In GALKACAYO a 13 year old girl has been gang taped and murdered

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Also this case could be solved pretty quick by genealogy DNA testing. If it does not reveal the killer(s), genetic genealogy will reveal his genetic retaltives in the area, making it easier to identify him.

That Somalis settle mostly by clan will make genetic genealogy much easier.
Islamists there might be match with relatives abroad who have done the test.

The forensic will work in getting necessary DNA to solve the case.

But the issue is that reer Gaalkacyo probably know who the perpetrators are but are not speaking up out of loyalty(misplaced) or fear.

There are witnesses who know the men who did this brutal assault on the young innocent girl.
President Deni spoke about it strongly



This is pervasive in every region but here you have the typical hypocrites pointing fingers.

AUN to this little angel :(
This is not dhaqan Somali.


The evidences of the amount of rapes back home and rape being the single most crime for most Somali men serving time in the diaspora suggest that it correlates to our culture. Isn’t it true the clan elders used to get involved if the victim hails from a notable family and she was forced to marry her rapist? If she’s from a poor family, she wasn’t considered a human being who deserves justice. Let’s not mop it under the rug. The rapes by Somali men both back home and in the diaspora suggest it’s intertwined with our masculine culture. Other societies shun rapists and we should do the same and shame them to teach little boys that only evil men rape women.
Fucking reer mudug. Hooyadiin wasa garacya wada ehlu naar ah.

Why do they keep raping people and now this little girl?

We should just nuke that damn place.

Kill this motherfucker please!
The kettle calling the pot black. Warya ddsi is rape central second only to koonfur.
Aun cunugta
She sounds very suspicious

Why the little girl's body is left outside and not brought home

Somalida meydka wey asturan they found the dead body next to her home and the first thing is to call the cops to investigate and not bring the body home .... that sounds very fishy
Ofcourse they wouldnt leave the girl in that condition outside

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot

We have animals living amongst us.

She has been beaten on the face but my guess is that the cause of death is strangulation


Engineer of Qandala
I can't fathom such a barbaric act. AUN

Again we need CCTV cameras everywhere in this nation, no crime should come with out facial recognition and swift death for the perpetrators
Condolences once again. This is a horrific incident.

MSGA I hope no useless elder will try to settle this the 'traditional' way. It won't fly with President Deni anyway.

But as she's closest in lineage to you guys and society at large we have a duty to take these rapists and murders to justice with the proper law implied.

It is said they are dozen men involved that belong to families that have influence and wealth.

It makes sense. The dumping of the body in a white sack in front of the family property.

They had some confidence. It is always young men out of control whose families fed them haram that do this kind of crimes.

They believe they are untouchable due to their families position and ill gained 'wealth'.

Let's see if that description turns out to be true. Otherwise they would have been apprehended long time ago.
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