Identity crisis

You think AA's are compromised of a singular african group, they are a mixture of various different groups also including their european ancestry.

They are very much american at the end of the day
I never said they were but the tribe an individual AA has the most DNA with should be the one they return to.


Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
Eh it's not unique many northern west africans can look similar, i've seen igbos that are much more "lighter skinned"
Could you give me some examples, Ive heard about fulanis and those northern west african people but arent they afro asiatic not bantu
They are ajnabi to those people, how far do you want to go. All humans originated in africa, are you going to do the same to caadans? No one should return to a land, where they have nothing in common.

Much of these of countries their ancestors came from no longer exist, so it wouldn't even be accurate
You're right. They should probably go to Liberia.


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That's a language family it doesn't necessarily always translate to genetics, the hausa are also afro asiatic but don't look much different to their "bantu" neighbours. Also most bantus in southern eastern africa for example are just a mixture between cushites bantus and nilotes.

Many Indians speak the same language family as europeans but they aren't the same people
No ur gonna need to find some evidence for that. No shot the bantus in southern eastern africa have cushite in them. The only ones like that are rwandans. Going back to west africa, FBAs and West Africans are different. at least 90% of fbas have white dna. Thats why they look distinct. You can easily tell a african american apart from west african.


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They colonized that place, and the natives hated them. They also established a literal hierarchy where africans were at the bottom. They are just truly american abti
Oh wow thats crazy I was looking into liberia just the other day, theres a wiki page talking about notable African americans who migrated back to Liberia and sierra leone. In fact it first started off with me researching sierre leone cause I had met a sierra leonese brother. African Americans and any africans are different. Im gonna research this more today and come up with proper evidence because atm im going off my personal observations,


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I found some interesting stuff..
Heres a reddit post i read thru

Its all coming together, the reason why african americans look different to west africans is a few reasons.

1. Diverse african groups coming together and mixing, its like if somalis and oromos and afar were sent to asia and mixed. We would all look different and distinct from the groups in east africa.
2. European admixture from slave owners and intermixing, this is why some african americans have some eurocentric features.


Got this information from a commentor on the reddit, but still fool-proof information here proving why FBAs look different from west africans.

Also, compare the african americans with the ones who live in europe. Most of the africans americans came a while ago and it was due to slavery, giving them more time to get outside admixture. Also the white slave owners did some ... questionable things to their slaves leading to unintended admixture. The africans who migrated to europe though they mostly came for economic reasons and their more recent.
They talk about it alot here, reddits a good place to research quickly
Good comment that summarizes this topic well, they even talked about the gullah people which I also came across. Isolated population of african americans that didnt have as much contact with white people and have maintained a good amount of culture from africa. The wikipedia page goes over some of that overlap aswell
Let me get in here -
I understand the minds of these niggas like I helped program them.

I'm AA - the AA's y'all talkin bout spout that cognitive dissonance ish for 2 reasons.

*Older relatives pushin disinformation
* Modern grifter ideology like the variety Tariq nasheed pushes

Many of our older relatives.. usually the ones 3 & 4 generations removed from slavery would tell us about supposed "native american" ancestors we once had - or about the grandfather/mother we never met being native american.
As a child hearing this my xaar meter (I think that's how u use that word) would always go off.
Most my fam are dark skinned people - & clearly west African in phenotype & could integrate into most West African societies effortlessly without being called out, (unless they spoke ofc). So when some elders used to hit me with the teepee talk I had to

They were never on grifter ideology like Tariq nasheed tho. They just genuinely believed we didn't descend from other niggas.

Some people take that childhood scholarship to heart ๐Ÿคฃ & begin to create wild conspiracies with fabricated history.

They end up rallying other impressionable dumb niggas together & b4 u know it. Half the hood now thinks the slave trade never happened & our entire history on this part of earth has been a lie.

Kickin sense to them is futile - The ones on that spectrum ARE ON A SPECTRUM.


Entitled uppity East African
Let me get in here -
I understand the minds of these niggas like I helped program them.

I'm AA - the AA's y'all talkin bout spout that cognitive dissonance ish for 2 reasons.

*Older relatives pushin disinformation
* Modern grifter ideology like the variety Tariq nasheed pushes

Many of our older relatives.. usually the ones 3 & 4 generations removed from slavery would tell us about supposed "native american" ancestors we once had - or about the grandfather/mother we never met being native american.
As a child hearing this my xaar meter (I think that's how u use that word) would always go off.
Most my fam are dark skinned people - & clearly west African in phenotype & could integrate into most West African societies effortlessly without being called out, (unless they spoke ofc). So when some elders used to hit me with the teepee talk I had to
View attachment 339435

They were never on grifter ideology like Tariq nasheed tho. They just genuinely believed we didn't descend from other niggas.

Some people take that childhood scholarship to heart ๐Ÿคฃ & begin to create wild conspiracies with fabricated history.

They end up rallying other impressionable dumb niggas together & b4 u know it. Half the hood now thinks the slave trade never happened & our entire history on this part of earth has been a lie.View attachment 339437

Kickin sense to them is futile - The ones on that spectrum ARE ON A SPECTRUM.
Thank you for the different perspective :whew: Itโ€™s honestly so interesting :hmm:
Tariq Nasheed is so :damn:โ€ฆ


Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
Have you realised how much WA complain about AAs saying they donโ€™t look alike :snoop: they get so mad.Thereโ€™s a clear phenotypical difference.
Whos getting mad? West Africans dont complain, usually is AA trying to claim their culture and the main peddlers of Hotep non-sense. Constantly prowling dna forums spreading mis information
Let me get in here -
I understand the minds of these niggas like I helped program them.

I'm AA - the AA's y'all talkin bout spout that cognitive dissonance ish for 2 reasons.

*Older relatives pushin disinformation
* Modern grifter ideology like the variety Tariq nasheed pushes

Many of our older relatives.. usually the ones 3 & 4 generations removed from slavery would tell us about supposed "native american" ancestors we once had - or about the grandfather/mother we never met being native american.
As a child hearing this my xaar meter (I think that's how u use that word) would always go off.
Most my fam are dark skinned people - & clearly west African in phenotype & could integrate into most West African societies effortlessly without being called out, (unless they spoke ofc). So when some elders used to hit me with the teepee talk I had to
View attachment 339435

They were never on grifter ideology like Tariq nasheed tho. They just genuinely believed we didn't descend from other niggas.

Some people take that childhood scholarship to heart ๐Ÿคฃ & begin to create wild conspiracies with fabricated history.

They end up rallying other impressionable dumb niggas together & b4 u know it. Half the hood now thinks the slave trade never happened & our entire history on this part of earth has been a lie.View attachment 339437

Kickin sense to them is futile - The ones on that spectrum ARE ON A SPECTRUM.
Good insight
I found some interesting stuff..
Heres a reddit post i read thru

Its all coming together, the reason why african americans look different to west africans is a few reasons.

1. Diverse african groups coming together and mixing, its like if somalis and oromos and afar were sent to asia and mixed. We would all look different and distinct from the groups in east africa.
2. European admixture from slave owners and intermixing, this is why some african americans have some eurocentric features.

View attachment 339436
Got this information from a commentor on the reddit, but still fool-proof information here proving why FBAs look different from west africans.

Also, compare the african americans with the ones who live in europe. Most of the africans americans came a while ago and it was due to slavery, giving them more time to get outside admixture. Also the white slave owners did some ... questionable things to their slaves leading to unintended admixture. The africans who migrated to europe though they mostly came for economic reasons and their more recent.
They talk about it alot here, reddits a good place to research quickly
Good comment that summarizes this topic well, they even talked about the gullah people which I also came across. Isolated population of african americans that didnt have as much contact with white people and have maintained a good amount of culture from africa. The wikipedia page goes over some of that overlap aswell

I won't argue much against ur post.
The points u touched on are mostly valid.

Us looking SLIGHTLY different than some west Africans mostly being due to generationally intermixing with different ethnic African groups is FACT! I see variations of that truth in my own fam HEAVY.

Some like Fulani, Some look Yoruba, some look like they str8 from Senegal. I'm not an exception to this rule. My own grandfather is the spitting image of Ali Farka Toure (Musician from Mali) - That blew me fr when I was 1st introduced to his music.

It's something I've noticed for a while now & it even explains why some of us beef with one another even tho we're seemingly the same ethnic group.

The problem is most AA's dont even know their own history. Hard to pry facts outta someone if they take pride in not knowing ish.

Example: The person on reddit who gave the rundown on the Geechi missed one CRUCIAL point.

Geechi/Gullah people started off isolated mostly in lower country coastal South Carolina - West Africa is the only place I'm aware of outside of Asia that had a working knowledge of growing rice crops. They exploited that skillset tenfold in that region.

Theirs a reason South Carolina back in those days were the biggest cultivators of rice.

Geechi is more of a culture tho, my grandparents were geechi & u knew they were geechi from the way they spoke.

Geechis are american black people that started off in South Carolina, & migrated to mainly coastal Georgia & Florida.

The old Geechi are among the last surviving US subgroups to hold STRONG ties to Africa - (new Geechi myself included are watered down versions of our ancestors) , they had a speech pattern similar to those from the Caribbean, & if u didn't grow up around that type of talk - u might as well stay on mute in their presence.

As a kid I used to be so lost in the sauce tryin to decipher what my grandaddy was telling me. Sometimes all I could do is nod๐Ÿคฃ

Don't let the mixed people of Louisiana fool u, Louisiana people are some of the purest Africans in this country, Florida too.

Louisiana/Florida - among american blacks being the purest

All other blacks in the southeastern US are close seconds it's not even close. Many of us look at blacks from other regions in the US as not being as authentic kinda like y'all have klan wars amongst y'all selves on this forum.

It's funny as hell๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿงฌ๐Ÿคฃ


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