Im done with cadaan Atheists

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Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
All the Atheist YouTubers I am subbed to have turned into pro-white, anti-minority wankfests. The only decent one left is Kyle Kulinski.

I dont know how ex-Muslims can tolerate these YouTubers who detest and loathe all non white cultures and ethnicities.

#regressive #cuck #buzzwords #morebuzzwords


I haven't noticed this, but then I don't do Youtube. I listen to podcasts. Of the various podcasts I listen to, the only atheistic/skeptic ones are The Scathing Atheist and The Skeptic's Guide to the Universe, which is more science-centered with a little skepticism mixed in and my favorite of the two by far. Neither are pro-white at all.

Check 'em out, and listen to Kulinski on the side. You might like.
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Nin xun

ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
It's just islamophobia, it gives a cover for their hatred of minorities by saying "uh uh muslim is not a race". Come WW3 and these reactionaries wouldn't hestitate to throw you exmuslims in the oven with the rest of us.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
I haven't noticed this, but then I don't do Youtube. I listen to podcasts. Of the various podcasts I listen to, the only atheistic/skeptic ones are The Scathing Atheist and The Skeptic's Guide to the Universe, which is more science-centered with a little skepticism mixed in and my favorite of the two by far. Neither are pro-white at all.

Check 'em out, and listen to Kulinski on the side. You might like.

The Scathing Atheist is pretty good. I like the podcasts.

The Atheist YouTubers mix their atheism talk with political commentary, it's a total cesspool now. They call themselves Alt-Right.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
remember, their hubris is ancestrally linked to some form supremacy by and large. even if they claim to be tolerant, progressive, and to possess superior ideals, every fabric of their culture and upbringing is somewhat dependent on shunning or eradicating another. i know that's a harsh assessment, but a good chunk of cadaan people are that disillusioned prolly from childhood.

remember when jumping on this bandwagon was actually considered bigoted and racist like only a decade ago post iraq war? remember those atheists? didn't hear a fucking peep outta them did we? kind of funny how we're getting this insane wave of hatred almost entirely post-2010. it's almost like they didn't have a clue what islam was and only upon further reading finally realized it's exactly as incompatible with democratic processes as the anglosaxon religion and cultures they left behind for their kumbaya ticket to enlightenment. and just forgot to discuss historical contexts. they're the raw definitions of pseudointellectuals. f*ck 'em.

i only wish they knew how deeply disconnected they look. they seem to feel their championing some nuanced perspective, but it's like xiyawaanimo packaged as something fresh. i hate them so :ohlord:

One day I will slay bill maher and sam harris walaal. wish me luck :ohlord:


If it weren't for indigenous Christians left in Western countries these White people would go full Nazi.

Christianity is what keeps them sane. This is the danger of Atheism.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
All sorts of bigots hide behind the current anti Muslim climate that's in vogue.

I've noticed every single one, at least here, also hates minorities, feminism, and homos.

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