I'm tired of hearing marriage is calaf

Somali women are self-hating, they will complain about not finding a good Somali guy and put unrealistic expectations on Somali guys, but wallahi will marry an ajnabi loser.

They will marry a revert who's broke or a paki who lives with his mom, all that out of self-hate.
If these dumb Xalimos married successful men you can bite your tongue, but they marry the losers of those other communities. :susp:
Even if you do think some Somali women are self haters with low standards, what does that have to do with @Bari🐍 post? He specifically said he wanted to introduce her to a Sudani man that isn’t a loser with his own business yet that still Irritated you. You’ve exposed yourself. Your issue isn’t Somali women marry bottom of the barrel Ajnabis but it’s ajnabis full stop and you’re using that excuse to make yourself sound normal. If not, why attack Bari when he wanted to introduce his cousin to a good man? Why?
i don’t believe OP is a woman btw. It’s a dude trolling and a misogynistic one at that. They know that posters here will slate Western Somali women and go on about Faraxs don’t want them etc. it’s so painfully obvious to see which is why I don’t usually reply to OPs threads. I can sense when a person is genuine and female. We had a poster a yr back who was marriage obsessed but I could tell she was a woman.
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