Iman's daughter?


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
They still exist walaal...but the hijab and abaya they women wear hides it.

Not in my experience. Most Somali girls I've seen even among my own family very rarely have my mother's look or Waris's. She's 176cm, strong-jawed with robust and angular features. Hooyo always towered over all my female cousins except one. This particular one standing at 174cm I must admit is a goddamn beauty. So beautiful that as a youth I'd shamelessly swear to her I'd make her my wife someday and shoo her protests when she'd laughingly remind me we're first cousins by half-siblings. Even as a taken man I'd sometimes have to slap myself into not looking at her too long when she entered a room. 💀
Not in my experience. Most Somali girls I've seen even among my own family very rarely have my mother's look or Waris's. She's 176cm, strong-jawed with robust and angular features. Hooyo always towered over all my female cousins except one. This particular one standing at 174cm I must admit is a goddamn beauty. So beautiful that as a youth I'd shamelessly swear to her I'd make her my wife someday and shoo her protests when she'd laughingly remind me we're first cousins by half-siblings. Even as a taken man I'd sometimes have to slap myself into not looking at her too long when she entered a room. 💀

Marry your cousin and start the movement.

We must breed out the slack jawed baasto eaters by all means necessary.



Marry your cousin and start the movement.

We must breed out the slack jawed baasto eaters by all means necessary.


Some random ass people I never heard of are my 2nd and 3rd cousins on 23andMe.

Any potential Somali spouse I get must undergo testing just to be sure we aren't related, will immediately dump if it is a 2nd or 3rd cousin. :damn:
She looks 1/4 black to me, if she said she was half black, I would believe her, they’re a lot of biracial people out there who looks like her.


She looks 1/4 black to me, if she said she was half black, I would believe her, they’re a lot of biracial people out there who looks like her.

New World Blacks have big genetic ranges, especially urban AAs in the western and northern parts of the US. Some people who identify as full AA can be as low as 40% SSA, but the average is 75-80, nevertheless many outliers among AAs.


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
i think they have more bantu blood than arab
They're really mixed up. I've noticed once you run them well on Gedmatch or with nMonte G25, on average most of them turn up 20% Desi, 30-40% Lamagoodle, 5-10% Bantu and the rest is a mismash of MENA to Central Asian. Everything from various sorts of Arab to even Iranian or Uzbek. Their Y-DNA and mtDNA is all over the place too. E-V32, G2, J1... think I even heard of a saxiib with some E1b1a lineage. They're like a hodgpodge between all the ajanabis who got attracted to Banaadir historically mixed up with the local Gibil-Madow Somalis.
They're really mixed up. I've noticed once you run them well on Gedmatch or with nMonte G25, on average most of them turn up 20% Desi, 30-40% Lamagoodle, 5-10% Bantu and the rest is a mismash of MENA to Central Asian. Everything from various sorts of Arab to even Iranian or Uzbek. Their Y-DNA and mtDNA is all over the place too. E-V32, G2, J1... think I even heard of a saxiib with some E1b1a lineage.

And there it is! These Hindis are in Somalia hiding their tracks, 20% HINDI and you don't mention or remember it? But they claim Arab with their whole chests? Been badana!



~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Some random ass people I never heard of are my 2nd and 3rd cousins on 23andMe.

Any potential Somali spouse I get must undergo testing just to be sure we aren't related, will immediately dump if it is a 2nd or 3rd cousin. :damn:

I have an Sspot member as my cousin on 23andme. :lol:
Yes, I've noticed that biracials who look like her (1/4 black) are Western Black people who already have some European admixture.
Right, she looks like the product between an African American, and a white American, AA on average have up to 10-60% of European blood on average, depending on where they reside. so when an AA has a kid with a white American who are usually around 100 percent European, they end up looking like Imans daughter Alexandria.
New World Blacks have big genetic ranges, especially urban AAs in the western and northern parts of the US. Some people who identify as full AA can be as low as 40% SSA, but the average is 75-80, nevertheless many outliers among AAs.
AA have one the strongest gene i think cuz they mostly from nigeria and senegal those places have some strong ass genes


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
And there it is! These Hindis are in Somalia hiding their tracks, 20% HINDI and you don't mention or remember it? But they claim Arab with their whole chests? Been badana!


I found it so strange too. I was there when the first few Reer Xamars and Baraawe nigs got tested and we just kept seeing 20% Indian. Then I noticed that there's always been proof of strong trade contact with India and even an old Italian census makes it apparent that among the 10% or so ajanabis in Xamar in the 19th century there were about as many Indians as Arabs yet Benadiris never mention being part Desi and exaggerate how Arab they are.

But I think this has more to do with Somalis' historical attitude toward Timo jileecs:

Since when have geeljires admired Indian features? My mother always appreciated Indian looks but she went to university there and also lived in Pakistan for a while so she's biased. Whenever I think of other Somalis' opinions on reer timo jileec I think back to this 1800s quote:

"Ask not from the Hindi thy want:
Impossible that the Hindi can be generous!
Had there been one liberal man in El Hind,
Allah had raised up a prophet in El Hind"


The book also details how Somalis have a general dislike toward Arabs, a hatred toward Asiatics like Indians but a fear toward Faranjis and Turks, rofl.

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I found it so strange too. I was there when the first few Reer Xamars and Baraawe nigs got tested and we just kept seeing 20% Indian. Then I noticed that there's always been proof of strong trade contact with India and even an old Italian census makes it apparent that among the 10% or so ajanabis in Xamar in the 19th century there were about as many Indians as Arabs yet Benadiris never mention being part Desi and exaggerate how Arab they are.

But I think this has more to do with Somalis' historical attitude toward Timo jileecs:

Yes, I think that's why they hid their Indian roots, Somalis don't like them and to be honest, Indians don't like being Indian. Now it makes me reconsider all of their contributions to Somalia as "Hindi" contributions and not as mixed Arab contributions.

Do you have any idea what the average Arab DNA is?

Perhaps being tricked into calling Hindis "Arabs" is some historic karma for the great Somali Cinnamon Scam of the Ancient Trade days.
