Ilhan Omar getting dragged for praising anti-Islam Egyptian activist

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She is so fake lol. I been saying this woman is a joke for long time. For gaalo she always tries to sound smarter than she is. Does she really think a Somali father in Somali household would go to his daughter and tell her aabe you have to learn about nawal she is inspirational. What Somali man would see an Arab liberal qumayo as inspirational? @Basra you were right about MJs not being able to handle a bit of power
She is so fake lol. I been saying this woman is a joke for long time. For gaalo she always tries to sound smarter than she is. Does she really think a Somali father in Somali household would go to his daughter and tell her aabe you have to learn about nawal she is inspirational. What Somali man would see an Arab liberal qumayo as inspirational? @Basra you were right about MJs not being able to handle a bit of power
Her mom is benaderi and she says she identifys more with her mother’s side

so I guess reer benadir takes an L
It’s not the same. this ***** lives in a peaceful country, sweeps all somali votes and instead of using that power and influence to help somalis and muslims, all she does is bootyclap for lgbtz folks. Her main worry is about a confused gay men using the same bathroom as a my little sister. At this rate i rather have the snitch wheelchaired nigga than her. This is a major L for all somalis but it cuts deeper for xalimos. she’s a prime example of a liberal xalimo gaining power and look what she did with it 😂

She's one Xalimo. When Somali girls stereotype Somali men on the action of a few low lives, you get angry and say Somali girls are self haters and hate Somali men. But you're doing the same thing? Its even worse as your only example is ONE Somali woman.

Also, what difference does it make if she is in a peaceful country? Surely not fixing up your own nation and allowing your people to be poor and bombed is 10 times worse.
As someone mentioned previously in this thread, her main backing are those who support her due to tribal affiliations. It's saddening, really.
Queen Hatsheput, Queen Elisabeth II, Catherine the Great, Queen Theodora, etc are examples of great leaders. There's been (and there still are) plenty of stupid male leaders too,i mean look at how shitty Africa is under male leadership, so what's your point? :gucciwhat:
Don't engage with misogynist trolls , just grab the red flag and wave it high.


𝕮𝖔𝖒𝖗𝖆𝖉𝖊 𝕲𝖊𝖓𝖊𝖗𝖆𝖑
she is an American who works for American agendas we don't recognize her as Somali.

end of the story
I made my never voting uncle take the time out of his day to vote for her in November 2017. Gone are the days where you should support someone based strictly on Somalinimo. We are now too ideologically diverse to justify it.
Facts, we have swallowed the cadaan ideologies 💯, and they themselves are at odds with eachother left and right😂 geeljires and qalanjos that aint your fight stay out of it.
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