Iam very critical of Muawiyah bin Sufyan.

Anyone who studies the history of the bin Sufyan family will know that they were maniacs who brought total destruction to the Muslim ummah, they are the reason why we have the Shia-Sunni split.
Prophet PBUH: Woe to ‘Ammār! He will be killed by the transgressing party; he will be inviting them to Paradise and they will be inviting him to the Fire.” To that, ‘Ammār replied, “We seek refuge with Allah from the trials.”

Muawiyah's camp killed Ammar r.a.

Guys iam very critical of him.
Would this make me shia even though i love Abu Bakr, Umar radiyallah anhum?
You misunderstood the hadith.

There is another sahih hadith were the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him stated that his grandson "hassan" will unite two warring Muslim groups and make peace between them.

This prophecy took place and Hassan gave the pledge of allegiance to Muawiyyah, note that the Prophet said two warring "Muslims", he didn't describe the other group as deviants or Non Muslims.


رَّبِّ زِدْنِي عِلْمًا
Prophet PBUH: Woe to ‘Ammār! He will be killed by the transgressing party; he will be inviting them to Paradise and they will be inviting him to the Fire.” To that, ‘Ammār replied, “We seek refuge with Allah from the trials.”

Muawiyah's camp killed Ammar r.a.

Guys iam very critical of him.
Would this make me shia even though i love Abu Bakr, Umar radiyallah anhum?
The companions were the best of people after the prophets. Who are we to speak ill of them?


رَّبِّ زِدْنِي عِلْمًا
None in particular rn. InshaAllah I’ll get back to learning and practicing more soon.

This is Islamic history and not about Salafis who started yesterday. Why don’t you look into it instead of confidently speaking about things you don’t know much about?

Let’s say Muawiya was sinful? Many scholars before have said it, what is your point and who are you to judge people who have also done way more good than you?

The most accepted definition of a Sahaba is someone who lived and met the prophet sws during his life time, that obviously includes many people and doesn’t say much about their deen or character.

Lol you’re a troll. Actually, which Salafi even says Muawiya was correct? Or that both were on “haqq” we will wait troll.

«To be a Salafi means adhering to the Creed, Methodology and the way of life of the Salaf As-Sālih (the Pious Predecessors). The earliest Salaf were the generation of our Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) and his Companions. Then after them came the three virtuous generations of believers who held fast to the Sunnah (Path) of the Prophet and his Companions. The person who understands this path correctly, follows it exactly, without introducing anything into it and nor deviating from it is a Salafi. To be a Salafi is not merely to imagine that one is upon the true path of the Salaf, but Salafism is to study the religion of the Companions and follow it — it was they who understood best the meanings and intent of the speech and actions of the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم). »
Muawiyah was a companion, in rank he was one of the lowest but still a companion. He was wrong tp fight against Ali the cousin of the prophet but what was worse then that was the son of Muawiyah, Yazid the first.

Yazid killed hussian the grandson of the prophet muhammed s.a.w. but at the end the banu hashim had there revenge on the umayids.


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