pork. :trumpsmirk:and their make everything halal but seen as taboo in the west haram they will call it the "the New Testament of islam" :deadrose:
They also have to ask themselves a simple question, why does a girl have to wear hijab and cover herself after the age of 9 years old?


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
so what is the solution for people who have this mental illness but have not acted on it? Isn't it better for the government to give them necessary support and also make it possible for them to "out" this mental health problem to certain professionals who can help cure them then just to do the crime?

We should do this with all other dangerous mental disorders like psychopathy, this way we can effectively combat these crimes by preventing them. If we don't give these people a possibility of getting professional help for their mental disorders, they will just resort to acting on their urges and it will be to late to help their victims.

The way I understand it MAP is just destigmatized term for these individuals who have this pedophile mental disorder but have not acted on it, the same way there are people with Homocide ideation or psychopathy mental ilness who may have the urge to kill someone but have not acted on it. So all pedos are MAPs, but not all MAPs are necessarily pedos.
It is difficult to discuss this sort of human behaviour without experiencing some revulsion or appearing moralist.

Pedophilia, whether acted upon or not, is considered aberrant by most people at this juncture. A problem arises with the softening of language. Next, they ask to incorporate this into the sexual minority umbrella. Or worse, they politicize their voices, demanding a 'right to sex with minors.'

This reminds me of Harvard-trained entomologist turned sex researcher Alfred Kinsley in the 1940s. He pushed this notion of sexual ambiguity and conducted illegal and unethically live sexual experiments on children two months to 15 years. Forming the foundation of childhood psychosexual development contained in some modern psychology textbooks. He promoted the egregious notion that children could have active sex lives and should engage with their peers in sex acts and even across generational lines. His research was also methodologically problematic, and his sex surveys were oversampled from prostitutes and the prison population rather than the general population.

I mention this example because there is a movement to push pedophilia from sexual deviation to sexual orientation, paralleling Kinsley's sentiments that the main goal is the pursuit of pleasure without the incumbrances of inhibitions or social or legal sanctions.

In my opinion, stigmatization should remain. Children should be kept safe. Away from coercion and abuse. As for these MAPs. Why use this label as it merely legitimizes their mental illness? Everyone has sway over their actions. If psychopaths have control over their impulses, I do not see how they cannot. If they are afraid of harming others, why not live together, isolated from society or take something to castrate themselves chemically? As for those who commit offences aka sex offenders, there is a high recidivism rate meaning the likelihood of reoffending is very high. There are many options. Chemical castration, life in prison or euthanasia.
In my opinion, stigmatization should remain. Children should be kept safe. Away from coercion and abuse. As for these MAPs. Why use this label as it merely legitimizes their mental illness? Everyone has sway over their actions. If psychopaths have control over their impulses, I do not see how they cannot. If they are afraid of harming others, why not live together, isolated from society or take something to castrate themselves chemically? As for those who commit offences aka sex offenders, there is a high recidivism rate meaning the likelihood of reoffending is very high. There are many options. Chemical castration, life in prison or euthanasia.
You haven't differentiated between the people who are attracted to children and people who actually abuse children.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
You haven't differentiated between the people who are attracted to children and people who actually abuse children.
Did you even read what I wrote? I do not see the point of a MAPs label. Other than to politicize their plight. Furthermore, slowly work to shift public perception in favour of their inclusion or, worse, the acceptance of their 'desired' lifestyle.

A MAP that watches explicit underage material should be locked up. If they do no harm and are law-abiding, why announce to the world that they are MAPs? It will only generate suspicion and lead to their social ostracism.

Suppose a man identifies as EFSA (Exclusively Forced Sex Attracted). He has no rhyme or reason for getting a little rapey feeling inside. Seems to be only sexually excited upon hearing a declined sexual request and imagines what it would be like to push boundaries but declares he is not a rapist and would never act out his desire to transgress. Instinct would tell you to dial 911 or grab a gun.
Calling The Police Help GIF by TallBoyz

