I wish men suffered from period pains

I was joking. Meant it in the context of the title. Thats the pain we men went through. Also fgm isnt circumcision. Female circumcision is clitoral hood reduction and thats a procedure that many women go through in the west and is completely legally and healthy.
You weren’t joking. Fgm is no where near male circumcision. Men don’t go through circumcision, it’s actually toddlers and young boys and neither do you remember the pain, you don’t get circumcised once a month.
You weren’t joking. Fgm is no where near male circumcision. Men don’t go through circumcision, it’s actually toddlers and young boys and neither do you remember the pain, you don’t get circumcised once a month.
Read my reply again and I was circumsized at the age of 7-8. I remember the whole process and I remember the time I had foreskin. Fgm is Pharoahic circumcision. The circumcision that women can do in Islam is the circumcision that is also known as clitoral hood reduction. Clitoral hood reduction is a procedure that is legal in the west, safe and healthy. I am not an anatomy expert, but some women have a larger than average clit and undergo clitoral hood reduction. Look it up
Men don’t go through a lot? We work long hours suffering in pain just to provide for women. There’s a reason women live longer then men


Too Much No GIF by CBC
Read my reply again and I was circumsized at the age of 7-8. I remember the whole process and I remember the time I had foreskin. Fgm is Pharoahic circumcision. The circumcision that women can do in Islam is the circumcision that is also known as clitoral hood reduction. Clitoral hood reduction is a procedure that is legal in the west, safe and healthy. I am not an anatomy expert, but some women have a larger than average clit and undergo clitoral hood reduction. Look it up
That isn’t what Somali women go through. They have their whole organ cut out and the sewn. Nothing like the procedure that is done in Malaysia and what is allowed in Islam.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
That isn’t what Somali women go through. They have their whole organ cut out and the sewn. Nothing like the procedure that is done in Malaysia and what is allowed in Islam.

What is allowed in Islam? My understanding is Islam does NOT address circumssion at all. correct?
That isn’t what Somali women go through. They have their whole organ cut out and the sewn. Nothing like the procedure that is done in Malaysia and what is allowed in Islam.
Thats definitely horrible and haram. That's the remnants of our pagan past. This is the culture that waaqist, gaal murtad fake wadanis want to preserve. As for Ahlul Sunnah they completely reject this. Look up fircooni gudniin and then type Sh. Something and you will find bunch of scholars rejecting and warning against. The thing is that some would say the sunnah circumcision for women is obligatory and according to the Shafici madhab it is, but again Sunni gudniin is clitoral hood reduction and not the mutilation of the vagina that is the fircooni. Let me also clarify again that when I said "I wish women were circumcised." I meant that ironically due to the title. Men should feel the pain of periods, well women should feel the pain of "Male circumcision." Again this was ironically and not even meant female circumcision and absolutely not fircooni. Now that I have clarified myself stop disliking my comment, if it happens reply at least with why you did it.


「Immortal Sage」| Qabil-fluid
Being the only male sibling. I've seen what my sisters go through on a really bad month(s). So I ask you, why would you make such a wish??

