I'm embarrassed of my Somali name

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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Abaha was Muslim firsters da funniest people in da world is there a Muslimalia country I don't know of? Go to da mideast and tell em you aint actually Somali you a Muslim and see how dat go. We won't take you back either you cultureless stateless f*ck



Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
How did I miss this thread!!!

anyone who prefers to have their name gouleed over abdulmaliik or abdulaziiz is not following the right path I will not say they are not Muslim but they are on the road to being eventually one day a kufaar. Not now but they will start to do other things in the future . this preference of Somali names is just moving an inch closer to disbelief. Maybe 10% closer

WTF did I just read??????????


Cool story bro.


I love my name. It's actually a Somali name. I know if my name were fadumo or halimo or ooooo, I'd hate the eff out of it, too.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
xalimoo and fathumoo are nice names too f*ck are you people on?

personally i like a lot of names that have the xaah sound in it. my mom was telling me about oldschool arabic/somali names that i had never even heard before. never once met a ridwaan in my life.


Halimo and fadumo are so redundant in Somalis as to be ugly. Wallahi, I'm so glad my mom didn't hop on that train with any of us. :ulachen001:

I hate it to the extent that I also dislike Somalis, for some unknown reason, calling all Somali women halimos and all Somali men Farahs. Like, eff that, no thank you! Don't call me an effing halimo, when I already dodged that bullet on my name-day:westbrookwtf:


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
xalimoo and fathumoo are nice names too f*ck are you people on?

personally i like a lot of names that have the xaah sound in it. my mom was telling me about oldschool arabic/somali names that i had never even heard before. never once met a ridwaan in my life.
lool thats my middle name


lool thats my middle name

I checked my settings, and don't see the problem. I can try messaging you, but I don't know how. The option is to go ham and spill on here, or let me know how to reach you lol.

Edit: Wow, wrong thread.:O27GWRK:


I'm not selfhater I am Muslim first Somali second prefering Muslim name over Somali name could be haram or at least the very least Muslim names is obligatory I am a bit envious of those with Muslim names
This argument of saying your muslim first does not make any sense. When you was a baby and had no conception of any religious beliefs. You were somali first.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Pretty much what Odeg said. Somali names and its culture is a buildup of what? Thousands of years of trading and exploration? Whereas Islam only dates back a millennia and a half ago. Why would we or should we sacrifice our culture and identity?

Not to hate on Islamic names, mine is a derivative of one, and most are nice and will always have a place in our culture, but we need to go back to them roots.
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