I'm suprised this hasn't been posted here, thoughts?


Galkacayo is nothing without the muscles 💪🏾 of bari 🇸🇱🙏🏽 notice how humbty dumpty couldn’t librate lascaanod it was reer bari said Abdullah deni who defeated bariweynta in 2 hrs…. It was reer bari keenaadi who conquer central Somalia and ruled them for 200 years… horta kale adiga ma nin Omar mohamud ba futada ka waso why do u always hyped them😂😂 horgalki ku dhale was

I like Omar mahmoud because their fierce and no nonsense with cadowga darood. They are also very updated to the new Somalia facing us post 91 not living in a mental fantasy like reer bari of the 1960s. Reer Bari didn't evolve or adjust to the new Somalia facing us and they produce leaders more suitable for 1960 to 1991 Era not post 91 Era, I am an abdillahi yusuf loyalist, ka nax nafta waa


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
I like Omar mahmoud because their fierce and no nonsense with cadowga darood. They are also very updated to the new Somalia facing us post 91 not living in a mental fantasy like reer bari of the 1960s. Reer Bari didn't evolve or adjust to the new Somalia facing us and they produce leaders more suitable for 1960 to 1991 Era not post 91 Era, I am an abdillahi yusuf loyalist, ka nax nafta waa
Omar mohamud reer mahd😂 senatör gaagaab is hassan gurgurte kastuumo😂😂
Osman mohamud muse sultan🙏🏽🇸🇱 senatör Dahir ayanle tell hassan gurgurte you are my adoon puntland first for me😂😂 muse sultan wa dad qadiyad leh not like ur bire qaate father who was afweyne kabaqad for 21 years


@Libaax-Joore I support deni because he isn't as bad as other reer bari leaders living in a fictional.dream of the 1960 to 1991, their ideas and leadership quality and performance is not fit for the post 91 Somalia, they didn't update themselves even deni he is still using old politics from that era(qoysnimo alliances, beesaani neighbourhood friendships with hamar, hisbi alliances) all that shit is very out dated post 91 habar gedir Era which influences the culture in Mogadishu. He won't win in hamar mark my word in 2026 because his coming to a town who doesn't hold the culture of 1960 to 1991 and he will try using it.


@Libaax-Joore I support deni because he isn't as bad as other reer bari leaders living in a fictional.dream of the 1960 to 1991, their ideas and leadership quality and performance is not fit for the post 91 Somalia, they didn't update themselves even deni he is still using old politics from that era(qoysnimo alliances, beesaani neighbourhood friendships with hamar, hisbi alliances) all that shit is very out dated post 91 habar gedir Era which influences the culture in Mogadishu. He won't win in hamar mark my word in 2026 because his coming to a town who doesn't hold the culture of 1960 to 1991 and he will try using it.

Since hamar today is in habar gedir miyi culture and the old hamar is dead from 1960 to 1991, if deni wants to win in 2026, he needs to study keenadiid or abdillahi yusuf as those two are the only ones who are respected by hawiye in hamar because they follow aideed and habar gedir culture today.
Any Isaaq man who marries a Jabarti deserves humiliation. It’s better for an Isaaq to marry a kind Han Chinese Christian woman vs a Jabarti woman who professes Islam.

The average HJ Isaaq man is the son or grandchild or great grandchild of a Dhulo woman. Such an Isaaq man is merely following tradition.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Aren’t you the one celebrating your freedom from me? 💀

I believe in segregation between Duriyada Sheekh Isaxaaq and the Jabarti faqash community. Keep your women to yourself.

Wow. u r really TOXIC


Wanaag iyo Dhiig kar
Somali people are very strange , they hate other clans but don’t mind marrying and having children with the qabiil they hate. I remember a HG girl that really seemed to hate Darod people but ended up marrying a Majeerten man.
Somali people are very strange , they hate other clans but don’t mind marrying and having children with the qabiil they hate. I remember a HG girl that really seemed to hate Darod people but ended up marrying a Majeerten man.
That's normal. Most Somalis hate on MJ. No big deal :mjdontkno:

Garaad Awal

Former African
Somali people are very strange , they hate other clans but don’t mind marrying and having children with the qabiil they hate. I remember a HG girl that really seemed to hate Darod people but ended up marrying a Majeerten man.
Jabarti & Hawiye intermarriages is normal. Politically in grand scheme, they are on the same page (both Somalians). They also don't have any genocidal rhetoric directed to each other in 2024. It's not the same dynamic as Isaaq-Jabarti marriage. Any Isaaq man or woman in 2024 who marries a Jabarti should be excommunicated from the community & their clan/sub clan.