If AbdiJohnson is silent

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
@Cognitivedissonance these minority Christian denominations like the Anglican Church and the United Church and the Presbyterians are not Christians. Their churches are gay clubs who have been infiltrated by gays. I have considered joining them.

Canada is majority Catholic for example and Catholics are the most anti gay Christians. Christian Americans are very anti gay and they are all Evangelicals.

You brought us langaab Anglican Christians to make a point
So you're the judge of who's a Christian & who ain't? The Anglican Church is the biggest in the United Kingdom.
The Church of England is just the faith of our beloved Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II. I doubt even 5% of British people belong to this denomination


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
@Cognitivedissonance these minority Christian denominations like the Anglican Church and the United Church and the Presbyterians are not Christians. Their churches are gay clubs who have been infiltrated by gays. I have considered joining them.

Canada is majority Catholic for example and Catholics are the most anti gay Christians. Christian Americans are very anti gay and they are all Evangelicals.

You brought us langaab Anglican Christians to make a point
The Catholic Church doesn't have a problem with homosexuality so to speak, only gay marriages.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Aka the Defender of the Faith aka the Duke of Lancaster.

Listen @Cognitivedissonance Catholics hate gays more than Muslims. Homosexual sex is a lesser sin in Islam than heterosexual adultery
They don't hate homosexuality, they hate women.

They gather boys from around the world & rape them. They're the hidden hand behind all the wickedness. For example do you know that the pope is just a figure head & the real power steering the ship is the black Pope? Are you familiar with the order of the Jesuits?

You are my favorite contributor. I hope to meet you for "chicken and chips" in July when im in London but you are extremely misguided.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
You are my favorite contributor. I hope to meet you for "chicken and chips" in July when im in London but you are extremely misguided.
The black Pope is giving a speech look what I found, yet you say Catholic Church hates homosexuality, almost laughable.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Islam also thinks gays should be respected and loved by fellow Muslims.

Didn't the prophet tell the men who came to him not to dare touch the feminine man because he prayed to Allah and no one can question his love for Allah despite his "forced femininity"?

Why are you dancing to a different tune now.

The powers that are in control of the world are on your side & heres little me, the voice of the voiceless.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
The Pre Christian Practices of the Roman Catholic Church - Many of the changes in the Church of Jesus Christ began to surface after the bishop of Rome became dominant over other Babylonian practices were brought into the church. These practices had one thing in common: They existed before Christ and were not taught by Him. For example, prayers for the dead, not instituted until 300 AD, are nowhere taught in the Scripture but are a regular part of the ancestor worship of the Chinese, who practiced it hundreds of years before Christ. In addition, the worship of Mary and Christ as a baby was conceived in the same form with other names by most of the major religions of the world hundreds of years before Christ.

Easter and Lent observances with 40 days' fasting were practiced for the benefit of Tammuz 500 years before Christ. To prove that Tammuz was worshiped before Christ, just turn to Ezek. 8 v.7-14. The worship of Tammuz was so extensive by that time that even the women of Israel were seen "mourning for Tammuz." The title "Queen of Heaven," given to Mary, is certainly not Christian. In fact, good Roman Catholics should be horrified to find that this expression is found in the Old Testament. Jeremiah 44 v.17 points out that it was used to describe the mother of Tammuz, the mother goddess of Babylon, over 500 years before Christ.

The practice of establishing a celibate priesthood and having nuns is not of Christian origin; nothing in the Bible teaches this. Indeed, 1 Tim. 3 v.1-3 forbids it. Hundreds of years before Christ it was incorporated by the Buddhists and Hindus, who practice it to this day. Where did they get it? From Babylon mysticism, the "mother of prostitutes." The sign of the cross used on the end of a pole is likewise not of Christian derivation. It was used in the worship of Tammuz 500 years before Christ.

We have already seen that making confession, not taught in the Scripture, was practiced in Babylon, and we can go on to include prayer beads, purgatory, and many other pre Christian practices of the Church of Rome. Thinking people can scarcely deny the fact that Rome today is a form of Babylonian mysticism. And that does not even begin to mention what is happening in the Roman Catholic Church today!

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