Ilhan omar father gets blasted

Ilhan has 4 million followers and I understand she doesn’t want to respond back but I wish she would sue these bastards.
Same especially since they’re now smearing her dead father who was a normal civilian and not a public figure. If this was the UK, she would definitely have a strong case but I guess the libel laws in America are different especially since I can’t remember ever seeing a politician successfully suing someone for defamation. Perhaps her other family members need to take action on his behalf if possible.


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Same especially since they’re now smearing her dead father who was a normal civilian and not a public figure. If this was the UK, she would definitely have a strong case but I guess the libel laws in America are different especially since I can’t remember ever seeing a politician successfully suing someone for defamation. Perhaps her other family members need to take action on his behalf if possible.
These landers are working with zionists to get her attacked. How low can you go.. I’m praying she wins in august.


♚Sargon of Adal♚
Isaaq's are happy this tweet exploded, although her father isn't Yusuf his name is Mohamed and he did not partake in the genocide, this is misleading.
I just noticed the most A.I replies in the comment section, these Russian trolls farm ain't tricking anyone.


♚Sargon of Adal♚
She's only one the rest from what I seen are pro Somaliland. The only thing I disagree is khaatumo region where everyone is dhulbante should be freed.
All Gadabuursi want to leave SL, especially after the MOU, no one is sitting on the fence anymore, even my father who was pro-SL due to the peace.


All Gadabuursi want to leave SL, especially after the MOU, no one is sitting on the fence anymore, even my father who was pro-SL due to the peace.
Awdal has always been historically Somaliland. Many are pro Somalland. Samaroon aren't going no where.
No, what I see is a majority tribe trying to control a peace loving tribe.
Gadabuursis are snakes tho instead of siding with their fellow Landers (Isaaqs) they are going against them and siding with southern somalia which makes no sense I'm not saying all but it's just a snakey small group that are anti Somaliland you feel me?


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Gadabuursis are snakes tho instead of siding with their fellow Landers (Isaaqs) they are going against them and siding with southern somalia which makes no sense I'm not saying all but it's just a snakey small group that are anti Somaliland you feel me?
This lander identity is being forced on them. They are their own people and can rule their lands they dont need your help. Also no offense but they karbaashed the ethiopians they can easily do the same to SL. Theyre not being snakey dont be disrespectful.


♚Sargon of Adal♚
Awdal has always been historically Somaliland. Many are pro Somalland. Samaroon aren't going no where.
Hate to break it to you, Awdal is in the process of rejoining the FGS as a federal state.
Gadabuursis are snakes tho instead of siding with their fellow Landers (Isaaqs) they are going against them and siding with southern somalia which makes no sense I'm not saying all but it's just a snakey small group that are anti Somaliland you feel me?
You guys don't even have unity within yourself, break up first like the Dir and stand alone within your own subclan, half of you guys are lost Dir either way. :sass2:
This lander identity is being forced on them. They are their own people and can rule their lands they dont need your help. Also no offense but they karbaashed the ethiopians they can easily do the same to SL. Theyre not being snakey dont be disrespectful.
That's cap samaroons get along just fine with Ethiopians my Barber in SL is oromo realaaz nigga walahi we chewed fresh qat later and yeah my point is Ethiopians are respected in SL


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
That's cap samaroons get along just fine with Ethiopians my Barber in SL is oromo realaaz nigga walahi we chewed fresh qat later and yeah my point is Ethiopians are respected in SL
Bruv just give it a rest. The 30 year ictiraaf train is getting old running out of fuel. Samaroons, warsangeli and dhulbahante dont want anything to do with you guys and want to go their separate ways. That only leaves you against all of somalis. Although admirable, I doubt separation can be achieved… also about the ethiopian part jeez maybe you are an assimilated oromo heard a lot in hargeisa are oromos. I will never understand why you guys discriminate against somalis within your lands and hug oromos in. Sus ngl
Bruv just give it a rest. The 30 year ictiraaf train is getting old running out of fuel. Samaroons, warsangeli and dhulbahante dont want anything to do with you guys and want to go their separate ways. That only leaves you against all of somalis. Although admirable, I doubt separation can be achieved… also about the ethiopian part jeez maybe you are an assimilated oromo heard a lot in hargeisa are oromos. I will never understand why you guys discriminate against somalis within your lands and hug oromos in. Sus ngl
I'm sorry but that doesn't mean I like all habesha okay I'm still EthiopiaK and I only respect the habesha over there cuz they move humble I don't generalise
Bruv just give it a rest. The 30 year ictiraaf train is getting old running out of fuel. Samaroons, warsangeli and dhulbahante dont want anything to do with you guys and want to go their separate ways. That only leaves you against all of somalis. Although admirable, I doubt separation can be achieved… also about the ethiopian part jeez maybe you are an assimilated oromo heard a lot in hargeisa are oromos. I will never understand why you guys discriminate against somalis within your lands and hug oromos in. Sus ngl
Are you tryna call me oromo? 💀

