1.It makes it easier for them to come out and get help, I disagree with them labelling themselves as this in general and being public about it, I only agree with it as a term people use when treating people of this condition, not a public image or label that we see people calling themselves, it helps people get help for their problem without being labelled a pedophile and being drawn away to they hideouts where noone can find and help themDid you even read what I wrote? I do not see the point of a MAPs label. Other than to politicize their plight. Furthermore, slowly work to shift public perception in favour of their inclusion or, worse, the acceptance of their 'desired' lifestyle.
A MAP that watches explicit underage material should be locked up. If they do no harm and are law-abiding, why announce to the world that they are MAPs? It will only generate suspicion and lead to their social ostracism.
Suppose a man identifies as EFSA (Exclusively Forced Sex Attracted). He has no rhyme or reason for getting a little rapey feeling inside. Seems to be only sexually excited upon hearing a declined sexual request and imagines what it would be like to push boundaries but declares he is not a rapist and would never act out his desire to transgress. Instinct would tell you to dial 911 or grab a gun.
2.There is a discussion on this in general about CP, one argument states that the CP in and within itself is immoral which everyone agrees with, but some people state, that if it is animated or not actual CP but imitates it then it is still moral as no harm is being done and everyone has the right to do what they want, they shouldn't announce they are MAPs, from my understanding its just a term used for people but not something people are proud of or label themselves as. If I am wrong and it is like LGBTQ+ then it is completely weird and wrong
3. There are alot of men like that who exclusively watch pron like that but according to the law it is not illegal and it is fine as long as they don't do it in real life(I disagree with this) but hey this is our government