If I went back in time I would

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how can someone who xaar's twice a day have pride

Fall back u kaadi filled vessel. You're going to end up six feet underground giving maggots a field day. Who are you to think you are better than any other vessel. Madness.
More and more people are getting red pilled by the day. We will keep on growing and we won't stop till the communist degeneracy called "equality" ends. The master race will be back on their feet

Can you stop with the nonsense matrix drivel? It makes you sound like a mouth breathing basement dweller. Very unattractive
Don't tell me you agree with this nacas and his antics :dwill:
I just don't see any rational retorts to what he's saying. It's mostly your typical liberal "racism is bad because it just is, mmkay" while they live in the suburbs and rarely interact with any black people.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
Why are these k4's such coons? Hating on blacks but clapping for da white.


Get the modern nuclear blueprints, go back to the 1940s, build a secret plant in Somalia, start nuking Ethiopia and Kenya, send ground troops to conquer it. Deport all the Bantus and Amharas, expand greater Somalia.

Nin xun

ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Get the modern nuclear blueprints, go back to the 1940s, build a secret plant in Somalia, start nuking Ethiopia and Kenya, send ground troops to conquer it. Deport all the Bantus and Amharas, expand greater Somalia.
Great idea to nuke your neighbours, ain't no way that nuclear fallout will leak into our own lands through wind and rain.

ace mooha

Up and coming sniper.
1. Assassinate siad barre before the coup of 69. I would rather have democracy rule rather than a communist butcher whose legacy was a failed invasion that led to our downfall. I know I wouldn't even exist in the future, but that's the price I'm willing to pay for my motherland
2. Help the moors defeat the reconquistadors. If things go the same way the Spanish Inquisition would not happen and Latin America would be Islamised. I'm not Muslim but it would make life easier
Colombian chicks


Great idea to nuke your neighbours, ain't no way that nuclear fallout will leak into our own lands through wind and rain.

You have different grades of nukes. The less powerful ones won't have a lasting impact. You should only worry when your enemy also has nukes.

I'd nuke Addis and Nairobi. Government destroyed, easy take over.

Nin xun

ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
You have different grades of nukes. The less powerful ones won't have a lasting impact. You should only worry when your enemy also has nukes.

I'd nuke Addis and Nairobi. Government destroyed, easy take over.
Why even use nukes as anything but a deterrent, any somewhat modern army can crush the armies of both of these countries. Why go to Addis and Nairobi, remember that it was that arrogance that ended up with the SNA crippled and set the stage for the eventual collapse of the country. Also positioning oneself as irredentist will always garner more international support rather than as a conqueror.
The shabeelle and juba rivers :damn:
Wallahi that would be a nightmare as those rivers are our bread baskets, the sea is already poisoned as it is.


Why even use nukes as anything but a deterrent, any somewhat modern army can crush the armies of both of these countries. Why go to Addis and Nairobi, remember that it was that arrogance that ended up with the SNA crippled and set the stage for the eventual collapse of the country. Also positioning oneself as irredentist will always garner more international support rather than as a conqueror

A nuclear attack on their capitals (total destruction), creating chaos, followed by a blitzkrieg would be more effective than a one on one with conventional weapons.
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