If your ex and your first love got divorced and runs back to you?


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Usually when a person goes through divorce or break up, their actions and thoughts are all over the place and it’s because of pain and anxiety. I would suggest since u have moved on to not entertain anything else, u have come way to far and done amazing things like start a family to go back to square one.

I experienced heart break in the past, but I had to respect her decision and move on. Alx things turned out really well for myself and I haven’t looked back. I ran in to her few times but I kept the convo short, I knew that things didn’t work out with her man and she was interested in talking again but at the same time, it wasn’t in my best interest no matter how good the memories were. You have to keep moving forward :)

Finally! Someone with proper advice unlike @VixR who is just ripping me apart, brother I think this is good advice, can I ask you if your ex was sending you love texts, pictures etc? Did she try to entice you back into those good memories? How did you resist? I keep thinking about the good times your right. I think maybe cause our relationship lasted so long it left a lasting imprint unlike my marriage which is relatively newer.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
I’m pretty sure he was sent back home for dhaqan celis. He fits the type. I feel sorry for the poor unsuspecting girl and the kids back home.
Dhaqan celis? I chose to go back home, never was the gangbanging type. Hahaha, I "I feel sorry" you dont feel sorry for sh-t you just want to sh-t on me for a very human thread.


A mere finger can’t obscure the sun.
Dhaqan celis? I chose to go back home, never was the gangbanging type. Hahaha, I "I feel sorry" you dont feel sorry for sh-t you just want to sh-t on me for a very human thread.

You’re a scumbag. If you had any decency you’d have no contact with your ex as a married man with a family. Nothing human about your actions. It’s selfish and self-serving.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
You’re a scumbag. If you had any decency you’d have no contact with your ex as a married man with a family. Nothing human about your actions. It’s selfish and self-serving.
Ilaah ba afar ii baneeye that is my religion, you cant deny that
Ilaah ba afar ii baneeye that is my religion, you cant deny that

Men like you lovveeeeeee using that ayah to justify your carnal and self serving desires. Remember the part when it says in the Quran to stick to one if you are not able to be just with having more wives? War ya ilahey yaqaan!


Finally! Someone with proper advice unlike @VixR who is just ripping me apart, brother I think this is good advice, can I ask you if your ex was sending you love texts, pictures etc? Did she try to entice you back into those good memories? How did you resist? I keep thinking about the good times your right. I think maybe cause our relationship lasted so long it left a lasting imprint unlike my marriage which is relatively newer.
Let me detach myself. Listen, do what you want. Far be it from to tell you otherwise. It’s your life.

I just know I’m not messing with Somali guys. You guys are messy.


Men like you lovveeeeeee using that ayah to justify your carnal and self serving desires. Remember the part when it says in the Quran to stick to one if you are not able to be just with having more wives? War ya ilahey yaqaan!
why wouldn't he? standards of living in somalia are pretty cheap
Ilaah ba afar ii baneeye that is my religion, you cant deny that

What about the other aspects of the deen? Or is the 4 wives the only part you were awake for during Islamic studies? Men like you who pick and choose the deen to fit their narratives make me sick. But like @VixR said, it’s your life so do whatever you want.
Yup, cheap indeed, my ex isnt even materiastic she doesnt want an aroos only meher no dahab nothing she loves me.

Thats why im really tempted.
Oh that’s why you want her. Because she’s cheap and will jump hoops for your stingy ass. A qalanjo qoor dheere who knows her worth wouldn’t even spit on you if you were on fire. Y’all seem like a match. :cryinglaughsmiley:
Newsflash to the ladies reading this thread: a man who says that you are not materialistic is NOT a compliment! It means he’s glad that you do not know your worth and are not asking for what you truly deserve. A man who respects and loves you will get you whatever you want, no hesitation.

Stop settling for trash!


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Oh that’s why you want her. Because she’s cheap and will jump hoops for your stingy ass. A qalanjo qoor dheere wouldn’t even spit on you if you were on fire. Y’all seem like a match. :cryinglaughsmiley:
This is out of line MODS please come help me so many Xalimos attacking me :jcoleno:
Oh that’s why you want her. Because she’s cheap and will jump hoops for your stingy ass. A qalanjo qoor dheere who knows her worth wouldn’t even spit on you if you were on fire. Y’all seem like a match. :cryinglaughsmiley:
Its called true love honey, love has no price tag.
We never got married, she was my girl for many years though (not typical western sense of girlfriend we promised to get married) we fought for couple months then boom she gets married to some next bloke, I was heart broken, it took my months to heal. I then got an arranged marriage in somalia, now she got divorced and is begging me to take her back and forgive her.

My mind is saying dont reward betrayal but my heart still has feelings...

I thought you were an "Alpha male". Why are you complaining about an ex who chose another man over you ?
I feel sorry for him bc like many Somalis, he doesn’t have the gift of long sight. They’re just fucking up all over the place in all kinds of ways.

Daaamn let the brother breathe. He asked for advise and you are judging him haaard

2 wives is a hard thing. There will be jealousy and financial strain. How would first wife react? The second one you fought and she marries next guy. That says a lot about her. Is she saying she is ok now but once you marry her try to turn first wife on you?


Newsflash to the ladies reading this thread: a man who says that you are not materialistic is NOT a compliment! It means he’s glad that you do not know your worth and are not asking for what you truly deserve. A man who respects and loves you will get you whatever you want, no hesitation.

Stop settling for trash!
its not a big difference anyways, I don't mind having 4 beautiful materialistic wives:lolbron:

