Iam very critical of Muawiyah bin Sufyan.

Afraid to answer a simple question:trumpsmirk:

Call Failmaajo, maybe he can help u
Likely non-Muslim and non-Somali, loool not surprised. Relieved for my people actually.

If you were serious you wouldn’t be seeking the opinion of an anon forumer.

And stop crying about Farmaajo, a better person than you are clearly.

Bye :abuxyga:


Weeping for the Nation of 68
Guys i will leave it at here.
Just continue believing Ali r.a and Muawiya were fighting because they were bored and the group who killed Ammar r.a were good samaritans lol
Watch what you say, Aisha RA, wife of the prophet Sws was part of the same party as Muawiya.

They were not prophets themselves. They were humans who made mistakes.

But that’s not the only controversial thing about Muawiya RA, actually the controversy surrounding his son Yazid was worse.

You should focus on trying to be a good Muslim on the most basic level, being honest, just, kind, charitable, controlling your temper, your personal worship etc.

If you focus on yourself, which is a life long daily battle, you won’t have time to be judging people who might’ve been better than you in every way despite their shortcomings.


Which scholars do you listen to, I'm curious ?


Weeping for the Nation of 68
Id be very careful If I were you Aisha RA and Muawiyyah fought on same side. These are disputes which you shouldnt discuss as it was a fitnah

Aisha r.a repented and regretted.
We have no reports of Muawiyah repenting and regretting of fighting against Amir al muminineen Ali r.a. The one about whom prophet pbuh said: Tomorrow i shall give the banner to a man who loves Allah and his messenger and is loved by Allah and his messenger(pbuh).

The problem with salafism is that they say both(muawiya and Ali r.a) were on Xaqq(Truth).

Musaylama kadab was also a sahabi for a while. It says nothing.

There was also a sahabi who left islam and embraced Orthodox christianity in Ethiopia.

To be sahabi doesnt mean guaranteed Paradise
All of us were talking to him yet non of us passed judgment until you came in this thread questioning his Islam and somalinimo.

Truly a 68er wallahi.
The hadith you quoted is actually 2 different hadiths that were said by the prophet at 2 different times. There's one hadith that talks about him being killed by the "transgressing party" and theres another hadith about him "calling them to allah and they call him to hellfire". It has been concluded by many of the past scholars that it was a copyist error that put these 2 hadiths together as they're not found in the earlier copies of sahih bukhari.
@SomaliWadaniSoldier I advise to look the videos of Yasir Qadhi about these events. He explains them good in their historical context. My second advise is you should stop starting to interpret Ahadith by yourself, there is a reason we ask the scholars for such kind of questions. None of us is a scholar bro, hence I say watch the video of Dr. Yasir qadhi. I don't don't know many other English speaking scholars who are trustworthy. Maybe @embarassing and others know some more. That's all I have to say.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Aisha r.a repented and regretted.
We have no reports of Muawiyah repenting and regretting of fighting against Amir al muminineen Ali r.a. The one about whom prophet pbuh said: Tomorrow i shall give the banner to a man who loves Allah and his messenger and is loved by Allah and his messenger(pbuh).

The problem with salafism is that they say both(muawiya and Ali r.a) were on Xaqq(Truth).

Musaylama kadab was also a sahabi for a while. It says nothing.

There was also a sahabi who left islam and embraced Orthodox christianity in Ethiopia.

To be sahabi doesnt mean guaranteed Paradise
What a fool! ASWJ agree that Ali RA was in the right but prefer too not judge the Sahabis and not condemn any party.


Weeping for the Nation of 68
@SomaliWadaniSoldier I advise to look the videos of Yasir Qadhi about these events. He explains them good in their historical context. My second advise is you should stop starting to interpret Ahadith by yourself, there is a reason we ask the scholars for such kind of questions. None of us is a scholar bro, hence I say watch the video of Dr. Yasir qadhi. I don't don't know many other English speaking scholars who are trustworthy. Maybe @embarassing and others know some more. That's all I have to say.

Becareful with Qadhi. He said something very dangerous about Gog and Magog.
He is regarded as deviant

Which scholars do you listen to, I'm curious ?
None in particular rn. InshaAllah I’ll get back to learning and practicing more soon.
Aisha r.a repented and regretted.
We have no reports of Muawiyah repenting and regretting of fighting against Amir al muminineen Ali r.a. The one about whom prophet pbuh said: Tomorrow i shall give the banner to a man who loves Allah and his messenger and is loved by Allah and his messenger(pbuh).

The problem with salafism is that they say both(muawiya and Ali r.a) were on Xaqq(Truth).

Musaylama kadab was also a sahabi for a while. It says nothing.

There was also a sahabi who left islam and embraced Orthodox christianity in Ethiopia.

To be sahabi doesnt mean guaranteed Paradise
This is Islamic history and not about Salafis who started yesterday. Why don’t you look into it instead of confidently speaking about things you don’t know much about?

Let’s say Muawiya was sinful? Many scholars before have said it, what is your point and who are you to judge people who have also done way more good than you?

The most accepted definition of a Sahaba is someone who lived and met the prophet sws during his life time, that obviously includes many people and doesn’t say much about their deen or character.

Lol you’re a troll. Actually, which Salafi even says Muawiya was correct? Or that both were on “haqq” we will wait troll.


Certified Liin Distributor
Questioning the sahaba isnt haram lol. They aren't infallible people. A sahabi was anyone who interacted with the prophet and was a muslim technically.


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