I'm suprised this hasn't been posted here, thoughts?


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
Jabarti should protect their women in Kismayo & Gedo from Kikuyu iyo Itoobiyaan first before thinking of taking women from Bessha Barekeysan.

We want your women like we wanted the women of the Orma, Warra Daya and Borana of Kismayo and Gedo. Jabarti concubinage has a long history.
Any Isaaq man who marries a Jabarti deserves humiliation. Itā€™s better for an Isaaq to marry a kind Han Chinese Christian woman vs a Jabarti woman who professes Islam.

Dblock got some šŸ”„Naag though letā€™s be honest. Kiin jaamac and jamaad the hooperā€¦ xaax

Rest of em nothing special though

Garaad Awal

Former African
Dblock got some šŸ”„Naag though letā€™s be honest. Kiin jaamac and jamaad the hooperā€¦ xaax

Rest of em nothing special though
Im married already so I donā€™t really care personally but I want to make sure the young ones of my family donā€™t marry Jabarti. Other Somalis are fine even the futo madobe xamarawi


Im married already so I donā€™t really care personally but I want to make sure the young ones of my family donā€™t marry Jabarti. Other Somalis are fine even the futo madobe xamarawi

Your true face has shown as u will go to bed with hawiyes not just socially or sexually but politically(irir samaale), the social matter don't matter to me as much as the clan political alliance which i see them as the kkk or clan nazis when i see iog, muse bihi, and hsm together.

We know why your united also and why u don't allow any darod to join. What's weird tho is our internal horgals like @Abdisamad and lately puntitequeen is shifting to this somali gravy train but I hope her senses kick in. The horgals even within us knowing full well your irir nazis are still loyal to you. They have no sense of consciousness or damiir, id put a bullet right in their head or immediate exile.

That must be alot of hatred for darod when u know full well hawiye is the reason the nation is failed since 91 till today, talk about never level cuqdud.
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I would personally put the irir samaale coalition on the terrorist watch list and completely ban it from somali political theater. I'm suprised we allow them to even meet who are they meeting for is darod hatred.

Garaad Awal

Former African
Your true face has shown as u will go to bed with hawiyes not just socially or sexually but politically(irir samaale), the social matter don't matter to me as much as the clan political alliance which i see them as the kkk or clan nazis when i see iog, muse bihi, and hsm together.
Literally said any Somali is fine except Jabarti. Thereā€™s no toxic hatred between the two people. Itā€™s only a political difference (SL vs Som). Hawiye donā€™t seek the ethnic extermination of my people but Jabarti do.
We know why your united also and why u don't allow any darod to join. What's weird tho is our internal horgals like @Abdisamad and lately puntitequeen is shifting to this somali gravy train but I hope her senses kick in. The horgals even within us knowing full well your irir nazis are still loyal to you. They have no sense of consciousness or damiir, id put a bullet right in their head or immediate exile.

That must be alot of hatred for darod when u know full well hawiye is the reason the nation is failed since 91 till today, talk about never level cuqdud.
Take your meds. You are overthinking it bud.
Literally said any Somali is fine except Jabarti. Thereā€™s no toxic hatred between the two people. Itā€™s only a political difference (SL vs Som). Hawiye donā€™t seek the ethnic extermination of my people but Jabarti do.

Take your meds. You are overthinking it bud.
Is that what you think we really want?
Sad Will Ferrell GIF by First We Feast


Literally said any Somali is fine except Jabarti. Thereā€™s no toxic hatred between the two people. Itā€™s only a political difference (SL vs Som). Hawiye donā€™t seek the ethnic extermination of my people but Jabarti do.

Take your meds. You are overthinking it bud.

I know I'm sick after all I do have half hawiye in me and I know how they think, it's genetic mutations in my brain firing up, darods who don't know them by the large part and if they do is due to locality.

They seek to have a 3 way war on darod as a whole, isaaq is on board and doing his bit in dhulbahante and warsangeli will get reinforcement from samaroon and Issa, habar gedir is on board doing his bit in mudug and galgaduud(will also get reinforcement from southern hawiyes which I don't fear as much due to urban conditioning and farming conditions on them), we saw when they came in 2016 those southern farmers footsoldiers in shabab on our mudug coastline we just arrested them no need for war.

The war is very calculated by irir samaalist loyalist clans it's not just war on the military side only, but also economical(looting their aid money or blocking development funds) so they can flee their land(which is already being seen with tahribs lately). Once land is depopulated it is easily taken over also.

The other war front is academic like haji ali Engriis type, Ilwaad Eman lying to international community utilising their own systems, due to clan hatred of darod. The war is also raging in social media(this is dangerous but not as dangerous because people are all skeptical and don't trust news thanks to the trump era).

I am fully aware of of irir samaale war plans, their also plans for JL pitting Marehan on Ogaden and then hawiye taking over whoever wins, the marehan play into it very well.

I am half moryan dummy I know how moryan think. Plus I was in hamar in 99 so I know their mindset not just due to genetics but also environmental. I will always wake up the naive diaspora darod and the local who is busy on local jifi shit.
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Garaad Awal

Former African
I know I'm sick after all I do have half hawiye in me and I know how they think, it's genetic mutations in my brain firing up, darods who don't know them by the large part and if they do is due to locality.

They seek to have a 3 way war on darod as a whole, isaaq is on board and doing his bit in dhulbahante and warsangeli, habar gedir is on board doing his bit in mudug and galgaduud(will also get reinforcement from southern hawiyes which I don't fear as much due to urban conditioning and farming conditions on them), we saw when they came in 2016 those southern farmers footsoldiers in shabab on our mudug coastline we just arrested them no need for war.

The war is very calculated by irir samaalist loyalist clans it's not just war on the military side only, but also economical(looting their aid money or blocking development funds) so they can flee their land(which is already being seen with tahribs lately). Once land is depopulated it is easily taken over also.

The other war front is academic like haji ali Engriis type, Ilwaad Eman lying to international community utilising their own systems, due to clan hatred of darod. The war is also raging in social media(this is dangerous but not as dangerous because people are all skeptical and don't trust news thanks to the trump era).

I am fully aware of of irir samaale war plans, their also plans for JL pitting Marehan on Ogaden and then hawiye taking over whoever wins, the marehan play into it very well.

I am half moryan dummy I know how moryan think. Plus I was in hamar in 99 so I know their mindset not just due to genetics but also environmental. I will always wake up the naive diaspora darod and the local who is busy on local jifi shit.
I donā€™t care if you hate your H*tu countrymen & reer abti. They are my political enemy but I donā€™t hate them as much as I hate the Jabarti confederation. Jabarti are an existential threat to the Isaaq nation and Biixi after the election must start a military campaign that reaches Galkcayo.


I donā€™t care if you hate your H*tu countrymen & reer abti. They are my political enemy but I donā€™t hate them as much as I hate the Jabarti confederation. Jabarti are an existential threat to the Isaaq nation and Biixi after the election must start a military campaign that reaches Galkcayo.

Notice he said Galkacyo @Libaax-Joore

They know the backbone of our PL army. It's a bad thing when the enemy knows you as sun tzu said, they will set up strategies and alliances that helps them reach their goal. An ignorant enemy is much better as the war favours us then.
I donā€™t care if you hate your H*tu countrymen & reer abti. They are my political enemy but I donā€™t hate them as much as I hate the Jabarti confederation. Jabarti are an existential threat to the Isaaq nation and Biixi after the election must start a military campaign that reaches Galkcayo.
Keep going sxb, let everything in your soul out laangaabki ciilan kudhalay wase, tell us your darkest fears ina jilicsan
Happy Lebron James GIF by Freeform
Notice he said Galkacyo @Libaax-Joore

They know the backbone of our PL army. It's a bad thing when the enemy knows you as sun tzu said, they will set up strategies and alliances that helps them reach their goal. An ignorant enemy is much better as the war favours us then.
Notice how he keeps repeating 'extermination' and 'existential threat' of his tribe lol. I've never heard anything more pathetic but truthful from a habar jilicsan :russ:


Notice how he keeps repeating 'extermination' and 'existential threat' of his tribe lol. I've never heard anything more pathetic but truthful from a habar jilicsan :russ:

I just want everyone to spit out every cancerous tumor in their belly not just him but all clans, it helps in the healing process.

I don't want this 30 year stalemate to continue is my only agenda, this games of irir samale, this games of using horgals to cause clan wars inside a clan, this game of economic warfare thru aid blocking or looting or redistributing, this war of academics using foreigners to help see Somalia to their clan narrative.

I want this all to end no more games, just come out and say it like a real man, why play like girls why fear public image when u know the world is temporary, live your life the fullest knowing u died not in cuqdud state u left it all out on the field.
I just want everyone to spit out every cancerous tumor in their belly not just him but all clans, it helps in the healing process.

I don't want this 30 year stalemate to continue is my only agenda, this games of irir samale, this games of using horgals to cause clan wars inside a clan, this game of economic warfare thru aid blocking or looting or redistributing, this war of academics using foreigners to help see Somalia to their clan narrative.

I want this all to end no more games, just come out and say it like a real man, why play like girls why fear public image when u know the world is temporary, live your life the fullest knowing u died not in cuqdud state u left it all out on the field.
You think you are the Somali Jerry Springer or Doctor Phil or something but instead of baby mommas itā€™s qabil grievances? šŸ˜‚


You think you are the Somali Jerry Springer or Doctor Phil or something but instead of baby mommas itā€™s qabil grievances? šŸ˜‚

More so Dr Phil is who I am like when discussing with real ppl who seek reconciliation as reconciliation is a painful process, as all the cancer in your body has to be expelled openly, the other option is keeping it inside, playing a wadani or sheikh in public, economic, academic, and political, military or even clan proxy warfare(horgals) and just stretching the 30 year failed nation status and stalemate to 50 years and then 70 years and then 100 years and as time stretch nature is playing its evolutionary role removing those ppl into extinction process(displacement, refugees, disease, hunger, climate change) I love mother nature having no naxaris for cuqdud ppl.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Notice he said Galkacyo @Libaax-Joore

They know the backbone of our PL army. It's a bad thing when the enemy knows you as sun tzu said, they will set up strategies and alliances that helps them reach their goal. An ignorant enemy is much better as the war favours us then.
Galkacayo is nothing without the muscles šŸ’ŖšŸ¾ of bari šŸ‡øšŸ‡±šŸ™šŸ½ notice how humbty dumpty couldnā€™t librate lascaanod it was reer bari said Abdullah deni who defeated bariweynta in 2 hrsā€¦. It was reer bari keenaadi who conquer central Somalia and ruled them for 200 yearsā€¦ horta kale adiga ma nin Omar mohamud ba futada ka waso why do u always hyped themšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ horgalki ku dhale was