In GALKACAYO a 13 year old girl has been gang taped and murdered

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Ofc she needs to be investigated, the whole family needs to be investigated as per usual. However, don’t associate guilt with people’s emotions in the face of the murder of a loved one.

Keep in mind that back home death is a daily occurrence. It’s like how we put gas in our car. People have became numb to it. Remember that the life expectancy back home is 42 years of age.

She sounds very suspicious

Why the little girl's body is left outside and not brought home

Somalida meydka wey asturan they found the dead body next to her home and the first thing is to call the cops to investigate and not bring the body home .... that sounds very fishy
Why don't you go and tell your cousins to not rape whole villages after their Habesha lords command them to do so?!! :susp:
liyuu police is mutli clan police, dds is a place every clan lives.

but north gaalkacayo is entirely yours. have a word with your rapist cousins sxb.

tell them it isn't ok to rape, especially babies. I am serious, raise awareness in your community.
Those who say there is another thread I have seen one it could be in the General where I did not check.

This is bad and any normal person wants justice to be done others of course want to deflect from the 'issue'.

This his effects on society and this thread is about the political response to it.
May he she is a single mother strugling with raising her eight kids so she decided to sell Aisha to human traffickers and fake her murder
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Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
@Ferrari doqonka tahay waas, stop politicizing this situation.

AUN to the beautiful girl, I hope they find and kill the bastard who did this.
@Ferrari doqonka tahay waas, stop politicizing this situation.

AUN to the beautiful girl, I hope they find and kill the bastard who did this.

your doqon cousin politicized it not me nayaa.

at least you condemned this.

she's a little child, not an adult girl yet you xoolo.
Illahay ha uu naxariisto the baby girl.

We need a reformer in this hell hole country called Somalia and it ain't Farmaajo.

May Allah (SWT) Bring peace to the hearts and minds of her family members.

I pray Allah (SWT) exposes the killer(s)&murderer(s) very soon, and that they get a suitable punishment.
I will be SHOCKED if it isn’t a HG person. The sad reality is after the civil war there was a major moryaanimo crisis that has not been fixed in that part of the country.
Wow is there a serial killer loose in Galkacyo?

Locals are saying this is the second girl killed this way just this month?

That would be very dangerous. Finding a serial killer in Somalia would be difficult.
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