I'm embarrassed of my Somali name

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I hate it when other non Somali Muslims ask what my name is. I usually tell them my nickname is Mohamed but then they ask what is my real name and I'm too ashamed to tell them. If Allah blesses me with children inshallah they will have Muslim names. Names like Sharmarke will not be chosen.
When I have children I will name them somali names like I have. Too many arab/muslim names have made us forget the beauty of our language and meaning. Every somali name has its own meaning and history where as muslim names are just names of arabs, no offence. Don't be embarrassed that name is a wonderful name.
There is nothing wrong with having a somali name. Unless the name has a bad meaning. Why are you ashamed of your somali name?
I'm not selfhater I am Muslim first Somali second prefering Muslim name over Somali name could be haram or at least the very least Muslim names is obligatory I am a bit envious of those with Muslim names
There is nothing wrong with having a somali name. Unless the name has a bad meaning. Why are you ashamed of your somali name?

It's a common Somali name but its better to have Muslim name. I can't relate with other Muslims all other Muslim almost all have Muslim names I want to have sense of community with my ummah I cannot when I have a Somali name. I stick out as Somali first but I want to stick out as Muslim first
Theres no such thing as a MUSLIM NAME. JUST A NAME! You want arab name just admit it. Even if your a convert and your birth name is Elizabeth there is nothing wrong with it and NO YOU DO NOT NEED TO CHANGE IT. Muslim is NOT ARAB!! You dont need to be a "mohammed". The name mohammed existed before Islam so how is it muslim?
Do whatever you want brother but let me just ask what's wrong with being somali?
Before you knew you were a muslim you knew you were a somali. Somali names have deep meaning and a name like yours was carefully picked real REAL REAL hard by your hooyo and abo you know why bc you don't see many somalis named that, right? thats because your parents thought about your name harder then anything on earth. Your mother probably was thinking about your name before she even hit puberty.
Mikaail or yacuub or ibrahiim it doesn't have to be Mohamed but at least the names of that region where Islam was founded yes these names existed before nabi Muhammad was even born hundreds of years before but these names are islamic names its preferable to Somali names I am just born into Somali ethnic group it doesn't mean anything my culture has no meaning I am Muslim first Somali last being Somali is like being 5ft 8 it has no meaning or significance its not my identity

Nationalism is haram we should stop this attitude of Somali this Somali that it's shameful we have to have Islam culture

Please don't divide the ummah by caring more about Somalis then all Muslims this is wrong
Mikaail or yacuub or ibrahiim it doesn't have to be Mohamed but at least the names of that region where Islam was founded yes these names existed before nabi Muhammad was even born hundreds of years before but these names are islamic names its preferable to Somali names I am just born into Somali ethnic group it doesn't mean anything my culture has no meaning I am Muslim first Somali last being Somali is like being 5ft 8 it has no meaning or significance its not my identity

Nationalism is haram we should stop this attitude of Somali this Somali that it's shameful we have to have Islam culture

Please don't divide the ummah by caring more about Somalis then all Muslims this is wrong

Let me ask you something, why do Persians, Turks, Malays, South Asians and even Amazigh still use their ethnic names? Its because they cling to their identity and culture, and makes them 'them'!
they r wrong they should adopt Muslim names some of them have mehmet which is Mohammed which is fine they have different pronunciation but its better to have Muslim name

What is more beautiful than taking the names of the prophets do we not have them in our hearts? Do we not remember them? why name your child a name that is not islamic? this makes me very sad. this is the easiest thing we can do as Muslims a simple name and we forget about our religion in this simple task I am very worried about the ummah.

If we can't even name ourselves an Islamic name then we are not sincere about other things in islam which requires more effort
It's a common Somali name but its better to have Muslim name. I can't relate with other Muslims all other Muslim almost all have Muslim names I want to have sense of community with my ummah I cannot when I have a Somali name. I stick out as Somali first but I want to stick out as Muslim first
Having muslim name shouldn't be the only thing that should make you feel sense of community with other muslims. All muslims don't have similar names such as Mohamed or Ahmed because people can have names from their language. You can still connect with the muslim community and still have a somali name. Keep in mind, that the only thing we have in common with other muslims in the world is the religion. We don't have same culture and language thus why would you be ashamed of your own somali name. Have ever you seen other muslim with somali names? I don't think you ever did because they name their children names from their language/culture.
Your brainwashed child. Somali is our identity don't lose it. Don't name yourself or your children arab names, you will lose yourself and your children will forget everything we somalis love. If you change your name I hope you abandon somali and somali culture all together. Islam has no culture, you can apply the religion to any setting but don't get a head of yourself and take an arab name and act arab. You are SOMALI first then whatever your religion. Somalis existed before islam let me remind you.
anyone who prefers to have their name gouleed over abdulmaliik or abdulaziiz is not following the right path I will not say they are not Muslim but they are on the road to being eventually one day a kufaar. Not now but they will start to do other things in the future . this preference of Somali names is just moving an inch closer to disbelief. Maybe 10% closer
they r wrong they should adopt Muslim names some of them have mehmet which is Mohammed which is fine they have different pronunciation but its better to have Muslim name

What is more beautiful than taking the names of the prophets do we not have them in our hearts? Do we not remember them? why name your child a name that is not islamic? this makes me very sad. this is the easiest thing we can do as Muslims a simple name and we forget about our religion in this simple task I am very worried about the ummah.

If we can't even name ourselves an Islamic name then we are not sincere about other things in islam which requires more effort

I'm not saying that you shouldn't use Muslim names, I'm saying that you should use Muslim AND Somali. BUT NOT Muslim name without Somali!
anyone who prefers to have their name gouleed over abdulmaliik or abdulaziiz is not following the right path I will not say they are not Muslim but they are on the road to being eventually one day a kufaar. Not now but they will start to do other things in the future . this preference of Somali names is just moving an inch closer to disbelief. Maybe 10% closer
what if i call myself adoon instead of abdi.
yes many Somalis have somali names which is unfortunate many of us are victims of this but I never thought in my life people will make excuses to have Somali names over Islamic ones

Acudubillahi Mina shaydiini rajiim people say its OK to have name as gouled when u have abdulmaliik and Mohamed available this is very weird I am very sad I have no supporters in this Islamic issue
Not all somalis are muslim. Most just are somalis are muslim because were born into it, have no interest in religion so we don't care what we are or are too afraid to come out the closet to name ourselves followers of other religions, not believers or thiests. What unite somalis is our culture and history and language and so on. By changing your name you are leaving one community that no matter whatever you do will still welcome you to their come as their own to another that knows nothing of you other then sharing the same religion. If you become homeless tomorrow more somalis will open their door to you then arabs. Dispate not them being muslims or hard followers they will still have the somali love.
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