Ideal Presidential candidates?


Stay on that side.
Will there be any new faces? I want to see what they have to offer. But at the end of the day it’s about who has the most money to offer.
Omg if it’s a money game I’ll become the first female president of Somalia in 8 years watch this space.
Xarmajo had us, JL and HAG against him.

Qoslaya us, JL and none hiraab against him.

We need Deni because xarmajo will Qoslaya replacment.
1. Idk if Deni will be the D5 candidate
2. Even if he’s in xamar, what changes? PL existed before the FGS and the peace and security attained there was hard fought. for all intents and purposes it’s two different entities.
3. Unless you’re in xamar to fill your bank account, it’s a tough and unenviable job and there’s a lot of opposition. So why give yourself the headache?

if Deni accepts and takes the job I’d actually be suspicious of his motives, because there’s no way in hell things will improve down there. They’ve hit the ceiling long ago.
HSM will win a second consecutive term sxb
Third... he has done nothing, no development no nothing over all that time in office. I wonder how he got power to begin with
Notice how he says second term instead of 3rd which it would actually be. No way can anyone be allowed to run more than twice and he knows it. It’s the exact same thing he is at war with madoobe and JL for. Absolute scammers.
Term Limits should not exist, but hsm has got to go we need autocratic rule and to properly dismantle the states. Instead with get 4.5, too much power for the states and a truly incompetent fgs. Its like it was all planned to happen, who even came up with this
You know what we need ? we need a strong government, this 4.5 dysfunctional tent democracy thing wont work, the recent ideas of 1p1v wont work either. We need strong autocratic rule for which slowly transitions into a federalist system many many states, national government is still strong. Also all the current stooges, since they all lack integrity and dont care about anything. They will easy to play, split their states easy as that.

Really sad, but you could be a billionaire with a PHD and they would still elect a male taxi driver with autism over a woman.
Both sound like terrible options, PHD in what... political science 🤣


Stay on that side.
Really sad, but you could be a billionaire with a PHD and they would still elect a male taxi driver with autism over a woman.
I’m not denying that Somalia is misogynistic, it is. However, one thing the general public is hungry for is money. People want their land to be developed for business and educational opportunities. They have been pleading with their state leaders for years, but they are continually ignored and pushed aside. My plan is to invest in the general public across Somalia. For example, there are cities in Puntland, like Murcanyo, that have been completely abandoned by the Federal Government and federal states. All it takes is someone to kick-start industrialisation there, and who do you think the people will be loyal to: Deni or the investors? 💀

Also, if Somali men were truly sexist against women all the time, Qaali Shire’s tribesmen wouldn’t support her against other men. However, they do. As long as she acts in the interest of sacad, they will continue to defend her over men, even though she is a woman.

Somalis are actually quite liberal compared to other cultures. Women are allowed to speak about politics freely, they are permitted to express their opinions in public, and they hold some positions in parliament. If the situation on the ground becomes hostile, I’ll tag team with a man, allowing him to take the presidency while I become prime minister, and then gradually usurp his role. The game is the game.

I know this may sound delusional but I don’t care !
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Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Us long somali back home and diaspora are low iq monkeys nothing will change somalia 🇸🇴 will be the same next 100 years 😂
Honestly youre kinda right, theres no point to even follow this current government. Theres no place to begin, 4.5 and the states just set us far to back for something like that guy to happen. But still no need to destroy hopes like this, Anything can happen and Im betting it will.

Youre right, somalia needs someone who will get things done and quickly recover from 40 years of stagnation that began in the 80s. We need autocratic rules with some semblance to democracy so that media dosent label us as some sort of north korea. Like Eritrea, you need that perfect medium.

High IQ is obviously important, aswell as someone who has a passion for the country.
What's genuinely wrong with the media labelling you as some form of a dictator when you're working day and night to lift the quality and standard of living of your citizens?


A Laandheere always pays his debts
Which country has seen a leadership change w/o structural and fundamental changes to the nation and succeeded? A merry-go-round of political elites stepping into Villa Somalia will not change a single thing, even with the most competent and transparent president. What is needed is a new civic unity to be established, a nation wide discourse on where the nation is headed to, who is part of the picture, what type of governance we want, etc.

Although I have some disagreements with Prof Abdi Samatar, him writing this 12 yrs ago with the begin of the state is prescient and still relevant: